Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Last night I decided to experiment with the second hat for J's birthday. I thought it would be fun to add some cream stripes but not just boring straight ones! I wanted pointy stripes! Here is the work in progress: Outside of Experimental Hat

But the inside looks like crap! Inside of Experimental Hat I've done something wrong and will have to frog it back to see where my experiement failed. I do like how it turned out on the outside though!

I did some STP bike training with a friend last night. We had a nice 12 mile ride. We'll have to kick it up soon though. We've been concentrating on running the past few weeks due to the Vancouver 1/2 Marathon this weekend. Yes, I will be running 13.1 miles on Sunday. My strategy to make it through will be to run for 5 minutes and then walk for 2 miles for the complete 13.1 miles. I had fun last time I did a half-marathon so I expect to have fun again. I must be crazy!
Friday, April 25, 2003
Check out the new re-design....hopefully I'll get the kinks worked out soon.....
Friday, April 25, 2003

Book Club met last night and one of the ladies told me about a knitting club! Well you know I'm interested! I made J a beer cozy last night from "Knitting Pretty". It's fantastic! Now I just need to make him one more hat and I can ship off his birthday present (which is now late but he doesn't mind). No time for training last night! I am going on a bike ride with my sister (in-law) tonight. We're getting ready for the season. Now we just need some bike clothing so we look like the posers we are! Added a few new blogs to my blog list. I'm looking to redesign the blog but it sure is hard to find the extra time. Happy Friday!

posted by Rebecca at
9:14 a.m.

Tuesday, April 23, 2003

OK So I have posted since last Wednesday but for some reason it's not here on the site. *Humprh!* Sad to say, I don't remember what I said but I know it was vitally important! It's already been a very busy week. I had a mandatory Junior League meeting on Monday night that last 3 and a half hours. I was ready to fall down and wail by the end of it. I met a friend at the gym last night and ran 3.75 miles on the treadmill. I really wasn't looking forward to it but I have the Vancouver 1/2 Marathon in a few weeks. I did have some great reading though. Kathryn Lizee is busy working on a book for Harlequin Intrigue and I volunteered to read over it for her. I felt so lucky to have the opportunity! Too bad it was only half the book though. She has promised to send me the rest though when she gets all the details worked out. On the knitting front, I made a pair of baby booties for a co-worker in my JLS meeting. I tried to make some booties from a Debbie Bliss book over the weekend but failed. I showed them to my Mom because I couldn't get them stitched up correctly. She asked me what they were supposed to be and shook her head when I said, "Baby Booties". So I made some from "Knitting Pretty" and they were easy! Also they came out extra cute! Can't wait for the baby to be born so I can see them on! I'm also making some pink dishclothes for my kitchen and will have to finish the Baby Sweater and Tea Cozy this week. Ta'ra!

posted by Rebecca at
9:14 a.m.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Whew! This week is flying by! I start my STP training class tonight and I noticed we'll be working on hill training, something I really need! So I went through my fabric stash last night and I have oh so much of it! Now let me tell you the reason why I do! The company I work for purchased another company last year and with that purchase came a truck load of fabric. Since we gave most of it away, I took some but I think I took too much! SO I went through it last night and I am going to make some great things with it. Well off to bike training! I hope I survive!

posted by Rebecca at
4:19 p.m.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

