Thursday, November 01, 2018

Monthly Goal Check-In (October)


It's November and how did we get here so quickly! November is one of my favorite months with a holiday dedicated to food and eating. It's an awesome month. October was pretty good too even if I didn't quite make it through a lot of my goals. I did, however, knock off one of my pretty intense goals which makes me really happy! 


2018 Goals
  1. Workout 218 times in 2018 - I worked out 26 times in October which brought me to 220 workouts for the year! I'm so excited to have achieved this goal with two more months to go. 
  2. Go Skiing 
  3. Complete "The Artist's Way"
  4. Learn Hand Lettering - I'm working hard on this goal in November. 
  5. Paint the Bathroom - This is still on my list to do and I will do it this year!
  6. Find a picture for the oval frame in my bedroom 
  7. Replace the sad Rhododendron plant with a Dwarf Japanese Maple (or another plant) 
  8. Build (or buy) a trellis for my vegetable garden 
  9. Buy a new dishwasher 
  10. Embrace Minimalism by doing the Minimalist Game for an entire month 
  11. Reduce our food bill and food waste - I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job of this. I have some room for improvement but don't we all. 
  12. Read War and Peace, Moby Dick, A Tale of Two Cities and The Grapes of Wrath - I'm about halfway through A Tale of Two Cities and need to get back to Moby Dick. 
  13. Read the Bible - I am so far behind on this goal. So far behind. 
  14. Knit Nanoo - I have a very long plane ride coming up so I hope to make some serious progress on this soon. 
  15. Knit 12 hats for charity I knit up my October hat in a jiffy with some scrap yarn and have two more hats to knit. I love that I'm using up leftover yarn and will be making some people warm soon! 
  16. Repeat Goal: Complete TKGA Master Knitting Level I - I did some good work on this but not a lot. 
  17. Repeat Goal: Finish my Miter Square Blanket - I need to finish a few more squares, might happen on that long plane trip. 
  18. Repeat Goal: Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - This is such a hard goal for me for some reason. I'm stuck in trying to do it perfect! 

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