Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Learning the proper way to do Intarsia

A few weeks ago, I began knitting my very own Jellybean Cushion but sadly last week I realized that I was doing something terribly wrong. There were gaps where the two colors met and Debbie Bliss's instructions mentioned something about twisting stitches which meant nothing to me!

So I loaded up my knitting and headed to my Ferals Knitting group where I knew that Karen, knitter extraordinare would be able to lend me assistance.

Karen examined my knitting and gently asked me if she could tink back. I announced that she could rip out the entire thing if she wanted. Well she only wanted to tink back a few rows so that she could show me the RIGHT way to do Intarsia and then I could compare it to my previous attempts.

Karen very nicely (way too nicely!) tinked back my knitting and then began teaching me how to knit Intarsia and I THINK I GOT IT! I worked on the cushion last night and while I am still not at the previous point, it is already looking so much better! SO MUCH! Of course it takes some brain power but soon I feel I'll be flying along. Karen -- you are a GEM! and I would take knitting classes from you if you offered them (seriously! I've already learned so much from you!)

I was also lucky enough to corral Ryan and obtain her autograph on the Dulaan article on my own Vogue Knitting Magazine! Thank you Princess Ryan!

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