It's Tuesday! I've read about some blogging debates on being paid for promoting a product in your blog. The Slate had a great article on Raging Cow and how it gets teenage bloggers to promote their new product. I love hearing about how companies try to "think outside of the box" when it comes to Marketing ideas. While this tactic seems to have caused quite a debate, it's also created publicity for the company. In other news, I ran the Vancouver, Canada 10K SunRun on Sunday. There were almost 50,000 runners and I had a fantastic time. I ran with a friend of mine (our other friends are much faster and left us in the dust). Then last night I went for a ride with the NW Women's Cycling Group. We rode from Gasworks Park to Madrona before circling back. It was quite hilly and was a great challenge for me. I have an irrational fear of hills which causes my legs to shake which in turn makes it quite difficult for me to ride up them. Since I'm doing the STP Ride in July and I need to concentrate on hill rides. I'm going to kick some a** on the STP even if it's just my own! No knitting last night but I did work on the baby sweater on the car ride to Vancouver. I've finished the sleeves and am working on the left front. Since the sweater is knitted in one piece, it's been fun to really see it's potential shape! Now I think I need to get myself to the store for some cute buttons and I need to finish the second baby bootie to match the sweater. OH! One of my dear friends called me yesterday to tell me about his bad day. What was strange about the call was it was at 3 pm and I was at work. He doesn't usually call me at work and only to confirm where we are meeting. Well he starts talking and tells me that his landlord who lives upstairs from him was found dead in his apartment yesterday morning. He said the police were called by another tenant who became worried because he had not seen the landlord in a few days. So he's got a lot going on there. Whew!

posted by Rebecca at 10:39 a.m.

Friday, April 11, 2003

Last night some friends and I attended a STP (Seattle to Portland) Cycle Seminar in preparation for our upcoming cycle trip in July. Well if we weren't scared before, I think we are now! There appears to be a few bumpy places along the route but I still think we are going to have an awesome time. I need to finalize details with my fan club (family) as we will need people cheering for us at the finish. Always makes it more worthwhile! I worked some more on the baby sweater last night and have made it to the cuffs! That means I'm about half way done or so. I'm looking forward to finishing this sweater. It will look fantastic. The pattern calls for buttons so I'm going to visit my LYS soon to select some fun baby buttons. I want to add some sparkle to the sweater. Then I'll need to make a hat and finish the second baby bootie before giving it to Melissa. Can't wait to see the little baby wearing it! I'm off to Vancouver this weekend for the 10K Sun Run. It's always fun to go up North and visit Canada. AND it's a quick trip from Seattle!

posted by Rebecca at
10:39 a.m.

Wednesday, April 9, 2003

Last night I remembered why I prefer attending the spinning classes downtown. They are harder! I love that! I went to the Lynnwood location last night and my teacher was panting and out of breath, while I wasn't! Not what one wants from a great workout...but at least it was a workout. Today at work has been one of those days of terror, pain and more frustration. The good news is that it's almost over and I can go running! I worked on the baby sweater some more last night. I had to frog about 3 inches once I figured out that the instructions weren't right. I kept looking at the sweater and thinking it didn't look at all like the diagram but that I was following the written directions. Well I re-read them and though, I wonder if I increase on every row if I'll achieve the correct number of stitches while matching the diagram. Well! I did! So I'm back on track. I also planned a bit of my England trip. I've been there so many times before but this time I want to visit some places I've not been. J suggested that I go to Durham and once I discovered that they have one of the most complete Normandy castles, I was there! Can't wait! Ta'ra

posted by Rebecca at
10:39 a.m.

Tuesday, April 8, 2003

Well it's Tuesday. I am running a 10K this weekend in Vancouver, Canada and so this week is about preparation. I was going to go running last night but with the rain and wind, I decided to forgo it! And that was a great decision because my friend from Brasil rang and we chatted my whole drive home. It was nice speaking to her. I do miss her when she running around the world but she'd hates being tied down and committment to one location is not possible with this broad! I started a baby sweater last night for another friend. She's due in September so I have time but I've never made a baby sweater before. I might need the extra time! So far, it's knitting up fast. I did 4 inches last night and while that may not be quick for some people, it's speedy for me! I had a hard getting up again this morning. I wonder if I'm coming down with something. All I did this past weekend was sleep. It's just not like me! Well I'd best get back to work, lots to do and little time to do it!

posted by Rebecca at
10:39 a.m.

