Thursday, May 29, 2014

A 40th Birthday Adventure

To The North

Scott turned 40 this past weekend and in celebration, we headed north to Orcas Island. He likes to celebrate his birthday with weekend get-aways. Two years ago, we headed to Orcas Island for his first visit and when I asked him what he wanted to do this year, he said he wanted to go back. I love Orcas Island and have been going for years so I was happy to make this happen. However, I waited a wee bit too long to make reservations so our idea of a lovely, rural cabin was already booked. I did luck into a great reservation at The Outlook Inn right in Eastsound. We were thrilled to find a place right in town as we were able to walk everywhere. With two children, being able to walk places is so nice as loading everyone up in their carseats can take awhile. 


We left at 7:15 a.m. on Friday morning and drove the hour and a half to Anacortes to attempt to catch the 10:40 a.m. ferry to Orcas. We missed that ferry by 5 cars but they were running extra ferries so we caught the extra 1:55 p.m. ferry which was a lot better than the scheduled 3:40 p.m. ferry. This however meant that I had to pump twice in the car while we sat waiting for 4 hours on the ferry dock. The kids were champs! Maggie took a few naps, ate a few times and was easily entertained with squeaky toys. Scott took Molly on a few walks where they searched for dogs (which were all over the dock), visited the cafe for coffees and checked out the water. 


Molly got bored partway though and let us know she wasn't happy. Heck, I was bored and not thrilled to be pumping in the car while wedged in the backseat between two car seats. However, we made it though and Molly loved riding on, 'the BIG boat'. We stood on the ferry dock and let the wind whip through our hair. Molly thought that was the coolest thing ever. 



Once we made it to the island, we headed to our hotel. I had booked a suite which had a small living room area in addition to a kitchenette and the world's tallest bed. The kitchenette was a lifesaver. I brought some food over with us so we could have lunch in the room along with snacks. I also needed to refrigerate my breast milk so a fridge was essential. 


We headed into town in search of dinner and to walk off our stiff energy. I snuck into the local drugstore to buy a 40th balloon for Scott. It was quickly co-oped by Molly. Scott was a-ok with that as he's not one for much attention. After dinner, we headed back to our hotel to settle in for the night. Molly had a rough night. She was not interested in sleeping on the fold-out sofa and yet would not settle when we brought her to our bed. Maggie slept just fine in her pack 'n play until we were all awoken at 2:30 a.m. by Molly screaming like a banshee. I was so worried that our hotel neighbors would freak out on us that I went into panic mode to get Molly back asleep. We eventually got her to sleep but then Maggie was up and ready to play. It took a bit of Mom magic to convince Maggie that we were not going to play at 3 a.m. and to go back to sleep. 


When Maggie and I got up at 6 a.m. to eat (her) and pump (me), Molly got up with us but she didn't last long. She collapsed on the sofa next to me and slept until almost 9 a.m. Maggie and I soon followed suit while Scott got up and enjoyed a bit of silence on his 40th birthday.


Once everyone was up, we headed to Cafe Olga for breakfast. I'd heard that their cinnamon rolls were not to be missed. Since they are huge, we got one to share and it was delicious! We then decided to walk around town and head to the Orcas Farmer's Market. The Bite of Orcas was also going on but since we had just eaten, we didn't get to partake in any of the yummy looking treats. 


I headed into the Brown Bear Bakery to snag some treats for the afternoon. Molly and Scott waited outside since the line was quite long and the space small. They totally lucked out as a Doggie Parade happened to go by. There were also goats, horses and other such excitement.


After our morning fun we headed back to the hotel room so we could gather our stuff and head out on a drive. I knew the kids were not going to nap in the hotel room so we decided to drive around the island and see if they car napped. Plan B was to head out on a hike at Moran State Park. Luckily for us, they napped! Scott and I ate our lunch while sitting at a turn-off in the park. It was quite lovely to just sit the two of us and quietly eat. Once the kids woke up, we headed to the top of Mt. Constitution. 





