Thursday, April 29, 2004
Sweetly Sophia

Not only is this weekend the Vancouver 1/2 Marathon but it is also a friend's 30th birthday. She'll be running the race as her first 1/2 marathon in honor of this day. For her present, I made this!

It's Sophia from MagKnits! The Dragonfly was free-form.

Here is the bag pre-felt

What fun! Carolyn over at Girl Reaction recently made her own Sophia. It's felting madness!

Must dash! It's the second to last Friends tonight and I still have stuff to do around the house before sitting down to watch it.
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Pretty in Pink

Today I took my new Pink Purse to work with me! I used the rest of my Alexander Henry fabric (same as the yoga bag) to whip up this tasty treat! I even received compliments and Mot decided that she wanted me to make her one for her birthday. We'll go fabric shopping soon and I'll be a-sewing! So without further ado, here is my new Pink Purse!

And the tasty inside

This weekend I will be racing in the Vancouver 1/2 Marathon and I am looking forward to this adventure. It will be 13.1 miles of pure fun! Mot and I will be road tripping up to Canada on Saturday and racing on Sunday before returning on Monday afternoon. I can't wait to visit Lush! I wish Seattle had a Lush!

I've also been working on a special birthday present for my friend, Krista. Finished product to be revealed soon!
Monday, April 26, 2004
Quietly Quiet

Gah! I've been too quiet! Work is going well and I am just getting used the new routine. Work makes me tired! I need more rest :P

Tomorrow though I should get my order of yarn and so that will be a happy day! Look for a longer post then!
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Cutting into my blogging time

Wow! Work is really cutting into my blogging time! Luckily I'm still finding time to knit! In fact, last night I took some time and made my way down to the
Guild meeting to check out the Fiber Frenzy and see some other knitters! I was thrilled to see .Ryan and Lynn. I also got to meet Kit who was a hoot! Ryan has started knitting
Wendy's Baby Norgi Sweater. Looked like toothpicks that she was knitting on but I know it will turn out super cute!

Ryan also promised to teach me how to knit socks! Now I just need to get my started socks to the scary part, the heel and then set up a sock knitting session! Whoo-hoo!

Today I purchased something from Purl as a prize for landing the job.

Don't adjust your screens! It is Debbie Bliss Cotton Angora. I'm planning on making this tank! Of course there will be math involved but I refused to be scared of it.

Can't wait for my yarn to arrive!

**Hooded Weekend Sweater Update** I've completed the hood and started a sleeve. I'd have pictures but I did something wrong when I took them so repair work has started! Hopefully I'll get the pictures and all will be well. Until then, happy knitting!
Monday, April 19, 2004
Making it through the First Day

I survived my first day! Actually today was wonderful! I arrived at 8:30 a.m. and received an orientation form. At 9:30 a.m. I was given an hour long tour of the building along with where to find the two copy room full of office supplies and free drinks. I went out to lunch with my new boss to a wonderful restaurant named
Seastar where I had some fantastic fish. Then I joined in the weekly team meeting before attending some computer training class. The rest of the day was spent figuring out my computer, answering my boss's emails, setting up meetings and locating the printer (luckily I had a map!). I think I'm going to enjoy working at this place. The account director who I'll also be supporting is someone I worked with before. He was on the account team at the agency my old place of employment used. Also the PR manager on the client side is someone I took PR courses with at the UW! Seattle is a small, small place!

More adventures and stories to come! So far it feels like a good fit. Thanks for all your support!
A Bit Nervous

I start the new job in about an hour! Huge report tonight!

Knitting is going well! I finished the hood for my sweater and have started a sleeve. Remember I'm going backward!

Off to conquer the world!
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Dog Sitting Fever

This week I've been busy dogsitting a dog named Roux. He's a medium sized terrier whose is really quite the character!

He's been keeping me company while I knit, shop and read. I'm almost done with Blowfly by Patricia Cornwell but I've been keep from it due to my new fascination with ChicKnits Sitcom Chic. I've been swatching and buying! And the fantastic part of this project is that I GOT GAUGE! and that I don't have to do any math to make this fit my ample bosum. WEEEEEE!!!!

Today, I've got more shopping to complete for my new job. Yesterday I just dipped my toe into the mall world.

Monday, April 12, 2004
Purse Pattern Purgatory

I've gone purse crazy! It's official. I love making purses. Look at what I got on Saturday to make more purses!

