Saturday, March 10, 2018

Week in Review 3.10.18


We started a basement remodel this week which means I've spent time answering questions, asking questions, trying to clean up the disaster of our upstairs and then also just dealing with regular life. At some point, life will slow down, right? 



I got in 6 
workouts this week! I did three 
boot camp classes and three barre3 classes. I'm not sure how I did it since I've been feeling low-level sick all week but I also feel powerful. I'm 6 workouts into my 20 workouts for March! 



I finally got our March menu planned and dragged the kids to Costco. I haven't been since December so we needed to stock up. The girls did really well so it was a good trip and we are now fully stocked up on snacks and other meal necessities. Otherwise food was good but not exciting this week. I got some great meals from Acme Kitchen and Farms and of course, our Imperfect Produce delivery. 


I also picked up some Seattle Elderberry syrup to deal with my low-level cold and drank a ton of ginger-turmeric tea to keep the germs at bay. I think it helped as I haven't gotten sick. I just feel run-down. Also the syrup tastes delicious! 


The Girls

I volunteered twice in Molly's classroom this week during her reading time and enjoyed seeing the different kids and their levels of reading skills. I also helped out in Maggie's classroom with the school auction project and now just need to put it together. 


The kids have been a bit crazy and not using their listening ears which is driving me insane. Yesterday, Maggie's lack of listening ears almost ended with her hurt . Maggie announced that she wanted to twirl in our front yard so I was watching her from the living room. I noticed a German Shepard outside with no person. I quickly opened the door and told her to come inside NOW and in true Maggie spirit, she refused and said she wanted to play with the doggie. I dashed outside to grab her and Lewis (the cat) ran out. Now I have a strange dog, a loose cat and a child who is not listening. I decided to take out the threat and approach the dog who is very obedient and sits when I tell him too. He also has a collar so I grab it and send Molly over to the neighbor's house. They have dogs and therefore leashes. The neighbor ran over with a leash in like 2 seconds. He's amazing. The owner comes running up with kid on her hip, looking panicked. They just got the dog a few days before and he escaped from their fenced yard. Afterwards I had a chat with Maggie about listening to me and doing what I ask of her. She said she understood but I'm not buying it. What do you do when your kid does not listen and it could potentially be dangerous to them? 


Other Goings On

I've been doing the Minimalist Game and clearing out so much crap! It feels so good to get rid of stuff. I've even begun to cull the kid's crap. They aren't cleaning it up so I'm just getting rid of it. Mwhahahaahah! 


I also finished up my March Charity hat and am already plotting Aprils. First though I need to knit up some baby gifts. I've really been into knitting lately. 

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