Saturday, October 28, 2017

Week in Review 10.28.17


Scott was in California most of the week so a lot of my routines were disrupted. The girls and I did fine as usual. I just had to workout later in the day and figure out when to get my writing done. It was a pretty great week in the end though we did miss Scott. The end of the week brought the start of Halloween which is always fun! 



I got in 5 
workouts this week - four boot camp classes and one barre3 class. I did some seriously hard work this week in boot camp and barre3 almost did me in. I lifted the heaviest weights I could and jumped the highest I could. I am so exhausted in a good way. I did get a little giddy in one boot camp class because I got to lift really heavy weights. We carried one dumbbell on our shoulder and one in our hand by our hips while walking across the room. It felt so powerful and I LOVED it. I really, really love working out. 



I got my first Imperfect Produce order this week and it was AMAZING! The fruits and vegetables looked and tasted awesome. Maggie chomped into the apples right away and was so excited to try them.


My big problem this week was I got too much produce! I forgot I was getting the Imperfect Produce order so I still got my regular Full Circle and New Roots order. We have a lot of fruits and vegetables to eat right now. Luckily a lot is squash which tends to keep for awhile. I have plans to make a huge batch of squash soup for lunches next week to use some of them up!


The Girls

I finished getting the girls set up for ski season. This is their first year taking lessons and trying out the sport. We rented skis, got helmets, arranged lift passes and figured out their clothing. I forgot how much gear is involved in skiing. I also hope to get on the slopes myself! 


We went to a Sounders Match on Sunday. The girls had a really good time and while we didn't stay until the very end, it was a lot of fun. We had pretty good seats and found an elevator when it was time to leave. We originally took the ramp to the 300th levels which was quite a lot of ramp. 


Other Goings On

I spent a lot of time this week writing, knitting and reading - my three favorite activities. I'm making progress on my Master Knitting 1 certification and really buckling down. I finished a book and am halfway through another. It's the cozy time of the year where I love getting into my bed early and reading for hours. 


On Tuesday, I randomly saw a deer on my street which is in the middle of the city. I've seen plenty of raccoons, a few rats and some coyotes but never a deer. Sorry for the crappy photo but I was so excited, I could barely grab my phone. 


Stories Published

Seattle Refined: Ugly fruits & veggies are still delicious! Save 'different-looking' foods from landfills
Sunday, October 22, 2017

Week in Review 10.21.17



The Big Dark arrived this week with a multitude of storms. It was wild and windy around here but life kept on with a school field trip to pumpkin patches, planning for our basement remodel and the continuation of my Fall Transformation Program with Sync



I got in 5 
workouts this week - four boot camp classes and one barre3 class. I boot camped a lot and am feeling good about that! Exercise has been a bit harder to fit in lately due to life getting busier. I'm making it happen though! 



Food was hit and miss this week. I'm at the point in my Fall Transformation Program where I don't want to track my food and I just don't to eat because it feels like a burden. Also I'm really finding that lunch is my sore spot. I am usually busy doing something with the kids and can't sit down for a Big Ass Salad. I'm trying to figure out how to re-work that problem because I'm happiest when I sit down and enjoy a hearty salad. 


It was also a week of food gathering (or felt like it). I did our monthly Costco trip alone and got so much good stuff. I'm planning on doing a post on how I grocery shop soon. It is not perfect but it works pretty well for us. 


The Girls

I went on a field trip with Molly's class to the pumpkin patch and I'm still exhausted. I do not know how the kindergarten teachers do it. They are my heroes! The trip was fun, rainy and muddy. I had to drive separately which allowed me time to listen to my audio book. WIN! Molly loved running around the field with her classmates. She also had a fun after-school playdate earlier in the week. 


On Friday, I took Maggie to the West Seattle Art Nest for a story I'm doing. I had to drag her out after two hours. It is an awesome space and I know we'll be back! They had so many crafts and it was all neatly organized. 


Other Goings On

I had my eyes checked on Tuesday and then headed to the coffee shop to get some work done while the house was being cleaned. It was a delightful day for me as I got to hang at the coffee shop and come home to a clean house. I had fallen behind in keeping it up and needed a fresh start. 


I have also been working hard on my Master Knitting 1 certification. It is a ton of work and I question my abilities the entire time. My goal is to get it submitted by the end of the year and then work on any resubmittals in 2018. I just want to get this done and I enjoy all that I've been learning but it requires time and concentration, things I am lacking. 
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Anxiety, Sleep and Podcasts are this week's links from around the web


Why We Need to Take High Functioning Anxiety Seriously - Since having kids, I've been more anxious but most people wouldn't know it. Also I think I manage it pretty well which means I'm high-functioning but it doesn't mean that it is not there. 

