After listening to my friend's Erin and Jessica's
Doubleknit podcast challenge for 2012, I decided to join in on the 2012 Finish, Frog & Slog-along. I have a few too many projects lingering on the needles.
The first thing I did was gather all my WIPs and place them in one spot. We have two ottomans in the den (aka Grand Central Station) and so I put my projects in one of those. That way I can reach in and grab the next WIP without having to find them in my craft room. It will make it harder for me to avoid them.
I've also decided that each month, I will work on two projects with the hopes of finishing two projects a month. This month, I'm finishing
Molly's Monogrammed Sweater and my
Year of the S(ox) #7 socks which I started in 2009 with some beautiful green yarn from North Loop Yarn.
I'm also going to work on at least two mitered squares from my
Miter Square Blanket which I started the same month I met Scott in 2007. This might be my longest lingering WIP. I have about 18 squares to finish and I want to finish this blanket!
Ready, Set, Go!