Whew-Weeeee!I'm pooped! I had so much fun at the
Madrona Fiber Arts Festival that I'm just wiped out! I was lucky enough to share a room with
Mara and
Meg, Mara and I carpooled down to Tacoma on Friday evening and quickly found Sarah to loop into our fun. We dragged her down to The Rock (Rock Pasta) and had a delicious dinner before returning to our hotel room for knitting! Hurricane Jessica blew by before sprinting off for more fun. That woman was everywhere, doing everything all weekend. I think she had more fun than is humanily possible.

On Saturday morning, everyone else had morning classes so I took the oppotunity to walk around Downtown Tacoma before heading up to the Yarn Market for some shopping time.

I didn't make it very far before I spotted the Blue Moon Booth. And let me tell you those ladies are good! I was only going to buy ONE skein but I loved them all and they convinced me that I should buy them all so I walked out with THREE skeins (I did somehow manage to put one skein back and I already miss it).

I headed out to the lobby where I found
Sarah and began knitting with her. A short time later,
Ryan and TMK arrived and squeeling was involved when I spotted them. (It's as if I hadn't just seen them oh about four days before!) TMK set up her spinning wheel and I watched her with awe. Her spinning just continues to improve! I'm so impressed!

TMK tried to hide from me but I had the big camera and I wasn't afraid to use it!

In the afternoon, I took an Entrelac class by Fiona Ellis with Mara. We had consumed a bit of beer at lunch and I loudly announced to Mara that I felt a bit DRUNK! I do think it helped me with the Entrelac though.

Mara kindly offered to take my photo with my Enterlac swatch. Somehow I think my one beer was still coursing through my body (or maybe just my eye).

It took a few shoots before we arrived at this giggly, shocked-looking photo. Mara and I were laughing too hard. She kept telling me to stop making funny eye movements.

On Saturday evening, we took a short walk to the Museum of Glass where I snapped a few photos of the nighttime museum. I put them in a short Flickr set
I was supposed to attend a Pajama Party in Ryan and TMK's room but I was much too tired and opted instead to go to bed early.
On Sunday morning, I had breakfast with Jessica before heading to my Intarsia class with Sally Melville. She is a wonderful teacher and I wish I had taken her class before I knit the jellybean pillow (the front is done btw and I'm now working on the back.) I almost want to knit another jellybean cushion!
I had the most fun this weekend and even though I'm worn out, I can't wait to do it again next year!