We then spent the rest of the day hanging out and had a fantastic meal at Mia's Cafe. I had Fried Chicken with Sweet Potato Salad which was a delightful twist on regular potato salad. Luckily for us, Molly slept much better the second night even if it meant that everyone went to bed early. I guess getting more sleep was a better option for me than staying up late, knitting. 


Sunday was our last day on the island so we woke up and decided to head back to Brown Bear Bakery for our last treats of the trip. They have some amazing baked goods and a delicious granola that I brought home with us. Afterwards, Scott and Molly took a walk around the grounds at the hotel. They found a cool old barn and had fun exploring. 


Molly was super excited to be riding the ferry home. I told her we were riding the "Big Boat" home and she wanted to go right away! Once on the ferry, she told us. she was looking for 'ermaids. She's obsessed with mermaids and princesses right now. 


We stopped at Snow Goose Produce after our ferry ride where I snagged some of the first Washington State Strawberries of the season. I really wanted ice cream but we were on our way to lunch and ice cream doesn't wait for lunch. This just means we'll need to take another trip this summer up there to get some ice cream!



It was a fantastic weekend, full of fun, food and family. I know Scott had the best time celebrating his 40th birthday. In six months, I celebrate mine and then two days later, Maggie celebrates her first birthday. So much celebrating to do! 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Twenty Two Weeks with Chicken Nugget

Maggie - 22 weeks

Maggie went on her first road trip this week and she was a champ! She hung out in the back seat and slept most of the time. This kid can really sleep!  We went to Orcas Island (look for that post next!) and missed the ferry by 5 cars. Maggie was not bothered by the wait. 


Maggie had her first taste of solid food (a peach) while we waited for the next ferry. She kept grabbing my hand and bringing the peach to her lips. I decided to let her lick it and she was thrilled! I doubt she got any food but she had a great time mangling that peach. 


Maggie also had her first trip to Ikea this week. I wore her in the carrier around the store and then had to put her in the cart once we got to the warehouse so I could get our stuff onto the cart. She held onto the cart with the tightest grip ever. It was like she was holding on for dear life. 


Maggie discovered her feet and now wakes up, starts to giggle and grabs her feet. She loves rolling around on her back with her feet in her mouth. It's amazing how flexible babies are. This position of hers reminds me of her ultrasound photos. She was always bent in half with her feet near her head. 


Maggie is getting so big but still likes to snuggle with me. Maggie also had her first visit to her future co-op preschool (it was a big week of firsts). We had Pajama Night at Molly's school and Maggie came along. Molly loved showing her sister off to her friends and Maggie enjoyed circle time with all the songs. 


It was a busy, busy, busy week but it was one filled with so much fun. Maggie had a lot of firsts and a lot of fun.
Friday, May 23, 2014

30 Months with Molly Pop!



You are two and a half years old! You are a prime example of the Terrible Twos! You have very strong opinions and such sweet kisses.


You LOVE having a little sister and are my BIG helper. You like to hold Maggie for me which is adorable. You also like bringing me things and helping out. Everyday you tell me how much you love Maggie while trying to kiss on her. Whenever we leave the house, you always confirm that Maggie is coming with. Sometimes when I take you out on a date with just me, you tell me that you are sad that we are leaving Maggie with Pop-Pop. 


You frustrate me to no end. I yell at you more than I'd like. You are really testing my limits. And yet when you curl up in my lap, you remind me how much I love you. Because I love you more than I can ever say. 


You love getting dirty and you love exploring. Your current chant is either OUTSIDE or MONKEY! You either want to play in the yard, visit the Zoo or watch Curious George. 


You are into princesses and only want to wear, 'pincess dresses'. You have a few favorite dresses and you only want to wear those even if they are dirty. You love tutus and often layer then up. You love your tutus and dresses so much that you'll sleep with them. 


You are not potty trained yet. We had one very unsuccessful attempt and will be trying again soon. I think you are warming up to the idea. We had to bail on our previous attempt because you were getting so belligerent about it. You really showed us how stubborn you can really be.

You are nearing the end of your first year of Co-Op Preschool. You'll be going again next year but this time two days a week. You have really thrived in preschool and I'm so glad that I enrolled you. You LOVE art and circle time.


