This weekend was the
IFBC in West Seattle. The company I work for was one of the sponsors so I was lucky enough to attend and meet some really wonderful food bloggers. I have so many thoughts and ideas from this conference that my head is spinning. Spinning so much that I think I will just focus on all the wonderful food from this weekend in this post.
The morning started with pastries from Bakery Nouveau, a wonderful West Seattle bakery. I've heard reports about these treats but I've never made it to Bakery Nouveau to try them out.
After inhaling a few pastries, I am now an official Bakery Nouveau fan and really must visit the actual bakery.

By lunchtime, the pastries had been consumed and all that was left was one lonely bread basket.

The food at the IFBC was amazing. A portion of Saturday's lunch was made by Kerry Sears from
Four Seasons ART Restaurant. He included cured lamb bacon that had been cured at ART and it was amazing.

There were also freshly made donuts along with an delicate stinging nettle ravioli from
Boom Noodle provided a cold dish with a cucumber base and a bruschetta-like spread.
Day two of the conference brought even more amazing food. Breakfast was provided by
On Safari Foods with coffee from Stumptown Roasters. There was an egg dish that literally melted in my mouth and the coffee from Stumptown was perfect as usual. Stumptown Roasters actually talked at the conference about their Direct Trade coffee practices and really impressed me. I'll be purchasing their coffee when possible.

Lunch was provided by
The Herbfarm,
Spring Hill and
Six Seven at the Edgewater with foods from
4505 Chicharrones, Theo Chocolate and Salted caramels from Das Foods.

Six Seven and Seattle Caviar made these crepes topped with caviar. The crepes were the perfect host for the yummy caviar.

The Herbfarm provided a lunch that was no more than two days old, except for the cured meat. The radishes were freshly harvested that morning, the eggs were plucked from the hens just hours before and the butter churned the day before. You could literally taste the freshness in each bite.

The Herbfarm raised this pig which was slaughtered last year before they cured the ham into the most delicious salami. The marbling was just right and the meat was tender yet full of aromatic spice.

The food was just as one would expect at a food blogger's conference, which is to say that it was amazing, surprising and absolutely perfect. I'd be thrilled to have attended this conference just for the food but I still have all those thoughts floating around my head. I'll spill those thoughts in another past later this week.
I do have to say that food bloggers might be just as passionate as knit bloggers. I think it is because of the great topics they have fallen in love with.