Monday, August 30, 2004

This weekend my Mummy went to the post office and picked up a very special gift for me from her Secret Pal.


I got jiggy with it

I luuuurrrrrvvvvvvveeeeee Mummy's secret pal! She's the best!

She even included a card that she said looked just like me. I think it is a pretty good representation!


Friday, August 27, 2004
True Love

I'm in Love with BenGay. No, not a guy named Ben Gay but the product used by old people for aches and pains. After my 16 mile run a few weeks back, my left calf was killing me. I felt like I had a knot in the muscle which would not go away. After complaining and whining, I found the best product ever.

These strips are the best. You put them on your leg and aches magically disappear. The calf is getting much better and hardly hurts at all! GO BenGay!

My secret housewarming project isn't working out so hot. I'm a bit disappointed but I'll get over it especially since I'm contributing to the Massive Meathead Meetup. Materials are being mailed out today and since I'm in Seattle and Larissa in Portland, I think I'll be stitching by Tuesday at the latest. I've got my size 19 knitting stakes and I'm ready to go!

Thursday, August 26, 2004
Busy Bee

It’s been another busy week. I wonder if I’ll ever learn to slow down. It’s too hard when one is having so much fun though! Last night I went to Andi and Roux’s house for dinner and it was delicious! Andi is a great hostess even if she does get nervous about cooking times and how long it is taking the salmon to cook. I think it was well worth the wait and the desert was so good it made my mouth water with its simplicity.

Now while the food was great, the company even better, the highlight of the evening (after seeing Roux and Andi) was my presents! Andi brought me back some goodies from Indonesia and I heart them so much! She got me a black messenger type purse with sparkly dragonflies all over it. It has a nice long strap and good bag depth. I can’t wait to use this bag! And she also got me a length of fabric. But this wasn’t just any length of fabric. It is the perfect pink color with just the right sparkle and gold inlays. I just want to sit and be with this fabric. It’s perfect and once I figure out what it wants to be, my sewing machine will be on fire! Pictures to come just as soon as I receive a little something in the mail…

Speaking of pictures….I made a grand purchase this week!

I’ve wanted a digital camera for some time and in a few days, I’ll have one. I still love my SLR camera and I will continue to use that a lot but I also wanted to the quick satisfaction that a digital camera can give you.

I also bought some of this yesterday to make a housewarming present. I hope my dreams for this project translate well into reality.

Also, I think I need to make this in this color. Is orange the new black? What do others think?

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I finally met the PurlyGirls in person last night and they were even more fun in person! I arrived shortly after 6 p.m. and casually swept into the Blue Room at the Capitol Club as if I knew what I was doing. I quietly cranked away on "Elise" but couldn't hold myself in and started introducing myself to everyone. It was FANTASTIC!

For one thing, I'm almost done with the front of "Elise"

and for another thing, I loved this group. They had so much to discuss. Patterns were being passed around and I was able to eye the new Debbie Bliss pattern book. (Must buy Debbie Bliss book!) I'll be back and hopefully it will be next Monday.

Destiny even approves of the new Debbie Bliss designs and off my nearly completed tank sweater just in time for Fall!

Monday, August 23, 2004
Spirit of Washington

A few weekends ago, the family took my Mom on the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train (though we went for lunch)for her birthday. I think we were the loudest family in the car, but a good time was had by all.

Here is my Mom dutifully posing with her birthday balloon bouquet.

Here is the inside of the train car before it was overtaken by diners.

I also tortured by brother and sister-in-law by making them pose in front of the train before we departed but refused to allow anyone else to use the camera and had to snap a photo of myself in front of the train.

Chris and Ariana

Me, amusing myself

Once inside the train, Chris wrestled the camera from me and got a photo of Mom, me and Ariana.

I look a little scared but I think it was from the camera being taken from me!

Then I took a photo which can only be said epitomizes my family.

My Mom reported that she had a great birthday celebration.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Heading to Portland

I'm off to Portland for a day of work training. It will be fun to see the corporate office and learn more about my new company.

Gina (the doll) is accompanying me but I know that Destiny is jealous.


I'll get you my pretty!

Ryan of Mossy Cottage Knits spoke at the Guild last night and it was AMAZING! People were so intrigued in her topic which was "Knitting and the Net" Ryan is a wonderful speaker who gets everyone involved and laughing!

Well its time to get driving!
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Return of the Main Blog Cat

It’s been fun to be back at home with Destiny. She’s been extremely spoiled by my parents and adores their backyard. I’m not so sure she’s been happy to see me though.