Friday, April 4, 2003

Happy Friday! and as an extra bonus to it being Friday, it is also payday! So my sister-in-law signed up for the Danskin Triathlon and we are going biking on Sunday to get our training started. She is going to do so great! I'm almost done with a hat for J's birthday. I'm making him the "London Beanie". You can see the progress in my knitting gallery. It's using up far less yarn than I thought it would so he might get two hats with the next being blue with white stripes. We shall see where my knitting takes me. My friend Kenn is coming over tonight so I can show off my bathroom and my vacation photos. I wonder if he knows what he's getting himself into! I'm also making dinner. I think it will be fried chicken with biscuits and mashed potatoes. Something southern and yummy. Until later, I'll leave you with these images of war.

posted by Rebecca at 10:09 a.m.

Wednesday, April 2, 2003

OK so I talked with my advisor (my mother) last night and she wants to know why I am going to let one person run me off from something I've done for years. She has a point so I'm going to float with the status quo for a bit but I'm also going to keep the idea of reducing my volunteerism at the front of my mind. I still don't know but whatever. I've been working on the Ann Norling Strawberry fruit hat for a friend's child. I think they'll really like it. Or so I hope! I'm also working on Chloe's hat and I need to get going on Julie's cap soon. I also signed up for the Danskin Tri last night. My sister in law is supposed to sign up for it too. She was so excited watching me last year and really wanted to do it. I hope she signs up! I know she'll do fantastic on the course and will definately pass me by! WHooo-hoooO!

posted by Rebecca at
10:09 a.m.

Monday, March 31, 2003

Not so happy! I volunteer a lot of my time to the my local Chapter of PRSA, the National Chapter of PRSA and to the Junior League. I love each of these organizations for what they have to offer the community. Well I've decided that I have to reduce my volunteerism at one of the organizations, the local chapter of PRSA. I work on the member communications but lately it has been like pulling teeth. First I have the hardest time getting people to submit items for the Newsflash and Newsletter and then when I finally get everything in and do some editting, I get slammed for how it looks. I decided the volunteering is supposed to help me as much as it helps the organization I am working with. Well this situation is not helping me. It just takes up too much of my time and makes me cranky. SO all I have to do is get the newsletter out and then I can gracefully exit. Grrrrr! Now that I've made this decision, I actually feel much better. It will give me more time
for training, knitting, Junior League and National PRSA. OK, I'm going to go be grouchy somewhere else.

posted by Rebecca at
4:19 p.m.

Monday, March 31, 2003

Still very happy! I painted and spruced up my bathroom this weekend. I had my parents over last night to admire my work. They were quite impressed. I still need to do some touch-up work on the towel holders and trim but otherwise, it's done and beautiful! I also started working on my "Hip to Knit" socks. They are the first socks I've ever knitted and so far are going quite well. I haven't reached the heel though so that may all change! Lots to do this week! Have to take my bike tire to Gregg's cycles at lunch. It went flat yesterday and so I couldn't go on the bike ride I had planned. I was quite unhappy! I'll have to bike ride later this week! I need to get training as the STP is not far away and neither are my two Vancouver races!

posted by Rebecca at
11:08 a.m.

Friday, March 28, 2003

So extremely happy that it is FRIDAY! I could sing it on the streets! Planning to go home and start the bathroom painting project! It's gonna be exciting. I picked up the palm sander from my brother's house at lunch. Nifty that he lives so close to my work and that I have the secret garage code! I still need 2 more pink towels from the Pottery Barn and the pink rug! They are more expensive but oh so fantastic! Can't wait for the new bathroom to appear. I'm sure it will make me smile a lot! I expected to finish the second mitten last night but I discovered a dropped stitch. Well after trying to get the stitch back, I ended up ripping back about 6 rows and swearing up a storm! It became a bit stressful so the mitten is still not complete but will be by the end of the weekend.

posted by Rebecca at
2:26 p.m.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Made some awesome Marble Magnets last night from the Not Martha Web site. That girl is crafty! I love my newest craft! People far and wide will be getting these as gifts just as soon as I perfect the art. Still working on knitting up my second mitten. It's been hard to fit in the knitting time this week since it's turning out to be a Junior League week! I've already had two meetings! Crazy! Destiny received her new cat condo last night. My Dad is working on being the BEST DAD EVER and made her the condo. She loves it! She's been hiding in it all day and being cute. Well off to Micheal's to get more supplies for my newest addiction!

posted by Rebecca at
10:20 a.m.

