Saturday, June 30, 2018

Week in Review 6.30.18



I felt a bit like this goat this week - disgruntled and tired. I did, however, have an amazing week of working out which really lifted my spirits. 



I may have overdone it this week in the working department - I did seven classes in six days. OK! I totally overdid it but I got so excited about BurnCycle that I did three classes! I did three boot camps, one CityCycle class and three BurnCycle classes. I'm officially obsessed with BurnCycle. OBSESSED! and tired, so very tired. 



Summer produce is coming in and I'm so excited! I picked up a flat of berries at the supermarket with Maggie. She started devouring them in the car. Such goodness! I love fresh fruit and vegetables and love this time of year. I also finished up my program with my gym. I didn't love this round but it did keep me on track which was good. I just could of used more mental support. 


The Girls

This first full week of summer for Molly meant SUMMER CAMP! She did one at the Pacific Science Center and she had a blast! She even begged to go back into the science center at the end of camp each day. She went to camp with a friend and I was so thankful for the drop-off/pick-up schedule my friend made for us. It really helped out! 
It was Maggie's last week in her current preschool room. She'll be back in the Fall but we are taking July and August off for summer fun! She's excited about her new room but sad to leave her old friends. Maggie also had swimming lessons at Blue Ridge this week and had another great time swimming.


Other Goings On

We have moved onto painting this week in the remodel and I have been spoiled by our main construction crew. They showed up every morning at 6:45 a.m. and worked solidly through until 3:30 or 4 p.m. This crew breezes in around 8, takes a long lunch and quits work by 3:15 p.m. This is only stressing me out because I want the work done before we leave for our trip and at this rate, it is not looking good. 


Stories Published 

Seattle Refined: A Beginner's Guide to Road Tripping
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Week in Review 6.23.18


We made it! We made it across the finish line of Kindergarten! It was an amazing year and Molly grew so much. She's becoming so independent and learning to read. It makes me so happy! 



I had a gang buster week of working out. I did three boot camps, one barre3 class, two BurnCycle classes and went lap swimming twice! Thursday was the most intense day with three workouts BUT I felt surprisingly strong and really enjoyed myself. I won't be repeating that feat anytime soon but it felt good to go all out and not be completely flattened by it. 



It was hard this week to stay on track with my food in the midst of so many celebrations, stress and more stress. I did pretty well though which made me happy. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for my remodel stress to end which is good! 


The Girls

It was a big week for both girls! Molly had the end of Kindergarten and then they both had their dance recital on Saturday. They did amazing in their recitals and were a joy to watch. Molly's kindergarten teacher ended up being there which was AMAZING along with both girl's preschool teacher. 


Maggie also had swimming lessons at Blue Ridge. I was worried that she might not want to do them since Molly couldn't but I worried about nothing. She loves swimming just like Molly and welcomes any opportunity to get in the water. 


Other Goings On

Whew! This was a week. Lewis got in a fight or attacked last Friday and by Monday had a huge lump on his leg. I took him to the vet who gave me some drugs to sedate him and come back. I went back on Tuesday and he was still squirrely. We ended up having to sedate him and having the abscess taking care of. He's currently under house arrest and healing up well. So much stress though! 


The remodel is getting down to the knitty gritty and I am STRESSED! However, we got a new bathroom counter in our upstairs bathroom along with new faucets which is so nice. The basement is coming along and most things will be done within a week. We then go on vacation and the final items will be done in late July. Hopefully by August, I can be moving on to decorating and purging stuff from storage. I'm just keeping my eye on the prize! 
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Children, Ulysses and Sleep are This Week's Links from Around the Web


The Voices of Detained Children, Separated from their Parents I'm going to be honest and let everyone know I haven't listened. I can't. Every time I think I can, I can't. I imagine my children crying in terror for me and not being able to comfort them. My heart breaks. I feel at a loss for what our government is doing. We should not be these people. Our country should be better. 

Seizing Children From Parents at the Border Is Immoral. Here’s What We Can Do About It.

The Strange Case of the Missing Joyce Scholar Fascinating story about a fascinating book. 

What's wrong with Blue Apron So much is wrong with Blue Apron

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Week in Review 6.16.18


This week, man. This remodel. These final weeks of school. It's all a bit much. I'm trying to keep treading water and make it through to summer and our big annual road trip. We are heading into our final week of school and then we have two weeks at home before we head out. There is so much to get done before then. 



