Wow! You are 13 months old and growing more entertaining with every day. You just celebrated your second Christmas which was so much fun! Mama is happy to report that she remembers more of this year's Christmas and your parents had so much fun watching you open presents. By the fourth celebration, you had gotten pretty good at opening gifts. You were fascinated with the paper and loved the boxes the gifts came in.
This month has been a whirlwind of sickness, celebration and learning. Mama was sick with a bronchitis infection and then you caught some sort of virus that gave you a nasty week of diarrhea. You took it all in stride and were only a little bit sad. You also got your 1 year molars this month. Yep, all four of them.
You met Santa this month with your friend, Ruby. Neither one of you were impressed with the great man. In fact, you both screamed your little heads off.
Your mothers (and fathers) may have laughed at all the screaming while snapping photos. We had to document this occasion in order to taunt you with it later.
You did however enjoy the festivities of the season. We went to the Pathway of Lights at Greenlake with Motty when she was in town. Our friend, Kate and her two little girls also joined it. It was a cold, cold night and you did get a little cranky after awhile. Next year, I'll pack hand warmers and hot coco for you.
You and I spent a lot of this month prepping for the holidays and you were a great little champion through it all. Just before Christmas, you helped us deliver cookies to the neighbors. This is a new tradition that I hope to keep up!
We also went to the Seattle Center to take in the Winter Festival. This is a must for you from here on out. You loved listening to the orchestra and watching the toy train set. You were also filmed for Meg's TV show, CityStream.
On my birthday, it snowed so as soon as we woke up, I threw on your boots and took you outside. You thought the snow was funny and quickly tried to eat it. It didn't even last the day but it was still exciting.
I'll sign off now as there are many Christmas toys to play with and only so many hours in the day to play with them all.