Friday, December 31, 2004
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Today's post will be short and sweet. Mainly I just realized that I didn't wish Stephanie! a very Happy Birthday on this blog yesterday. Oh I went to dinner with her and gave her adoration and presents BUT I didn't wish her happy birthday on the blog and really, what kind of friend am I if I miss out on doing that!?!

This past year, Stephanie has done so much! She ran a marathon with me because she didn't want me to run alone (how awesome is that!),

she invited me to go to France with her and Jen (AND that was SUPER fun!),

she bought her very first condo and had a blast redecorating it, she gained a greater appreciation of yarn (though she says she's not interested in knitting), there was the great Exercise Book accumulation, and a summer spent with Roux at Cake Zoka!

Whew! Now I wonder what she has up her sleeve for this year! With Stephanie one only knows where she'll go and I hope I'm invited along for the ride again this year! Last year's was soooooo much fun! So in the end, Happy (Belated) Birthday Stephanie!
Monday, December 27, 2004
Holidays and Clap-o-tis!

The holiday break was nice and refreshing though not long enough. It's back to the grind for me and this week will be a busy one! The team I support have a major tradeshow next week so countless hours will be spent preparing for that!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were spent with my family and my furry nephew, Phoenix. Phoenix was able to meet Destiny AND amazingly enough I think she tolerated him. She was very curious about him and really wanted to get really close to him but I think his endless bouncing made her nervous.

In between Halo 2 and Sims 2 playing, I worked on Clapotis and reached the dropping point. See my stitch markers...

Here is a close-up of the dropped stitches. Oh! I can't wait to finish this and wear it all over town.

I also finished The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman. I quickly picked up the third (and final) installment, "The Amber Spyglass". This is a great series and I would highly recommend it. I'll write a review on my reading blog later this week.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Stitch Marker Addiction

Oh I think I may have another crafty addiction starting -- making stitchmarkers!

Last night after celebrating my Grandfather's 79th birthday, I went about making stitchmarkers. See:

I had so much fun with them and made Ariana watch me make them. It was more fun that way and we decided on color combinations together. I think I'll need to re-visit the bead store today and on Christmas maybe Ariana and I can make more!

I don't have much else to report on today. I've started reading "The Subtle Knife" by Philip Pullman and it is enthralling. I'm also looking forward to having the next few days off. Today we get to leave work early so I'm going to do that very last minute Christmas shopping I need to get done before heading over to check on Bailey and going home to rest!

Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Headed Toward Celebration Overload

Today is my other Grandfather's birthday. To celebrate this we are having Homemade Macaroni and Cheese and Cheesecake. I'm quite excited for dinner but I am reaching my celebration overload point.

December is a busy time for most people and for me, it is even busier since I also have birthdays to celebrate. Both of my Grandfathers have December birthdays along with my Father, myself, two of my dearest friends and a multitude of cousins. It can get hectic but it is always fun!

Last night I worked a bit more on Clapotis and boy do I love this pattern!

She's a bit rolly in this photo but that is because I only have so many hands and a very curvy, twisty circular needle. I am loving the stitch markers though. I purchased some additional pretty ones because Miss Clap is too pretty for the basic plastic ones. She deserves only the best.

I have only one more day here at work this week before a mini-Christmas holiday break. I plan to really tidy up my yarn stash and get it organized. I have way too many WIPs and I need to decide what to focus on (i.e. Lara needs to be finished!)and I still need to finish up my 30 things in my 30th year. That will appear here tomorrow morning!
Monday, December 20, 2004
30 and going strong!

Whew! What a weekend! There was celebrating, there was fun, there was too much!

Mot threw a party for me at a local bar who was hosting a "Bad Santa" party. It was a blast! She was sneaky and all my favorite people were there from Andi to Julie and Eric, Suzanne, Kate, and Adrian. Stephanie was very instrumental and took me to The Melting Pot before the bar. She was even kind enough to drive me back to Mot's after I imbibed too much. She’s a true friend!

Mot and my parent’s contrived and made me a poster showing all of my 30 years.

And this weekend after a fantastic meal at Marrakesh, I got to meet my new fuzzy nephew, Phoenix!

I introduced him to peanut butter as only a good auntie would. He loved it! Soon peanut butter parfaits! I'm already scheduled to watch him in February, whoo-hoo!

OK off to work and recover....
Friday, December 17, 2004
Happy Birthday Julie

Today is Julie's Birthday. She is the Mom of Zubin and also one of the funniest people I know. I do enjoy her stories and the fact that her birthday is two days before mine, makes her extra cool!

P.S. Birthday Countdown: T -2 days!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Secret Sock Swapping

The Ghost of Holiday Gift Socks paid a visit to me yesterday. He climbed right up on my desk and showed off my socks from Linda of LoobyLou.

These great socks came all the way from Scotland and the Ghost put them on first! OUTRAGEOUS!

I love my new socks! Most importantly they were made for me by another knitter! Can't beat that! Also included in my package was a bar of the most delicious chocolate. Thank you Linda!

I'm still working on Clapotis and she is a beauty. In reference to all the comments about what yarn I'm using to create my new favorite scarf/shawl -- I am using Lorna's Laces Lion and Lamb Yarn in the Vera colorway. While a bit pricey, this yarn is scrumptious and well worth the extra dollars. I wish I could knit with this all the time!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Clap On, Clap Off

Last night I attended Purly Girls and started Clapotis. I'm in love. After heading home and having some dinner, I stayed up way too late with my new love, Clapotis. I'm not even that far into the pattern and I am already knee-deep in the process.

If only I didn't have to work, then I could knit on this ALL DAY LONG!