I did three boot camps, one barre3 class and a Studio45 class this week. I had planned to do two barre3 classes but got waylaid by a late board meeting.  I was not pleased because I missed class with one of my favorite teachers. I've been working to push it a bit harder in boot camp so instead of doing modified jumping jacks, I'm trying to do full jumping jacks. Instead of using 12.5 lb barbells, I'm upping it to 15 lbs barbells. The push has been good! 


I've been really focusing on food this week with my current transformation program. We have been flying through the produce which is both awesome and frightening. I get two produce boxes a week and still have to supplement with the grocery store. My kids are produce animals which is awesome. 


We ate at the new Katsu Burger in Ballard on Saturday night and it was so good! They have both sushi and burgers so everyone was so happy with their meals. The girls asked to go back again. Scott said it was perfect and I really enjoyed my bento box meal. 


The Girls

Molly has been dealing with so many big emotions. I think she is having a hard time dealing with the school year ending. She's been struggling, trying to figure out what her new routine will be. I tried to explain to her that the beauty of summer is not having a routine but I'm not sure that is working for her. We'll settle into a Summer routine and it will be great, as long as we can make it through this final week. 


Maggie has been having so much fun this week. She started swim lessons at Blue Ridge in addition to Mounger pool and is having a blast. Her skills are really ramping up. I just need her to use her arms more when she swims. Her legs are kicking like mad! 


Other Goings On

Tiling has started in the bathroom and it looks so nice! Otherwise we are at the end of the remodel where I want to kill everyone and things are going off schedule. I was hoping to have this done by the time we left on vacation but it looks like it is going to bleed into August. It is what it is. The space is going to look amazing which is my only sanity saver right now. 
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Summer Bucket List 2018


We have just 7 more days left of school and then SUMMER is here! Every year I put together a bucket list so we can capture all we can out of the short days of summer. This year, as with past years, I'm excited about our list! 

Sweet Cherry Granola Yogurt Popsicles

2018 Summer Bucket List
  • Go Swimming
  • Visit a National Park
  • Have a Picnic Outside
  • Go to the beach
  • Make popsicles
  • Go on a Hike 
  • Splash at the Wading Pools 
  • Go to Golden Gardens and build a sand castle
  • Run through the sprinklers in the yard
  • Have Ice Cream for dinner
  • Swim in Lake Washington
  • Go Kayaking
  • Explore a new playground
  • Go on a Road Trip
  • Go Yurt Camping
  • Go Tidepooling
  • Complete Book Bingo (there is a Kid's one too!) 
  • Go on a Family Bike Ride 
  • Ride a boat at Greenlake
  • See Hearst Castle

Saturday, June 09, 2018

Week in Review 6.9.18



The end of the school year is not for the weak. We've had events at two different schools until late into the night almost every night this week. Scott was also out of town for most of the week which meant I couldn't hand off a tired child to go home for rest. By the time Friday rolled around, we were beat! But we made it and we have 10 days left of school so we are plowing ahead.  



Even with Scott gone, I got in my workouts. Whenever he announces a work trip, the first time I do is pull out my calendar and adjust my workouts. He always laughs but my workouts are important. 
I did three boot camps and one barre3 class. I had planned to do two barre3 classes but then just couldn't fathom working out on Thursday. I always think if you are fighting a workout with all your body and soul, maybe you should skip it. I'm on target for my 22 workouts for this month with 6 work outs already in the bank.



I started a Transformation Program with my gym this week so food has been top of mind. I did my favorite thing on Sunday which is MEAL PREP! Whenever I do this, we eat better. I also meal planned some amazing vegetable focused meals. 


I also did some recipe testing for a friend and made a mussel dish. I fully admit to being nervous about this but I was so thrilled to have a reason to go to the fish store on the corner. I have never been in the eight years we have lived here and I fully question this after visiting it. They had amazing seafood and I will be back! Also the mussels, so easy to make and so delicious! 


The Girls

Molly had her school's jog-a-thon this week and did pretty good. She also showed off her amazing artwork and I was able to meet the new principal of her school. Maggie's school had their summer BBQ which Maggie loves. The girls also started swim lessons at the outdoor pool and have been loving it. It's a busy time but they seem happy! 


Other Goings On

I finished two books this week for Book Bingo which is awesome as I have plans to read *gasp* eight books this month. It's a big goal but I can do it. The basement floors are currently being put in which means there is loud construction at my house on a Saturday but there will be FLOORS TODAY! Hooray! Carpet is coming after painting and tile should start next week. It's all coming together. I'm excited and antsy for it to be done. 
Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Crows, Childish Behavior and Books are This Week's Links from Around the Web


Crow Funerals  Maggie spilled an entire bag of bird seed on our front lawn which means crows from miles away have been visiting and letting me know their thanks and now their desire for more bird seeds. 