Here is a close-up of the pattern!

I didn't just sit and sew this weekend. I started working on my Hooded Weekend Sweater. While it may not be in the right season, I figure if I knit it now, I'll have it ready by Fall. Funny enough I started working on the hood. I'll do the sleeves next and then the body. I'm doing it backwards!

I also swatched for my Debbie Bliss Cotton Angora Tank. Since I couldn't decide on colors, I did the three I really liked. I've chosen to do the actual tank in wine. It will be nice for Summer and Fall! Sad thing is my gauge was off! The pattern calls for 24 rows by 18 stitches to equal 4 inches by 4 inches. I got 5 inches with 24 rows and 4 inches with 18 stitches. Drat! I was consistent though! I shall have to discuss this with the LYS when I go to get my yarn.

P.S. monica! Check out for free patterns on gym bags, yoga bags and purses! V. easy and fun!

Friday, April 09, 2004
Yoga Bagging

I shouldn't be allowed to sit quietly. I come up with too many projects to do BUT I did have fun with this one!

And here is a close-up off the bottom in a complementary fabric:

I still need to add some grommets (I love that word!) to the top and a pretty ribbon to cinch it shut but otherwise this bag is ready for some yoga! Now I just need to get myself ready for some Yoga! I do want to thank Fig and Plum Pudding the inspiration!

In addition to some sewing, I also did some ripping today.


Has become this

I just didn’t love how the scarf was coming out. I think I’ll re-commission the ribbon yarn into a purse with a nice lining and maybe a cute button. The yarn could be used to make a light, springy purse. I do love the yarn but I think it’s going to need to marinate for a bit before it evolves.
News, news and more news

It has been a busy week or two! I've been interviewing up a storm and learning about coffee! As of April 19th, I'll have two jobs. One at the coffee shop and another at a PR agency. I will be working as the executive assistant to the Vice President. I can't wait! It's a temp to hire position so I learn in July if I have the job forever. I like this because it will help me determine if this is the direction I'm looking to take my career.

So today I'm off to shop for a few new career clothes. My wardrobe consists of fleece and jeans. While that is fantastic for being unemployed, it's not so sharp for a new job!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004
So Confused

I'm so busy today, well actually this week. It's strange to go from doing nothing to having too much to do. *whine* I'm working on some exciting news which is keeping me busy.

So I'm off to be busy for the day so I'll leave Destiny in charge of the blog.

"I am not amused by this lady!"
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Felty Feltness

It's done! I've finally felted the Chicago Bag and it's glammy Poppies!

Here is the bag before felting:

And here is the finished product, ready for use! I am thinking of adding a button but that can wait. Please excuse the crappy hanging from the door background but Destiny the cat refused to pose with the finished product.

Job News! The second interview went great! I expect to have exciting news shortly!

My long run was fantastic on Saturday. Of course, running 8 miles after completing 12 the week before felt like a cinch! It's all in the perspective! This Saturday calls for a 10 mile run. Weeee!!!!

Monday, April 05, 2004
Finished Objects

Last night I sat down and finished off the floral bag I was making. I had been avoiding this bag since I knew I had to handsew on the brass handles. I LOVE how it turned out even though I did not love the handsewing bit!

Here is the finished bag in all its glory.

Today I'm off to see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" before my 4:30 p.m. interview. I find it best to remain calm before an interview and a movie is just the ticket!

Sunday, April 04, 2004
No Chicago Today

Due to my Mother's fantastic washer which is gentler on clothing, I don't have a felted Chicago Bag as of yet. I do love her washer since it does keep my clothing looking brighter and cleaner without less wear but I wanted to use my new purse today! I've finished the Felted Poppies and will be felting those with the purse hopefully tomorrow at a friend's house. She has a meaner washer that felts perfectly!

Tomorrow I have a second interview with a company I interviewed with on Friday. It felt good! Fingers crossed!

OK off to enjoy the sun!
Thursday, April 01, 2004
April's Fools!

It's April Fools Day! A day for pranks and fool-hardiness!

I've been busy finishing up my Chicago bag and making my first blog button. Oh and just making a few changes to the blog. It's not perfect but I'm pretty proud of my little endeavor.

Take the button if you'd like! Please save it to your own photo host. Thanks!

Now I must go and felt my Chicago bag. I'm thinking it will need some of Nora's Felted Poppies!

P.S. Congrats to Kerrie!
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