Saturday, October 06, 2018

Week in Review 10.6.18


The days are growing crisper and the nights have a biting cold. We are fully into fall, my favorite season of the year. My summer loving husband always watches me with a quizzical eye this time of year. I have a theory about babies born in the summer months versus those born in the winter. He was born in May while I entered this world in December. I wonder if his body craves warmth while mine welcomes the coming cold of winter. Or it could be that I  see more magic in the changing colors of the leaves than in the blooming of the flowers? And he sees it another way? Either way, we are in a magical season and I love it! 



Scott was out of town this week so I worked out later in the morning. While I do love working out in the early hours, I also appreciate a really good 9 a.m. exercise class. I'm considering how I might change up my workout time now that both girls are in school for longer hours. I got in three
 boot camps and three City Cycle classes. I'm at 23 
City Cycle classes and working hard to catch up with my friend who has 34 under her belt. 



This week was an amazing food week! Shake Shack is opening soon and I was able to go to a pre-opening event and try the food. Maggie was seriously into the food. I ordered a ton and she ate about 75% of it. 


Additionally our Drifter's Fish share came in and now we are fully stocked in salmon! I purchased a share before the fishing season started which helped support the fishermen and guaranteed me fresh salmon. 

I'm working on a few posts about how I shop for our food so expect to see that soon. I aim for a balance between fresh, local, healthy and cost-savings. I will always go for fresh and local over cost-savings per our families belief systems. 


The Girls

Molly's school had curriculum night and I loved being able to see her little desk and what she is working on. I may have left a note in one of her notebooks! We are fully in the swing of school which means clothing has been lost and found, complaints about wanting to stay home have been lodged and lunches have lost their exciting appeal. 


This week after yet another session spent digging in the girls' drawers for underwear that wasn't ripped or beaten up, I decided to take an idea from my husband. Every so often, he gets rid of all his socks and starts over. I decided to just start over from scratch with the girls' underwear and socks. I dumped out their drawers, savaged the few items which were in ok shape and dumped the rest (I still need to figure out what do with old underwear because I am not donating that but I don't want it to go to the dump). I then purchased two new packs of underwear for each of the girls on Amazon and bought a few packs of knee high socks. Their drawers are lovely now and all their items are fresh and new. There is something so satisfactory about that. 


The girls also got their flu shots and well that was an episode. These amazingly brave kids completely lose it at the thought of getting a shot. Molly literally ran down the vitamin aisle at Bartell's to try to escape the shot room. She's fast and I had to lunge after her while reaching for her braid. We got the shots. They cried and then I bought them toys at the toy store next door. I think we all won in this scenario, except for maybe my wallet. 


Other Goings On

I had the opportunity to go see VOLTA by Cirque de Soleil this week and it was simply amazing! There is a woman who hangs by her hair, bouncing trampolinists, BMX bike tricks and a very subtle message about the use of social media and how it impacts our lives. Also it was fun to have a night out with a girlfriend and no kids! 

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