Monday, January 26, 2009

Can I Have Ice Cream For Breakfast?

Molly Moons

This weekend, I finally made my way to Molly Moon's for their Maple Bacon Ice Cream Oatmeal breakfast and I'm so glad I did!

Molly Moon 100% Compostable

Molly Moon's served me up some hot oatmeal and then placed a scoop of Maple Bacon Ice Cream on top. I then sprinkled some cinnamon over it all and dug it.


The savory taste combined with the creamy ice cream and grainy texture of the oatmeal was a delight to my senses. All of Molly Moon's ice creams are a delight to me though. They use the freshest ingredients along with some of the most interesting flavors to create amazing ice cream.

Private Party

All in all, my tummy was very happy at the end of the meal. So very happy! It made the rest of my day, that much better.

Day 25 (25/365.2) Swirl

Molly Moon's Ice Cream
1622 ½ N 45th St in Wallingford
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Day

Image kindly borrowed from

This morning I woke up with a bit of a bounce in my step. As I bundled myself up to walk to the bus, I felt a spring in my heels. For today is a new day.

I walked through the murky fog to the bus and waited for the bus. I couldn't even find it in myself to complain about the cold as my spirits were lifted too high. For today is a new day.

I turned on my computer at work and anxiously waited for it to boot up. I had something I wanted to see. Something important to watch, something life-changing. For today is a new day.

I watched as Obama was sworn in and I felt tears prick at my lids. I listened to my new President's words and I wanted to raise my fist in the air. For today is a new day.

And now the work begins as we watch our President's first 100 most crucial days and I hope that we all know that we must work together for this new future and that we remember that today is a new day.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Slog is Done! Long Live the Slog!

Day 13 (13/365.2): The Slog is Complete!

Two nights ago, I cast off on the SLOG (the Chevron Scarf) and I can honestly say that I won't be making another one EVER! In fact, I'm not even sure I want to wear this on. I am however pleased as punch that I'm finished with the project. It didn't take as much yarn as I thought so I know have two extra skeins of sock yarn. I'm sure I'll be able to find a project for them.

Day 13 Outtake

Chevron Closeup

Chevron Colors

Completed Slog
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The VooDoo That You Do


Over the weekend, Scott and I headed down to Portland to celebrate Christmas 3.0 with his family. We had a grand time and on the way home, I convinced Scott to stop by VooDoo Doughnuts. OK there wasn't much convincing, it went more like this:

"Scott, I want to stop at VooDoo Doughnuts."

"AWESOME! Do you have directions?"

And so in we went and it was delicious and full of SUGAR!

VooDoo Menu

They had an eclectic menu full of interesting doughnuts.


I ordered an Old Dirty Bastard which was a doughnut with chocolate cookie crumbles and peanut butter while Scott ordered a Grape doughnut which we suspect was sprinkled with grape Kool-aid. We decided to pass on the Maple Bacon doughnut since well sugar and grease are not usually a good combination.

YIP.4 Voodoo Donuts


The doughnut selection and names were fantastic with the prices just right but I must voice my one complaint. I'm sick and tired of restaurants that only take cash. Seriously people in this day and age when people rarely carry cash and tend to only use debit cards. You are running a business and just as you have to pay your employees you also need to pay the credit card fees. OK rant over, I had cash and all was fine but this is just something that bothers me.

So next time you are in Portland or heck if you live there, stop by VooDoo Doughnuts. It's good!

VooDoo Doughnuts
1501 NE Davis
Portland, OR
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