Tuesday, August 27, 2013

21 months with Molly Pop

21 months

You live a big life! My friend told you this today and I agree. You do live a big life. You have so much energy bursting out of your little body and you grab it with such passion. I love that I get to share this life with you.

Post U/S donuts

This month has been full of so much adventure! We have worked hard to squeeze all the fun out of summer. We went to Jetty Island, on a hike to Lincoln Park, visited MOHAI, made jam together, rocked out at Pepsapalooza and visited Gabby at the hospital. You grew a whole bunch and I bought you a pile of new clothing. You have more opinions on them now but seem to like what I bought for you, especially the riding boots.

Room #fmsphotoaday The beach was our playroom today.

You have been exerting your independence. You want to do things all by yourself which is great but sometimes you just aren't tall enough (to swing from the monkey bars) or don't have the coordination (to climb up the twirly ladder) so that can be a disappointing for you.


You have a bundle of emotion inside you that sometimes swells up in laughter or in a temper tantrum. We've been working together on emotions and I think you are slowly getting there. It's rough work being a toddler.

21 months alt

You have been an excellent helper at my doctor's appointments and even though you tried to run away at my 20 week ultrasound, you made it through. It's hard sitting still for all of Mommy's appointments but you do a pretty good job.


We start co-op preschool next month and I really hope you enjoy it. I think it will give you the structure and learning environment that you want and need. I bet they will let you color all you want which is currently your favorite activity outside of kicking a ball.

Pro Wading Pool Swimmer

You've started yelling, "Cheese" whenever I take a photo of you and making the silliest face. You like helping me feed the cats. You bring me the bowls, I fill them and then you put them back. Afterwards, you yell, "TATO!" for Kato the cat to come and eat. I guess Mel-B is just supposed to respond to Tato too? Your language is picking up. You now have a few sentences and are very polite with your PEESE and TANK YOUs. It's adorably awesome to hear your sweet voice. 

Fast #fmsphotoaday A little girl I know likes to go fast on the merry-go-round.

I'm working to make these last few months as an only child special for you. We have been going on lots of adventures, enjoying illicit treats and having fun together. I am excited for you to have a little sister though. I think you are going to be the best big sister. Chicken Nugget is going to have the best teacher for all of her adventures. We love you more than you'll ever understand, Molly Pop!

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