Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Prepping for Thanksgiving


A few years ago, I hosted my first Thanksgiving and it was a very big deal (because sometimes I make things into very big deals when there is no need)! Since then I've hosted a few more times and now it is not a very big deal. I'm not hosting this year due to being smart and waiting for my parents to offer up their hosting abilities but I thought I'd still share a few lessons I've learned along the way.

work/play - I spent the day working in the kitchen prepping for Thanksgiving. It made me very happy! #fmsphotoaday

1. Thanksgiving is all about preparation and organization. Make a schedule to keep yourself on track. 

2. Create a menu that you can re-use for years to come. People like tradition at Thanksgiving. If you want to experiment, switch out a few dishes but there is no need to start from scratch every year. Remember you want to make this easier as the years go on, not harder. 

3. Keep your Thanksgiving Recipes in one document along with your schedule. I suggest printing this out and keeping it on your kitchen counter as your prep for the meal. 

4. Keep it fun! Something will go wrong. My first year hosting, I burned the marshmallows on the sweet potato casserole which was hilarious. My family still taunts me about it. I'm bringing the sweet potato casserole this year and I'm sure they will tease me about burnt marshmallows again. 

5. Be Thankful! Thanksgiving is a time for thankfulness. Be thankful that you have the ability to make such a grand meal. Be thankful that you get to celebrate with family and friends. Be thankful for the day. 


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