Saturday, March 24, 2012

Four Months with Molly Pop

WHAT? We have a cat? WE HAVE TWO CATS?

Dear Molly,

Four Months. I can't believe that we've had you for four months, four wonderful months. You are growing big and strong and so very opinionated.

This month, you've discovered so many things. You've discovered that we have two cats and that you have two hands. You currently shove your hands into your mouth whenever you can. Luckily for now, the cats have not had to suffer the same fate. You've also started teething and that sucks for all of us. Your mouth is sore and your nose is snotty, oh so snotty.

Sooo as I was saying...HEY ARE YOU LISTENING?
We're still going strong with the breastfeeding and I've stopped being as obsessive about it. You get what you get from me and the rest from formula. You have a mixed diet. You have variety! Not all babies get to have variety in how and what they eat.

No! I do not need a NAP!

You tend to sleep pretty well but we do have days where you resist the sweet allure of sleep. I'm currently tracking your sleep schedule so we can develop a nap routine. Once we figure that out, I plan to respect the nap with all the respect I can. I figure your morning nap will always be done at home while your afternoon nap might need to be taken in the car or stroller while I run errands, go on walks or escape from the house. I hope (and maybe stupidly) that this will help you to nap/sleep anywhere.

This past month, we also started attending PEPS. It is AWESOME! I love our group and you love watching the babies. I sense that we'll be friends with these people for ages. You seem to really enjoy it too and have become quite vocal during our meetings. I had to shush you last week because you were chatting way too much when other people were talking.

What up? Wubanub!

Your little personality is really showing through. You've started fussing when you want down to play and fussing when you are done. You have really started to enjoy activity time and are working hard on rolling from your back to your front. You get stuck on your side a lot which causes tears for you and lots of laughter from me (because I'm mean and find it very funny to see you confused by your actions).

You also had your first cold this month. It was mild but produced so much snot. You have unfortunately developed a NoseFrida aversion from my overuse of it.  I love that thing!

I can't believe that 4 months ago, I was in labor with you. Seriously I think you've always been with us. I really enjoy our little family. It feels so right to have you around. We love you, Molly Pop!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bathroom Freshen Up

We have two bathrooms in our house. The one on the main floor is huge and pretty much perfect for our needs. The color is soothing, the floor is beautiful and the accessories are stylish. We love that bathroom (well as much as one can love a bathroom).

The downstairs bathroom

Downstairs, we hide our other bathroom, the spare bathroom which is only used by guests or when the other bathroom is occupied. It's a small room with a garish shade of yellow, actually two shades of yellow because why paint all the walls the same color when you can paint them different shades of the same color! Full disclosure, the bathroom was painted by the previous owners.

Downstairs Bathroom Toliet

The toilet is small and seriously the strangest toilet I've ever seen but it works. Most importantly it fits in the small bathroom which is an important point.

Downstairs Bathroom Sink

The sink is plain and yet pleasing. Again, it works and fits within the space limits. I'm not a huge fan of the faucet nor the pipes showing beneath it.

Downstairs Bathroom Shower

The shower is cozy. The shower head is hideous and I apologize to all our guests who have been pelted by it. I showered down there one day after mowing the lawn as I didn't want to track grass clippings into the house and I was appalled at the pelting! THE PELTING!

Downstairs Bathroom Floor

The floor is utilitarian. It works. It is boring and needs some spark but it is extremely easy to clean!

Downstairs Bathroom View

So this Spring, I plan to update the bathroom. There isn't room in the budget for a new shower, toilet or sink but I think I can make some vast improvements by adding a tile floor (which I'll do myself, heaven help me!), new accessories, new shelves, possibly a new sink faucet and new paint. I'm actually going to paint the bathroom the same color as Molly's room. I have almost a full gallon from the nursery project and I love the color.

I'm planning a few scouting expeditions in the next few weeks to figure out what kinds of accessories I want for the bathroom. I'm looking forward to the scouting expeditions because they allow me to dream big. Once I have the inspiration down, I can look for cheaper alternatives but I love dreaming big. Where do you like to get your bathroom accessories? Where can I find the best items?
Wednesday, March 07, 2012

March Update for the Doubleknit 2012 Finish, Frog, & Slog-along

The Knitting Pile

I'm still hard at work on the 2012 Finish, Frog and Slog-along. Last month, I finished the Damn Green Socks, did not work on my Shedir at all and started and finished the Jane Hat.

Jane Hat

I'm quite pleased with the Jane Hat. It's a simple yet pleasing knit. For some reason, I'm also quite into Mustard Yellow as a color so this yarn helped satisfy the urge to own a piece of clothing in this color.

Lace-Up Shawl and Scarf

This month, I will again work on my Shedir hat and I will be working on my Lace-Up Shawl. I finished the Scarf ages ago and for some reason never got going on the shawl. This past weekend, I settled in with some Fringe shows, the pattern and some yarn. After ripping out my previous work and starting over, I'm now happily knitting away on this shawl.

Teething Baby

Molly says she approves of these plans and will try to sleep extra so I can get some knitting time in.
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