Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hailey (Summerlin) Top

Hailey Top Close-up

I made this cute little top for Scott's niece, Hailey. I saw it on and knew I had to make some of these. Next on the list is one of these for Gabby, my friend Kim's daughter. You can find the pattern here.

Hailey Top
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Refusing to Let Go of Hawaii

Lahani Doors

I'm holding onto that Hawaiian Aloha feeling with a firm fist. I really enjoyed being relaxed and completely without stress. Reality is trying her best to get to me but I'm off in my mind floating around Hawaii. I won't let her get me right now!

I'm still uploading images to my Flickr page which is helping me stay mentally in Hawaii.

Scott on a Cliff

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Home Again, Home Again!

Maui Beach

Maui was simply amazing. I had one of the most awesome weeks of my life. I got to spend 24/7 with Scott in the most beautiful place. We snorkled, swam, relaxed, drove like banshees and basically ate everything in sight. My parents were fun to hang out with (we crashed at their timeshare) and I took so many photos. So many photos. I'm still uploading them but you can find them here on Flickr.
Friday, May 16, 2008

Aloha! Off to Hawaii!

July 14, 2007
Whidbey Island Beach, Not Hawaii but still beautiful

It's that time. It's time for me to head to the beach, the Hawaiian beach. I'll be back shortly after Memorial Day with plenty of beach, ocean and lava tales.

Until then, Kato will be watching over the blog.

Ahhhhhh Kato
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Goats! Goats! More Goats!

Day 149 (149/366): Billy Goat Gruff!

So Jessica hired some goats to help clear her back yard and mentioned at knitting on Monday that anyone who was interested could come over for a look.


I quickly announced that I wanted to take my Daily Self Portrait there and asked if I could take a few pictures of the goats.

Now Jessica lives in the city, like seriously in the city so the goats greatly amuse me. I parked my car on the street and headed up to her front door. No one was home (which I was told to expect) so I headed around back. The goats were very excited to see someone! They greeted me with a few bleats.


I started snapping photos and the goats posed along with me. Such good goats and they've done such a good job of clearing Jessica's yard! I love this concept.


Day 149 Outtake
Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Day 147 (147/366): Namaste

I've been lusting after GirlReaction and Carrieoke's Namaste bags. LUSTING!

I stopped at Fiber Gallery before meeting a friend for a drink at Oliver's Twist and some how I fell and grabbed this bag and some yarn to break the fall.

I've decided this is my treat for the Vancouver Half Marathon because you see that justifies the pretty pretty pink bag.
Sunday, May 11, 2008

TKGA Master Knitting Level I


1. TKGA Swatch 1, 2. TKGA Swatch 2, 3. TKGA Swatch 3, 4. TKGA Swatch 4, 5. TKGA Swatch 5, 6. TKGA Swatch 6, 7. TKGA Swatch 7, 8. TKGA Swatch 13, 9. TKGA Swatch 14, 10. TKGA Swatch 15, 11. TKGA Level 1 Hat, 12. Rejected TKGA Swatch 12, 13. Rejected TKGA Swatch 14

I've been hard at work on my TKGA Master Knitting Level I swatches and writing. I've had to re-do a some swatches since I've taken over two years to work on this project and some of the requirements have changed. I heard that you can write in and request to submit your older, previously finished swatches but I decided to redo swatches 4-12 (the ones with the changes) since I know it will help me grow as a knitter. And I think that is the entire reason for doing this program.

I still need to complete the written report and swatches 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 16. My goal is to knit a swatch a night this week so I have them done. Then I'll go to Hawaii, get some sun and come back to review the swatches and re-do any that I deem are necessary to re-do while completing the written report.

The entire swatch set can be seen on Flickr or Ravelry
Friday, May 09, 2008

Being Judgemental

This morning I woke up and did my usual morning thing. I showered, I drank coffee, I watched the Today show.

Along the way they aired a segment about the Duggar family and their 17 children. This family really riles me up. I personally find it incredibly irresponsible to have so many children and guess what, now they are expecting their 18th child!

I sat there and stewed a bit before thinking of all the reasons this family gets me so mad. First of all, I feel so bad for each of these children. They have to schedule ALONE time with their parents. I so treasure the relationship that I have with each of my parents and I know that if I had to share their time with 17 other kids, it wouldn't be as good or as close. Secondly, think of the impact these additional people have on the Earth! I can only hope that these 18 children do not have 18 children of their own or there won't be any room or resources for the few children I would like to have. Thirdly why? would you want so many children? WHY? I love children and I think teaching would be awesome since you'd get to hang out with 15-18 kids during the day but guess what? I would LOVE it when they went home to hang out with their families.

So I'm sitting here today feel quite judgemental and actually not feeling to bad about that judgement. I just can not understand how these parents think at all.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

City Walking in Vancouver, BC

Looking Out from Chapters

I used to go up to Vancouver a lot but then the dollar fell and now I only go up once in awhile.


I love Vancouver though and really enjoy walking around the city. On Saturday before the race (and after a parking fiasco), Scott and I spent some time roaming around the city. We started at the city library which is one of my favorite buildings in Vancouver.

Vancouver Library

They wanted to update the library but couldn't afford a new building. Instead they "wrapped" a new building around the old one. It is beautiful and stunning!

Roman Library

I even found some lovely flowers on our city walk. It was delightful.

Beautiful Flowers

You can see all of my Vancouver pictures on Flickr.
Sunday, May 04, 2008

Running the Vancouver Half Marathon

Getting Ready to Race

I ran the Vancouver Half Marathon today and it was great! I finished in 3 hours and 3 minutes. My goal was 3 hours but heck I'll take those extra 3 minutes and be proud of what I did today.

Race Morning

Scott got up at O'Dark Thirty with me and sent me off at the starting line. The sun was shining and the day was just beautiful.

Photo by Scott

Julie ran the entire way with me which you know really makes the race just that much better.

Photo by Scott

Julie and I stuck to our 5 minute runs and our 1 minute walks all the way until Stanley Park. The crowd was super supportive and cheered all of us on. They printed our first names on our bibs and I do admit to being confused when people I didn't know would yell my name and cheer me on. It took oh about 6 miles to figure out that my name was on my bib! Duh!

Photo by Scott

Stanley Park was beautiful and we walked up "the hill" where you gain 200 feet in elevation in just under one mile. We picked up our 5 and 1's once we were done with the hill and ran, ran, ran our way in. The last mile may have been the LONGEST mile known to man but I am so happy with my time and so happy to be done training for a bit!

Day 138 (138/366): Time = 3:03!

OK, OK, I know I'll be back out there running again soon but I'm going to relax this week and not worry about training!
Friday, May 02, 2008

Eye Candy Friday


I went to a film meetup last weekend and used film! I rarely use it nowdays but you know what, it is good and it is fun!
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