Thursday, June 29, 2006
Happy Birthday Little Brother!

Today my little brother turns 30 years old which now means that we are both OLD! (He's only 18 months younger than me so I'm just smigen older than him.) Today my brother enters the third decade of his life, one which I hope brings him even more happiness and joy. Tonight we celebrate with Mexican Food and I have the most awesome of awesome gifts for him. Really! I think I've tapped the male mind on this one!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Magic Yarn Ball Swap

This weekend I finished wrapping up my Magic Yarn Ball, placed it in its package and mailed it to its new home. I hope the recipient loves it as much as I enjoyed making it.

Magic Yarn Balls All Around!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Project Spectrum - Blue

I went for my monthly color walk around Wallingford today and snapped a few photos of everything blue. June is BLUE, especially the sky! I added in a few extra blue photos that I took earlier this month and loved!

You can see all my blue photos here or as a slideshow here.

Each summer the crowds descend upon the winery to hear the sounds and taste the wine. They line up for hours before the show, before the gates are even open. They bring their picnic baskets, their coolers, their lawn chairs and the sparkle in their eyes.

Some are there to enjoy the summer day with the music in the background. Some are obsessed with the artist playing that day. Some just want to drink wine on the lawn. All have their own reason for driving out to the show. All will leave with their own memories.

The grass quickly fills with a patchwork of blankets. From above, they make a beautiful mosaic. Up close, they look a bit of a mish-mash.

The noise from the crowd starts to hum and raise to a fever pitch. Someone takes the stage and a hush arises from the music lovers. It is not the band though and the crowd turns back to their previous activities. Minutes drag by and children begin to ask when the music will start. Friends wiggle their eyebrows at each other. Talk to turns their favorite song, their favorite rift, their favorite lyric.

A flash comes from the stage. A chord is stuck and the band takes the stage. They start with their most famous song and the crowd leaps to its feet. The gypsy woman in the back row begins to sway. The old hippie pumps his fist in the air. A child is put on his father’s shoulders. The crowd moves as one to the guitar’s rhythms. The crowd’s energy roars along with the singer’s voice. The sounds, pings, plucks and beats overwhelm the people.

Hours pass leaving the attendees in a daze. The band says “Good Night” and the people lazily pack up their belongings raving about the experience they just shared.

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Bandwagon = Me Jumping Right On!

Found Here

I've seen this making the blog rounds, most notably on Mason Dixon Knits and I just had to jump right onto the bandwagon. It's fun to see what people create when they have too much time on their hands! I'm constantly amazed at how creative people are.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Catching Up

Whew! I've been behind and running to catch up! I finally updated my daily photos and finished another Dulaan sweater. This one is for TMK and is my 12th item. Two more to go!

And this weekend I watched my ex-boss's children. On Saturday evening we heard steel drums and decided to investigate which led to Mot (she came over to make dinner with me) dancing in the backyard while the kids laughed at her.

We are sure those are dignitaries at the party next door!

Then on Sunday for Father's Day I took one of the dogs with me for a visit! The other two dogs were at the vet's (due to getting into something and becoming ill) and the third was lonely. I thought she could play with my brother's dogs which she did but she wasn't too sure at first!

Next on the list of catching up is SLEEP!
Friday, June 16, 2006

The Yarn Harlot is coming to town! I may have to stalk her to both locations!

September 3rd - Seattle, WA - 5:30 at Third Place Books

September 4th - Seattle, WA - 3:30-4:30 at Bumbershoot, Alki Room, Literary Venue.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
It's been too long!

No, I did not fall off the face of the planet! Life just took a turn at busy and the blog took the fall.

On the congratulatory good side, Mot graduated and even received a prestigious award! Here she is posing proudly with her plaque!

And I'm near completion on TMK's Dulaan Sweater!

OK back to the busy part of life!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

June's Self Portrait Tuesday's theme is to "Pop Art".

Click to make image bigger

I felt a bit Andy Warhol-ish creating this image. I took this photo while at dinner with some friends and you can see the joy in my face from spending time with these two amazing women.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
The Story of a Sweater that Almost Broke My Heart

Last year I knit Sitcom Chic and I loved it. I almost ran out of yarn and I was able to buy more on Ebay, which of course meant that I now had too much yarn. So to rectify this situation, I decided to knit a tank for underneath the sweater. I did not measure, I did not swatch. I just cast on the pattern's largest size and began knitting. At no point did I realize that this size would not fit me, EVER!

I had no concerns in the world. I knit and knit and was quite happy. There was joy in the land because the sweater was knitting up so FAST and so PRETTILY. Ahhh, these were the days that one loved the knitting. So I finished up the sweater and I seamed the seams and I crocheted the neck.

Then disaster, I tried on the sweater. It clawed at my neck. It suffocated my chest. I ripped the sweater off and called Mot. In the meantime, I promised the sweater to Carrie but after having Mot try it on and it not fitting her either, I'm a concerned knitter. I will find the right person for this sweater for it is quite lovely.

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