Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ruminations, Resolutions and Revelations round out this Week's Links from Around The Web

New #fmsphotoaday I picked up a new book today at the library. I was sucked in with the first sentence. I just need to finish Longbourn and then I can dive into "My Struggle"

I just finished taking 5 straight days of barre3 classes. I'm in love with barre3 and actually enjoy my early morning workouts. I am really enjoying this new routine. I get up at o'crack of dawn and head to the studio for a hard, hard workout. Then I come home where my family is usually still asleep and I head straight to the kitchen to cook a Whole30 breakfast. They usually hear me clanging around and stumble out with sleep in their eyes. Maggie gets the most excited when she sees me because after eating, I'm her favorite thing. We sit as a family at the table and eat breakfast together before I head off with the girls to start our day and Scott heads to work. It's been a really nice way to start the day and honestly exercise is helping me find my happy again. After 2014, I really needed to find some happy and I think I have.


I've also been diving into so many awesome things on the web and I can't wait to share them with you this week. 

5 Tips for a Better New Year I strongly agree with #1, #2 and #5. Scott and I have a monthly date night but we'll be adding in weekly date nights too. With two kids, busy lives and adult responsibilities, we sometimes forget to connect with each other, weekly date nights will help with us stay connected.

Little Known Social Media Site Features I love finding out stuff like this. Makes me feel a bit secret spyish.

Cozy Up for an At-Home Date Scott and I will be starting at-home dates as soon as Whole30 is over. It's hard to make special cocktails when you can't drink. These brownies might be the first thing on our date night menu!

Does Parenting Get Easier? I was telling someone just last week that each stage of parenting is hard and you hope and pray that the next one will be easier, yet it just feels harder. I feel like each stage is different and hard in their own ways. Some things get easier and some things get oh so much harder. We are in a hard stage right now. 3 years old is hard but you know it is also awesome. Molly says the best things and does the cutest things. She gives huge bear hugs and sloppy kisses. She observes the most interesting of details and is just all around awesome. She also tests every single limit and rule, every single minute of every single day.

Lifestyle Photography Prompts I've been doing these child lifestyle prompts to help improve my photography skills and capture images of my favorite little people. I'm having so much fun with this and look forward to prompt day (Wednesday) all week long.

Molly on the Road to Home

Earlier this week, I talked about gardening and one of my friends left a comment about a post she did on Spring gardening in Seattle. I thought I'd share the link for other aspiring Spring Seattle Gardeners. Five Great Things to Grow in Your Pacific Northwest Garden Enjoy! 

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