True to parental form, I’ve been busy mothering her. On Saturday morning, she got to visit the vet for her yearly visit. She’s quite petite at 9 pounds and is now vaccinated against everything out there. Since she’s gone from being an indoor cat to being allowed outside, she had to get extra shots this year which meant more money from my wallet! The visit was quite comical though. While Destiny is little, she packs a mean punch! The vet was unable to grab her and I had to put her into the vet’s arms. I may have scared the vet when she went to take Destiny to the back for her blood test and shots. I mentioned that while she is de-clawed (she came that way), she likes to hiss and hit with her front paws. The look of fear in the vet’s eyes gave me the giggles! Poor Destiny when she returned looked a bit bedraggled though! She went in to the vet all fluffy and pretty and left with a saliva covered chest and chin and a mangy looking back leg. The vet also casually mentioned that the de-worming treatment can give some animals a bad reaction. This freaked me out and required me to watch Destiny the entire way home.

I continued to quietly freak out the rest of the day since I wasn’t at home to watch her. Instead I was on the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train for my Mother’s 50th birthday celebration. We had a grand time and I’ll recount those adventures later this week when I have photographic proof.

In other exciting weekend news, I ran 16 miles on Sunday. I won’t lie, it was very hard. The first 12 miles were fantastic and if I could have quit after that, I would be telling you that I had a great run. Instead I will tell you that I had to walk the final two miles home and I wasn’t sure if I’d make it. It was hard and I have a blister or two. But we all have hard runs and I’ll have a better run this weekend, especially since I only have to do 8 miles!

I’ve been busy working on the Cloverleaf sock from the 6 sock knitalong and while everyone else has moved onto the second sock, “Making Waves”, I’m still plugging away. My only qualm is that I don’t think I am doing it right. My sock doesn’t look like the pictures. I may have to rip. If I have to rip, I’m switching patterns and making Ryan’s Dublin Bay socks. I shall make my decision tonight.

P.S. Destiny says MEOW! HELLO! to Stella's kitties!
Friday, August 13, 2004
Yarn and a Roux Farewell

This week provided me with a wonderful package from Denmark. After what seemed to me to be an incredibly long wait (I think it was 3 weeks), I received my order of Phildar Ruban yarn in Chocolat! I plan to copy Fluffa's lead and make the Phildar poncho from the Phildar's Tendances 2003 pattern book.

This week also meant a farewell to daily Roux time. His Mom came home on Wednesday and seemed to have enjoyed her time in Asia. I know that Roux was excited to see her but I feel that he was probably sad to see me go. Who is going to stuff him full of peanut butter? Who is going to overfeed him doggie biscuits? Who is going to yell about his barking? Well even if he won't miss me, I miss him and all his quirks!

So I leave you today with a farewell photo of Roux. He says he'll miss being a weekly model for this blog but knows that Destiny can quickly step back into her former position as main blog pet.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Happy present day for me! This weekend, I finally dragged myself to the post office and picked up a package that was waiting for me. I didn't recognize the return address and quickly ripped open the box.

Inside was quite a delight for me!

There was wool wash for my knits, foot soak for my achy feet and a cute frog with a loofah body in addition to a great card from my Secret Pal! Let's just say that my Secret Pal hit a home run with this present! She especially scored with the froggie which I'll have to hide from my Mom who has a passion for the green creatures.

Last night was my last night with Roux. This morning we went for our last run. Roux had a great run. Parting will be such sweet sorrow but I do know he will be excited to have his Mom back. In appreciation of our fun Summer together, Roux agreed reluctantly to model the baby hat I recently completed.

Gawd, looking at that picture cracks me up every time! He is so funny! That pose took me about an hour to get right. He kept trying to eat the hat. I think he finally got tired of me jamming the hat on his head and held still so the pain would be over with quicker.

Happy Knits!
Friday, August 06, 2004

Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart

Live free and beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star

Stay free, where no walls divide you
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're born free

(Stay free, where no walls divide you)
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're born free

Ahhh, this describes today perfectly! Thanks Stephanie!
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Secret Pal 2

A few weeks ago, I joined the Secret Pal 2 program. I'm very excited about it and after surfing the ring this morning noticed that lots of people had posted a bit more about themselves. I decided to help out my Secret Pal (who is fantastic!) with a bit about myself.

I'm also having fun looking for goodies for my Secret Pal. I've got a few things going and after reading her blog this morning, there will be a few more goodies added :)

So about me! (It's all about ME! ME! ME!)

