It was hard this morning getting up before dawn to go running. It was very hard but I did it! I went to my running group and met up with my friend Matya. We ran 5 miles in one hour which equals a 12 minute mile and we took one bathroom break. Not bad for me. Slow for others but not bad for me. I want to get back up to my 11 minute/ 10 and 1/2 minute miles but for right now, I'm quite pleased with myself.
Here is a picture of Matya and I from a race we did this summer called, The Urban Challenge. We had such a great time! I'm in the pink and Matya is in the blue. I'm only 5'1" and she's 5'10" so we often resemble the cartoon, "Mutt and Jeff"!
I'm getting back on the knit wagon. My mother has requested a Granny Square pillow be made for her newly decorated bedroom. The front will be crocheted and the back knit in a simple pattern. I'm not sure what the pattern will be yet but I'm sure it will look nice.