Thursday, August 10, 2017

July Book Report


I didn't get through as many books as I envisioned last month while on vacation but I did get through 4 really good books. I'm chugging away at the 2017 Summer Book Bingo and checking off my boxes. 


I read "Stories of Your Life and Others (Arrival)" by Ted Chiang for the "Adapted into a movie" category in the 2017 Summer Book Bingo. This is a collection of stories with the one, Arrival being based on a short one within this book. I preferred the movie version but have been thinking a lot about another of the stories - Tower of Babylon. It is the story of Babylon as told from one of the miners and it was so entertaining. I am vastly interested in the stories behind the Bible and what was historically happening at that time. I felt like this story was one that could have been true, one that had little to do with worshiping God. 


I read "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin for the "Choose a book by its cover" category. Rubin took on a project to see if she could influence her happiness over the course of a year. I loved her ideas and some of her goals. They were all great ideas. One idea I've really taken away is, Boomerang Errands. Boomerang Errands are those ones that you attempt to complete but keep coming back to you for various reasons. i.e. You go to the doctor but then get sent for tests and appointments with other doctors so you never quite finish the task of going to the doctor. 


I read "The rules do not apply" by Ariel Levy for the "Biography or memoir" category in the 2017 Summer Book Bingo. Levy was at the top of her game in a passionate marriage and a baby on the way when she lost it all. She was on assignment in Mongolia when she gave birth at only 5 months along. When she returned home, her wife left for rehab and her world fell apart. Levy's writing drew me in. I was practically unable to stop reading while at the same time itching to write like her. This is one book I think everyone should read. It is unapologetic and heartbreaking. 


I read "The Widow Nash" by Jamie Harrison for the "Fiction" category in the 2017 Summer Book Bingo. Dulcy has lived her entire life overshadowed by her father, Walton and his travels around the world as he chases cures for his syphilis. On his last trip, he loses a fortune and gains the wrath of his business partner and Dulcy's ex-finance, shortly before dying . As Dulcy travels from Seattle to New York with her sister and her father's body, she decides to disappear. Things get interesting from there. This was also a Refined Reads.

Yearly Book Total: 27/52

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links which means if you buy something from a link, I receive a very small percentage back. 

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