unrelated photo that makes me LAUGH!
I've been obsessed with planning my wedding for the past few weeks. We've booked the church, the reception hall (which includes the decorations, flowers and cake), the photographer and reserved some hotels.
I've purchased my wedding dress (well my lovely Mum did), got my wedding shoes, purchased bridesmaid dresses along with sweet flower girl dresses and have begun planning the favors. I'm zooming through this process! I love zooming!
I have to honestly say that I'm not sure why you would need a year to plan a wedding. I think it would be nice if you like to take your time but me, I want to get married NOW! However we're getting hitched in April and that will be great since my wonderful wedding dress doesn't arrive until March 1. Yep that is what takes forever and is why you need so long. You need all that time for your dress be made and shipped to you. Whew!
AND we've booked our honeymoon! We're going to Paris and Amsterdam. I can not wait to enjoy Paris with Scott. Well I guess you all know why I'm so anxious to get married, I really just want to go to Paris with a very special man that I'll get to call my husband. I'm so very lucky.