Sleep Scientist Warns Against Walking Through Life 'In An Underslept State' 

A Remembrance of The Fish Missionary You may not know his name, but you have tasted his steadfast work in the food industry. John Rowley passed away last week and the world lost someone important. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Current Favorites

YOC - January Inspiration

These are a few of my favorite things...When the dog bites, When the bee stings, When I'm feeeeeeelllling sad! 

I thought it would be fun to share a few of my current favorite things! Fall is here and everything seems to be getting busier and busier but these things are keeping everything in check. 

Brooks Running Levitate Shoes - Brooks Running sent me a pair of these shoes and they are AMAZING! Seriously. They are so light but also super supportive. I love the color and how they feel. 

Conscious Coconut Oil - When the weather turns colder and the heat turns on, my skin starts to dry out. I love Conscious Coconut Oil to keep everything moisturized without needing extra lotion. Bonus, this smells like suntan oil! 

Champion - The Infinity Shape Racerback Seamless Sports Bra - I've been exercising a lot but I only had one sports bra that felt great so today, I ordered two more. This bra works pretty well for me. I have a hard time finding great sports bras with the size of my generous chest. 

Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz - I started this book in Suncadia and am loving it! It's set in England, near Bath and full of mystery and intrigue! 
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week in Review 10.14.17



Re-entry into regular life was hard! I had such a good time at Suncadia that coming back to regular life was rough. It was also a busy week with lots of volunteering in the kids classrooms while trying to keep my regular work up. Annnnd I started the Fall Transformation Program with Sync. Whew! 



I got in 5 
workouts this week - three boot camp classes, one barre3 class and one really long and great yoga class. I want to get in another workout this weekend but it is not looking so good. I feel like my hips got a major workout this week. Most of the workouts were focused on hips and boy are they sore! 



My food was on point this week with the Fall Transformation Program. Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to stick to the plan. I know I need more vegetables and when I actually eat them, I like them! I did have a few moments when I really wanted to stop and get a coffee with a pastry but I drank water and moved on. 


On Thursday, I got a text that the Amazon Treasure Truck had poke for their deal. Maggie is a poke fiend so I quickly got in on the deal and snagged a box. It wasn't the best I've ever had but it was pretty good. 

The Girls

I spent a lot of time volunteering in each of the girl's classes this week. I chaperoned Maggie's preschool class to see Go, Dog. Go! at the Seattle's Children's Theatre. It was fun but a wee bit long. 


On Wednesday, I helped out Molly's teacher with my superior cutting skills. She needed some sight words cut out so I got chopping! Thursday I went in to help with the making of applesauce. I came a bit early and had so much fun watching Molly's class in action. Molly's teacher is AMAZING and she seems to be thriving in the room. 


The girls and I also went swimming at the Lynnwood Pool on Wednesday. That place is fantastic and I can't believe I've never been. We will be back! Friday was a day off school so we had Molly's friend over for the day and they played and played and played. 

Other Goings On

This week was so busy and I never felt like I got anything done. I'm ready for a break! Scott and I went to see Bladerunner 2049 on Friday and it was so good! It's a slower film but I liked the pace. There were a ton of famous actors in the film too. 


Stories Published

Seattle's Child: Celebrate Fall at Suncadia
Seattle's Child: Fly High with Fall Zip Lining
Seattle Refined: Travel Guide: 48 Hours on Camano Island

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

A Weekend Away at Suncadia


This past weekend, I headed to Suncadia for a weekend away. I was graciously hosted by Diamond PR and Suncadia. I could not have had a better time. Suncadia never disappoints.

On Friday afternoon, I left the kids with a sitter and headed east. Traffic was terrible leaving the city and I arrived a bit late which meant I missed out on a tour of the property. Luckily this was not my first visit so I had a pretty good idea of the lay of the land. After settling into my room, I met up with the rest of my group for dinner at Portals, the restaurant on-site in the lodge. I've had breakfast there in the past but not dinner. I ordered the Elk Shepard's Pie and it was amazing. The dish was rich and full of hygge comfort. The portion was giant though so while I wanted to finish the entire plate, I could only fit about half in. After dinner, we all headed back to our rooms to rest up for the busy weekend ahead.


