Thursday, September 30, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Yesterday afternoon, we made it official.

We sold the condo and bought a house. This is the house we are starting our lives together in. This is the house we hope to grow a family, grow memories and grow old in.

North Ballard House 16

We're so excited about it since it seems that we've been working toward this goal for most of the year. We started the process of selling our condo before we even got married. Then we searched high and low for the perfect for us house.

North Ballard House 2

We saw a great many houses. We saw some fantastic ones that were way out of our price range and others that were so horrendously scary that we didn't get further in than the entry. But after awhile, we spotted this one and we didn't hesistate. We put in an offer that night and anxiously waited for the sellers to accept, which they did.

North Ballard House 14

And now we are the proud owners of this house. We don't move in for a few weeks but it's official, it's ours. Now onto the decorating!

*These are not my photos, nor are they our belongs. But it is our home!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

BlogHer Food

BlogHer Food 10

In just over 10 days, I'm heading to San Francisco for BlogHer Food. It will be my first time attending the conference and I'm quite excited. I'm excited not only because I'll be able to get away from our 400 square foot temp housing unit for a few days but also because I get to spend time with other food obsessed people.

Are you going?
Friday, September 24, 2010

How to be alone


I love this video. I love doing things alone. I love that it gives me time to dream and explore and connect.

When I was reading The Artists Way and actively following the program, I went on weekly artist dates with myself. They were so lovely. I'm thinking of doing this program again in the new year. I'm feeling a bit disconnected from my creativity since I've been too busy to connect!
Monday, September 20, 2010

Packing Up and Moving On

YIIP: Day 260

We're packing up and moving on! Oh I'm not packing up the blog. No way! I love it too much for that to ever happen.

Condo 2

Nope, Scott and I are packing up our stuff and moving out of our sweet, little condo. I'll certainly miss this tiny abode where we started our life together but it's time for us to move into a home that we have found together.


This is the condo that Scott bought before we met. It's in a great neighborhood, one that I always wanted to live in. I had so much fun decorating this place with Scott. We put pictures on the wall, brought in a new couch and made this condo a home.


But now we're moving on and into a home that we both fell in love with the moment we saw it. I'll reveal more once we close on it since it's not officially ours just yet. Let me just say, this new home is that place I see us raising a family in. I can't wait to look back on this time when it was just the two of us and we didn't know all the fun that the future had in hold for us.

I hear the sunsets are better in Ballard. I can't wait to see if that is true since the sunrises have been pretty great in Fremont.
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