Why Children Aren't Behaving, And What You Can Do About It This was a good reminder to me why I make my kids help around the house, why they have amble time to play and why I let them roam a bit further than my husband would like. Now in no way are they angels, but I think these things help!

Chores, teamwork and high expectations: The 15 habits that raise responsible kids Another article that builds on the one above! 

These Are The Books Everyone Will Be Talking About This Summer BOOKS! You know I love books and here are more recommendations! 

Maybe She Had So Much Money She Just Lost Track of It This story is absolutely fascinating! I've read several and will probably read several more.
Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Chronicles of a Basement Remodel - Part 2


Last time we talked, the construction workers were framing in the basement after ripping everything up. It was dusty, dirty and loud, so very loud. We've come a long way since then and I apologize for not checking in sooner. 

Once the framed walls were up, the electrician came and demo'd all the wires and added new ones. He had to separate out the wires that went upstairs from the ones that went downstairs. A previous homeowner had decided to double them up which was not really a good idea. All of his work was mostly unseen at this point but was not cheap. 


Next up was digging the egress windows which left two HUGE piles of dirt in my front yard until well one of them is still there. I'll need to deal with the grass issue soon. 


Then the windows were installed and there was beautiful light and crisp glass in the basement! The windows made the basement warmer and cleaner looking. 



Next the plumber came and did all sorts of plumber things. He added some lines, worked on the drains and made it all nice. 



We decided to replace our water heater when the plumber pointed out that our previous one was 15 years old and living on borrowed time. We went from an electric one to a gas one and I'm already looking forward to the savings. While the HVAC guys were here installing the water heater, they also re-routed some of the vents which made the rooms easier to use and warmer. Our basement has traditionally been cold so we have been working to make it warmer throughout the remodel. 


Then the window wells were installed and they really made the space look better!  Some of the plants were ripped out which was a kind of freedom for me. I'll need to re-landscape some but I'm looking forward to it. 


Then while we were in Hawaii, the electrician came again and reworked the electrical panel and worked on wiring the basement. While he did that, the insulation was put in. It was so pink and Maggie was so excited. 



Next up was drywall and mudding. This has taken some time but the walls are looking so good and I can finally see what the basement is going to look like. Most of the dry wall is up and they are now moving forward on doors, trim and flooring! Next week, the bathroom tile will go in and then the bathroom fixtures will be installed. I'm getting excited but also realizing how much work I'll still have to do once the construction workers are done. There is painting and decorating and door knobs and, and, and. I'm really excited about our new space though and am looking forward to decorating our new space. The girls are super excited about their new rooms and keep talking about what they are going to do with the space. 






Next in The Basement Chronicles will hopefully be a nearly finished space! 
Monday, June 04, 2018

June Goals


I am such a goals person. I love having goals! I know not everyone is this way but I really enjoy them. However, I didn't do so great with my May goals. It ended up being a really busy month with our basement remodel, school stuff for the kids and lots of writing work for me. 

Here is how I did on my May goals:

  1. Exercise 22 times - I did this! I actually got in 24 exercise sessions. 
  2. Catch up on the Bible - I am not caught up but I am making progress. 
  3. Read Moby Dick - I did not read this at all. I read many other books though. 
  4. Knit Nanoo - I've been knitting like mad on this but turns out it is a big shawl so there is lots of knitting to do. 
  5. Knit my May Hat for charity - Done! It is ugly but done! 
  6. Work on the Girl's 1-and 2-year-old photo books - I've made a tiny bit of progress but really need to just get these done! 
  7. Deep Clean the Dining Room and Kitchen - I do not know why I had these as goals during a remodel. My house is covered in dust. It's not worth the effort right now. 
  8. Update Ravelry with my Yarn Stash - I did not do this. 
  9. Work on Hand Lettering - I got a great book and started working on learning hand lettering. I love it! 
  10. Knit 4 miter squares for my blanket - I did this! I now have 41 squares done and 19 to knit. 

Here are my goals for June! Once again, these include some 2018 goals and some specific goals fro June (and honestly there are a ton of repeat goals here too).

June Goals

  1. Exercise 22 times  
  2. Catch up on my Bible reading
  3. Get 8 books read for Book Bingo! 
  4. Knit on Nanoo
  5. Knit my June Hat for charity 
  6. Work on the Girl's 1-and 2-year-old photo books 
  7. Update Ravelry with my Yarn Stash
  8. Work on Hand Lettering
  9. Knit 5 miter squares for my blanket
  10. Finish getting my yard in summer shape (weeding, laying down dirt and pressure washing the porches)
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