My room was HUGE. I had a kitchen, living area, giant bathroom and a separate bedroom. I could see my whole family enjoying this space. The room also had a full fridge and a washer/dryer which is a huge bonus when doing so many outdoor activities.


Saturday morning arrived with a brisk rain which put a slight damper on my spirits. We had a Guided Beer and Bike Tour on the schedule and I wasn't feeling too hip on riding in the rain. Luckily, the clouds parted and we were able to hop on some bikes for a ride to Roslyn. We headed to The Brick to sample some local brews before snagging lunch at Base Camp Books and Bites.


Afterwards we biked back to Suncadia and then headed to the Glade Spa for spa treatments. I had a facial and for the first time in my entire life, I was told I had great skin. Seriously, that has never happened. I guess my lack of make-up and infrequent moisturizing is going well!


After our spa treatments we had time to roam the property or relax in our rooms. I decided to head to my room to read and relax. It was such a treat! I rarely get quiet time so I soaked it in. For dinner, we enjoyed a cider tasting sampling with some great harvest tastes. There may have been a Diary Queen run after dinner where I was able to get a beloved blizzard. I don't know why I like them so much. 


After sleeping a ton, I was up and at it on Sunday morning. I enjoyed breakfast alone at  Portals before meeting up with the group for an excursion into Cle Elum. We stopped by the bakery and Owen Meats. They had a meat jerky vending machine which was so exciting! A MEAT VENDING MACHINE! 


We explored town and then the group headed out on a hike while I headed back to my room to get some work done. We met up in the afternoon and went to the Harvest Fest for some nibbles. I also got to shoot a bow and arrow! I actually shot an arrow through a pumpkin so basically I'm the next Katniss.



Later that night, we met up for a final dinner at Smokey's BBQ. I ordered the "World Famous Train-wreck" which is pretty much everything on the menu on one plate. It was so good and definitely gave me heartburn later (totally worth it though). I left the group and headed home. They were all flying out the next day but I needed to get home and let's be honest, I missed my family! I can't wait to get away and then when I do, all I want to do is get back to them. #can'twin!


Check out the article I wrote for Seattle's Child on Suncadia's Fall Offerings.
Monday, October 09, 2017

September Book Report


September's reading was slim. I finished two books and most of a third which I'll save for October's report. I really did enjoy both books that I read though and wish I could have read more.


My first book was "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline. They are making this into a movie and it was amazing. I can not wait to see the movie. All of the references to the 80s made my heart sing. This book is about a dystopian future where a billionaire dies and leaves behind a complex video game. Whoever beats the game inherits his fortune. The book follows one player as he attempts to conquer the game and rise above.


My second read was "George & Lizzie" by Nancy Pearl. I really enjoyed this book even though there were many times I wanted to hug Lizzie and shake her! This book follows the story of Lizzie and her complicated love life before marrying George. I really liked this book. 

Yearly Book Total: 38/52

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links which means if you buy something from a link, I receive a very small percentage back. 
Saturday, October 07, 2017

Week in Review 10.7.2017


It's been a busy but good week! I went on two press trips (more on those later) and restarted The Minimalist Game to clear out more stuff. It's a never ending battle. 


I got in 4 
workouts this week - two boot camp classes and a barre3 along with a bike tour at Suncadia! Next week I start my Fall Transformation program with Sync and I'm going to bring the power! I'll be working out 5-6 times a week while focusing on good, healthy eating. 



I've had some amazing meals this week between my trip Kristoferson and my time at Suncadia. I took zero photos of them. I was too busy enjoying the meals. 

We are eating a lot of fruits and vegetables at the house. Maggie is currently obsessed with plulots and eats 8 at a time. I've had to slow her down so everyone else can enjoy one or two. Maggie and I also enjoyed some poke from the 45th Stop and Shop. It was really good!


The Girls

The girls have been busy this week. On Sunday, we had a birthday party at Safeco Field. The kids loved the press room and pretended to give a press conference. We had a busy week at school. It was Maggie's conference this week too and we had a good time learning more about her days at school. 


Other Goings On

This week was a bit surreal! I went on a press trip to Camano Island on Wednesday. I was excited to go but man, it got so much better when a really good high school friend also showed up! We haven't been able to spend as much time together since having kids and working and living life as we used to so it was a HUGE treat to have a day with her. They took us zip lining and I was so nervous about it. I knew she would love it and she did. It was so much fun though! We went out with Canopy Tours NW at Kristoferson Farm
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