I like to bike, run, swim and be active. I'm currently training for the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington DC on Halloween. It will be my first marathon so I'm scared. My friend Stephanie will be there though so I'll have a rock of support to slap me around tell me to buck up! Also I'll get to visit Knit Happens and shop, shop, shop!

I have a beautiful cat named Destiny. I live with my parents so she's gone to the dark side while I've been busy dog and house-sitting. I'll have to entice her back when I go home next week.

I'm obsessed with knitting. I don't think there is a yarn I dislike. I do tend to prefer wool but only because of it's ease to knit with. I love pink and purples. I like most colors. I also like orange. I'm into making socks right now. I shall have warm feet by the end of the winter.

I love sweets, candy and coffee. I work in a coffee shop part time but I'm planning to quit soon. END OF AUGUST STEPHANIE! I'll be done by Labor Day. I want a digital camera and only need $100 for it.

I am snarky but fun. I love laughing. My best friend and I laugh at dumb things. I am obessed with The Amazing Race and want to be on it. I'm submitting an application with Mot whether she knows it or not.

I am purse crazy. I am only dogsitting Roux six more days and will be sad to go. I love books and wish I had more time to read. I wish I had more time, period.

Speaking of time, I need to got back to work. That's a brief insight into me!
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Over the hump

It's been one of those weeks where I've struggled to get through it and every day seems like a week. Today came with a nice prize though. I've been trying to decide on some yarn for Rogue, a sweater which will be my winter challenge to complete.

I got a very nice email saying that WEBS was having a sale. For only $30.00, I purchased two - 1 lb. cones of Valley Yarns Lambswood/Alpaca blend yarn. While I don't know if it is perfect for Rogue, it will be perfect for some sort of sweater and was a great price!

I got this color which I hope looks great!

Now I just have to patiently wait for my two cones to arrive!

OH and I'm almost done with the baby knitting for my Mom's co-worker.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Summer Love

No PurlyGirls

Best laid plans and all that...I had planned to go to the Purlygirls Knitting Group last night but after I worked late, checked on my friend's cat, got my other friend's housewarming gift together, walked and fed the dog, it was already 7:30 p.m. which meant I wouldn't have gotten over there until 8 p.m. and I needed a shower badly. Soooooo I knitted a bit at home and cleaned the upstairs in preparation of Andi coming home.

Roux and I had a few adventures later in the evening. Roux is ever alert for anything going on outside and often barks at nothing, a twig moving or a squirrel running on the trees. Well last night, he barked and I decided to investigate. We headed out front where there was a strange man walking up and down the street with a pile of stuff in his arms. He could have just been a homeless man looking for a place to sleep but with all the arsons going on, I decided to watch him for a bit. The neighbor came over and took note of the guy too so I felt better when we went in for bed after a bit. Nothing happened but I decided it was best to be on alert!

Ohhhh! I almost forgot to mention that I planted some cute impatients in the front window box on the porch. Roux thinks they are pretty too.

Time to get some work done!
Monday, August 02, 2004
Fires and other disasters

I've been house-sitting in Wallingford for the past four weeks. It’s been fun but lately spooky. On Saturday night, shortly after I retired to bed, you know after taking the dog out, brushing my teeth, reading Anna Karenina to relax. So I did all this and as I gently drifted off to sleep, I was abruptly awoken by the dog barking and fire engines roaring in the near distance. I figured they’d stop after a bit and told the dog to quiet down. He kept barking and the so did the fire engines. After going upstairs to peer out the window and seeing nothing and visiting the front porch, I figured (quite rightly) that whatever was going on was not too close so no worries. Well while the house I was in was not in danger, that much can not be said for others in nearby neighborhoods. Both Jessica and Meg live in Wallingford and wrote about the fires. It appears that Seattle has an arsonist on the loose. Ugghhhh!

In other news, I spent some time this weekend clearing the side yard of the house and tidied up the back. It’s looking great and I’m going to get some flowers tonight to spruce up the front porch. The owner comes home soon and I know she’ll love to be greeted by a nice looking place.

I’ve also started knitting a secret project. I’d say more but the recipient is a some-times reader of the blog and I don’t want to ruin the surprise! Pictures to come once the gift is finished and given.

Tonight I’m planning on attending my first Purly Girls Stitch and Bitch. I can’t wait! Though I regularly email with the Purly Girls, I’ve yet to meet them in person and tonight is the night. Nothing will deter me!
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