Radio SilenceOh I've been busy! and a bit Blog Blocked But I'm back and ready to give you a proper Danskin report!

I was picked up by my parents at the crack of dawn. After a short drive, my Dad dropped my Mom and I off at the race start. We headed out to our transition areas and got set up before racing over to the swim start to sing the National Anthem and watch the elite racers take off.

After much waiting and much too soon, Meg and I lined up for our race start. We waved to my Dad and wadded into the water. Sally Edwards warmed us up and then the buzzer went off and we leapt into the water.
I swam and swam and swam and the buoys were flying by. Soon I was at the finish and running up the path to the transition area.
Swim Time: 19:57 minutes
Due to an injured knee, I mainly walked to my transition area and grabbed my bike gear before shooting out to the bike path.

Transition One Time: 6:03 minutes (no, I do not know what I was doing or why I was in there so long!)

The bike course was perfect! I spotted Eric and screamed his name while looking for my family. I pounded the pedals and decided to bike up the scary hill to I-90. It felt further to Bellevue than it ever had before but I made it across and back. Along the way I saw Julie and Meg. I made sure to really yell for them. Then it was back into the transition area.
Bike Time: 47:32 minutes
Again I'm not sure what I was doing in the transition area but I grabbed my gear, changed my shoes and made my way to the run course.
Transition Two Time: 4:04 minutes
I ran for a bit before my knee began to hurt and decided that walking would be best. I continued running whenever I could and walking when necessary. Carrie soon caught up with me and Meg almost killed herself to catch up with me. In the end Meg beat me by 1 minute! Ughhh! The appentice beat the master! And I'm proud of her for that. I walked up the big hill before running in on the big finish and to the finish line. Sally Edwards was at the end to congratulate and I told her to get back out there to finish last!
Run Time: 45:19 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours 2 minutes and 58 seconds
All in all, it was a good race!

Even my Mom did great!
*Updated to add* That is my brother lurking in the picture above just behind me. It's a bit frightening how much we look alike!