Monday, July 21, 2014

Seven Months with Mag-Pie (and 30 weeks with Chicken Nugget)



You are a master squirmer! This month you have mastered backward crawling, pulling up from sitting, sitting from laying down and you are finally rolling around. You so desperately want to walk but you are not there yet. Well to be honest, you just don't have the muscle strength yet but soon my child, soon!

Maggie - 30 Weeks

I often see your little face peeking over the edge of the couch or ottoman at me. You also get stuck in the standing position after pulling up on the ottoman. It would be cute if it wasn't so loud.


Summer has been in full force here in Seattle so we've been hanging out at the wading pools, the beach and the pool. Your sister has been taking swimming lessons so we've been hanging out on the pool's edge during her lessons. You've been taking swimming lessons on Saturday with the whole family. You love the water but get so tired and have to leave before lessons are over. I'm still hoping you'll be a water baby like your sister! 

First Day of Swim Lessons! #forcedfamilyfun #summerbucketlist

It's been so hot around here that you are enjoying cooling off in the wading pools. We recently enjoyed a picnic with your buddy, Vivienne and her sister (your sister's bestie), Norah at the Greenlake Wadding Pool. It was a fun evening and another item knocked off our Summer Bucket List


It's been fun watching you get more mobile. You love playing with your sister and her toys and now that you are mobile, you can really get in to everything. Molly is not as excited about these recent changes you are. 


You also graduated to the shopping cart seat! Now you and your sister get to ride in the front of the cart at Costco while your Dad complains that the cart weighs a thousand pounds. 


We took a family hike to Discovery Park on the Fourth of July. It was quite an adventure. There was a lot of crying, excitement and sleeping. You were a great hiking buddy though and I look forward to our next hike. You continue to be a pretty stellar sleeper though the last week has been a bit rough. You are working on your first teeth and that wakes all of us up. You look so sad but settle down when I bring you to bed with us. Then your Dad moves you back to your bed which causes more crying and back you come. I sense that we'll be working on this situation if it doesn't resolve itself once your teeth come in. 


We've also been spending a lot of time with my parents. Grandpa is sick and so I go over to help him and Grandma out. He really enjoys spending time with you and all your smiles. You are just such a happy baby. I'm happy that you can bring him some joy while he's not feeling well. I also feel blessed that you get to spend some time with him now even though you may not remember him when you are older. But I'll have the memories and the photos. 


Thank you for being such a bright, shiny person. You are the sunshine in my day. I hope you continue to spread joy as you grow. I love spending my days with you. 


Stats at 7 Months
Weight: 20+ (I have no clue as our scale is broken and you haven't been 
to the doctor since your six month check-up)
Likes: Sleeping, Sister Molly, Standing, Sitting up
Dislikes: Getting stuck standing up, when Mom leaves the room, being alone 

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