You are still a fantastic eater. You rarely turn your nose down at any food choices. You often beg for apples and pears. You've literally thrown a temper tantrum in the store because I wouldn't let you eat an apple from the produce section. I've tried explaining that we have to buy them first but that is hard to understand when you are two and hungry. 


You have been having sleep issues for the past few months. You sometimes nap, you sometimes don't. You sometimes go to bed at 8 p.m., you sometimes don't. You do tend to sleep through the night but getting you to sleep can be quite the struggle! We plan to move your sister into the room soon and I really hope the two of you sleep well together.


You are such a social little girl. Your current best friends are Thurston and Norah. You adore them. It's funny to hear you talk about your little friends. We had a playdate with Ruby and you asked for her for weeks. Every morning, you get up and ask for one of your friends. You get so disappointed if I say that we aren't playing with one of them at that moment. I'm constantly calling their mothers to arrange playdates. It's adorable!


Molly-Pop! We love you so much and I'm sorry that I yell so much. You have such a strong personality and are really a mini-me. It's hard coming up against one's personality. You are quite the character and are full of so much energy! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Five Months with Mag-Pie



You are five months old and so big! Right now you are sitting next to me, yelling. I can't tell if you are unhappy or just exercising your voice. You smile every time I talk to you so I suspect you are just testing your lungs. You have so much to say these days.


You are sitting up now but not rolling from back to front. You just lie there, refusing to roll over. You do like it when your sister rolls you over. Sometimes you even roll from front to back but only under extreme duress. I guess you have a thing against rolling.


In the past week, you discovered the cat and laughing at your sister. You love petting Kato and he loves being petted. He is so desperate for love he just sits there as you pull his fur and smack at him. I've heard him purr while you do it.


You are still rocking the sleep which is amazing. You are an early bird though who likes getting up at 5:30 a.m. *Yawn* You are in a family of night owls so it's a bit rough for us. I've been adjusting by going to bed earlier and enjoying our time together in the morning. You awoke with the sun this morning and when I showed you that the sun was rising, you laughed at me. LAUGHED! It is as if you know that you get up at the crack of dawn. 


I'm looking forward to introducing you to solid food in the coming month and to see you start to wiggle even more. I still love sniffing your little baby head and cuddling with you when I can. You are just the sweetest baby! We love you Mag-Pie.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Let's Plant a Garden, a Garden!



When we last saw the garden, I was busy hauling 2 cubic yards of dirt to fill up the garden boxes and some of the open beds around the yard. I also had 2 cubic yards of landscape mulch delivered to fill in the plant beds throughout the yard. 4 cubic yards of material is A LOT of dirt! It took me nearly two weeks to get the dirt from my front yard to the back yard and then distributed to the appropriate places. It turns out trying to haul dirt while taking care of two littles takes a bit of magic even with one of the littles helping out.


Molly LOVED helping me fill the garden boxes with dirt and got even more excited when we made a trip to the garden store to stock our veggie garden.


We bought a ton of plants and seeds. I may have had a bit of a heart attack when the cashier rang up my cart. Molly and I selected a bunch of lettuce plants, four tomato plants, some beets, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, swiss chard, kale, onions, basil, cilantro and some marigolds for pest control.


I spent most of Mother's Day weekend in the yard, planting my new veggies. Every morning since, Molly and I have gone out during Maggie's morning nap to water the garden. Molly loves helping out and I like to encourage that attitude.


I also planted two blueberry bushes and had my Dad bring me the two pots of strawberry plants I had at their house. The strawberry plants are already starting to grow some berries! I hope we get to them before the birds and raccoons.


Now that the garden is planted, I'm moving onto other parts of the yard. I weeded and re-mulched most of the plant beds already. The patio needs to be power washed and then I can bring out our deck furniture. I have a few more seeds to plant and some pots to fill with flowers. We also need to take care of the three fence posts that are left from ripping down a weird half fence that was left by the previous owners. I'm excited for our backyard this year though. I think it is going to be a fun place for Molly and her friends.



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