Monday, June 23, 2014

Six Months with Mag-Pie (and 26 weeks with Chicken Nugget)



Wow! This has been a huge month for you. We took a trip to Orcas Island and you rode your first Ferry Boat. You are a pretty, easy-going traveler. You slept in your carseat as needed. Settled right down in your Pack n Play and looked at your sister in awe when she did not travel as well as you did, because you found it to be pretty easy.


We introduced you to solid food this month and you've taken to it quite well. You've tried sweet potatoes, avocado, spinach, butternut squash, dates, oatmeal cereal and bananas. You've pretty much liked it all.


On your sixth month birthday, you started swim lessons with your sister. You really liked them. We'll be taking them as a family every Saturday throughout the summer so you'll have plenty of time to enjoy the water. 

First Day of Swim Lessons! #forcedfamilyfun #summerbucketlist

You were also baptized this month. It was a wonderful day of family, blessings and love. We were thrilled to celebrate you. 


You are now sitting up on your own (though I do put a boppy pillow behind you as a safety measure). You like to roll from sitting to your tummy and then scream in anger at being on your stomach. You don't roll very much but we know you can. You GRAB everything, seriously everything! We have learned to keep a wide berth around you so you only grab things that are appropriate. 


You had your six month check-up today and a big round of shots. You only cried for a brief second when you got them and then quickly went to sleep. You are still an awesome sleeper and this month we are going to be moving you to your sister's room. You'll share a room and I really hope the move goes well.  

Stats at 6 Months
Weight: 19 lbs 4 oz
Height: 28 inches
Head Size: 18.11 inches
Likes: Sleeping, Sister Molly, Eating Solid Food (especially sweet potatoes),  Petting Kato (the cat)
Dislikes: Sleeping in the Beco Gemini, Lying on your tummy, 

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