Monday, March 24, 2003

Well it's Monday again. Spent yesterday shampooing my carpet and doing laundry. Did get the "Wonton Cat Toy" from Knitty completed. Of course, Destiny is ignoring it. I also painted most of my wine rack. It was unpainted and calling out for come color! I will finish it tonight along with the felting of the tea cozy. I must have spent 2 hours trying to felt the darn thing yesterday and it's still 8 inches too long! ARGGHHH! I decided not to paint the bathroom this weekend due to the fact that it needs a good scrub first! I'll do that this week and depending on the weather will paint next weekend. I hope it's not stormy again! I'm just glad my carpet is nice and clean again! Mom says I'm nesting which might be true since I'm re-decorating painting everything! I'm going to repaint the table Mot gave me. It's gotten pretty beat up over the years and a nice coat of paint should do wonders. Of course now I need to find a good matching color since I can't paint the top, it's got some shiny something in which paint doesn't stick. We shall see! Ta'ra

posted by Rebecca at
10:20 a.m

Saturday, March 22, 2003

Feeling cranky! Just had a facial though which did help alleviate most of the crankies! I'm not at work though since I had yesterday off for my exam. It's strange being here though when everyone else is gone and the building is dark and quiet! Junior League Project over with tonight! Yea! I hope it all goes well. Got my stack of Vermeer books from the library yesterday. Can't wait to read them. Also got most of the stuff I need to finish up the bathroom. Time to start painting!

posted by Rebecca at
11:03 a.m

Friday, March 21, 2003

Just returned from taking my APR Exam...not a clue if I passed or not but it's done for now! Time to relax while knitting! Might even venture downstairs to the laundry to felt Krista's cozy!

posted by Rebecca at
2:27 p.m

Thursday, March 20, 2003

So I'm innocently reading some great knitting blogs and before I know it, I've purchased a skein of this great stuff! You can find it at Interlacement Yarns. What is a girl to do! Knit more I suppose!

posted by Rebecca at 3:27 p.m

Thursday, March 20, 2003

I've added my site to "Knitting Blogs!" Guess I'll have to make sure to post as often as possible while discussing my knitting obsession. I started making the Kitty Wonton for Destiny this morning. Maybe this new gift will help bring me back into favor. She's still not happy that I took her to the vet and that I keep forcing medicine down her throat every day. I've also gotten back to working on my sweater from The Yarn Company. It's gorgeous! When I was in New York earlier this month, I stopped by the shop and got their list of corrections to the book which will be quite helpful as I progress. I'm going to felt Krista's Tea Cozy this weekend. I can't wait to see how it turns out. I'm working on finding a free image hosting site so I can display the before and after of the cozy!
My APR exam is tomorrow! Spooky! Oh! I also got
QueerJoe's pattern for the Willie Warmer and will be making that soon. I recently made a friend a gear stick cover for her car after her dog chewed hers up. Well her boyfriend keeps asking for one for his "stick"! He's getting the Willie Warmer! I can't wait to see his face when he gets his present! HA!

posted by Rebecca at 10:23 a.m

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Took the opportunity last night to finish knitting Krista's tea cozy. Now I just need to felt it and do the sewing bit. Right now it just looks like a bit blue and green tube! This is my first time felting something but I know it will turn out well. If not, I will have to go and get more yarn and start over again! Getting quite nervous about my APR exam and need to study more! Talked with a friend this morning on the way to work. Her Grandmother was in a bad accident yesterday and was airlifted to Harborview. I guess the passenger in the other car didn't make it and died yesterday. I do hope her Grandma is doing well.
At least the hospital is nearby her work so she can get over there to check up on her family. Another friend of mine just got promoted at work (after many moons) and so we are visiting the Cheesecake Factory today in celebration! My dentist gave me a $50 gift certificate for all the referrals I've sent him and I'm sharing it with my newly promoted friend! Ta'ra!

posted by Rebecca at 9:32 a.m

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