This past weekend was very busy but I got so much done. On Saturday I arose very early and after spending quite some time on my hair, I headed to the DOL. I arrived at 8:32 a.m., exactly 2 minutes after they had opened. I was 50th in line. I departed at 9:34 a.m. with a photo that showed how great my hair looked but unfortunately also showed the goofy face I made when the photo was taken. GawwwwkkkkK!

Then it was Destiny's turn for a follow-up visit to the vet. She needed to get one more vaccination shot. She acted like the ride in the car was a death sentence and while waiting at a stoplight, I snapped this photo:

Now that is Destiny. That photo shows her true colors. She may go around looking pretty and acting loveable but I know that deep down inside, she is true cat. Her eyes betray her.

Birthday Countdown: Only 5 more days until I turn 30!

Monday, December 13, 2004
Rachael Did It!

Rachael ran her first marathon yesterday! As I finished knitting up my secret project, I refreshed my computer screen and cheered Rachael on from Seattle.

The holiday season is definately upon us. I spent this weekend celebrating my Dad's birthday, cleaning the house, attending two Holiday parties, writing Christmas cards, finishing up my secret knitting (it is packaged and ready to go), visiting The Fiber Gallery and picking up some luscious alpaca yarn and watching the Survivor finale. Whew!

Today I will be casting on for Clapotis!
Friday, December 10, 2004
Peek into Secrets

Last night I worked long and hard on my secret project while waiting for my car recall repair (the fuel pump or something very important was recalled on my new car costing me $0 but providing me with plenty of knitting time) and I am really loving it! In fact, once I finish this one, I think I'll be making one for myself. Today I give a glimpse of said project.

Oh I'll be finished with this in time for my deadline. I need to get this mailed off quickly! I'm also excited because once the secret project is off my needles, I get to cast on for Clapotis!

Also today is my this cool man's birthday (shown here with my Mom)! Tonight the family is taking him out to dinner and if he's good, we'll be giving him presents!

Happy Birthday Dad!

Birthday Countdown: 9 days until I turn 30.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Just a few of my favorite things...

Since I'm quite busy knitting away on my secret project (which MUST be finished this weekend), I thought I'd distract you with MORE photos from France.

I have a strange fascination with doors and windows. This photo was taken as I walked through the fortress walls around the Lourve before I entered the courtyard with its famous glass pyramids. I love how the sunlight streams through the doorway showing just a glimpse of buildings behind it.

This doorway from St. Paul de Vence thrills me because of the details. You can see the fantastic stone walkway made up of individual stones and the old Roman wall with even more doorways beyond.

This is one of my favorite favorites because of the color and the wonderful woman peeking out her window above. The composition of this picture draws me in and reminds me of the Cote d'Azur.

I love this one almost completely because of how blue the water is. The teal color is unmatched.

And this one makes me laugh! Our room in Paris was quite small and the bathroom even smaller. One could use the toliet, brush their teeth and if so inclined, wash their feet in the shower just beyond. This photo shows Jen demonstrating the mini portions of our bathroom.

Now I must get back to my secret project....all be will revealed soon!
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
100 Things

1. I turn 30 in 12 days.
2. I was born 6 days before Christmas.
3. During the first blizzard of the year in St. Paul, Minnesota.
4. I was the first live birth that a school of student nurses ever saw.
5. My Mom was awesome to allow spectators during her first time in labor.
6. I came home in a stocking.
7. I did not grow up in the Midwest.
8. I have one brother.
9. I have one cat named Destiny.
10. I think she likes my Dad more than she likes me.
11. I grew up with two cats and a dog.
12. I loved my dog and want another miniature Schnauzer though no other dog will ever compare to Schnapps.
13. Schnapps used to let me dress her up in my baby pajamas and use her as a pillow.
14. I miss the two cats I grew up with, Mr. T and Katrina.
15. I recently moved back in with my parents.
16. I love living at home.
17. I love to travel.
18. I wish I could travel the world for a living.
19. I speak elementary Spanish and want to take refresher classes.
20. I didn’t learn to speak until I was 4 years old.
21. I walked at 7 months.
22. I grew up in San Antonio, Texas.
23. I moved to Seattle when I was 11 ½ years old.
24. I thought it was cold here.
25. I met my best friend when I was 12.
26. My friend stole her friend’s lemon scented Swatch.
27. I met my other best friend when I was 14.
28. We were pen pals.
29. She lives in England.
30. I love to read.
31. I have a book addiction.
32. I think I’m trying to read all the books in the world.
33. I have a yarn addiction.
34. I learned to knit three years ago.
35. I love wearing sweaters.
36. I wish I could knit them faster.
37. I’ve only finished one sweater.
38. I have a purse addiction.
39. I ran a marathon this year.
40. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.
41. Anyone can run a marathon.
42. I biked 200 miles two years ago from Seattle to Portland (STP).
43. I need another physical challenge for this next year.
44. My favorite movie is “Better Off Dead”.
45. My second favorite movie is Lord of the Rings (all of them).
46. I’m a Sagittarius.
47. Most of my family and friends are born in December.
48. December is an expensive month.
49. I love vacuuming.
50. I like cleaning too.
51. I like the color pink and love the color brown.
52. I used to crochet in college.
53. I worked in Yellowstone National Park in the summer during College.
54. I loved working at Yellowstone.
55. I’m really a city girl though.
56. I had a hard time adjusting to the city after Yellowstone and had a panic attack.
57. I went to Washington State University.
58. I have a Journalism degree and a minor in History and English.
59. I almost got a minor in Spanish.
60. I didn’t understand my 307 teacher.
61. She was from Spain.
62. I speak Mexican Spanish.
63. I want to visit Manchu Pichu.
64. I need to visit Brasil with Mot.
65. I want to see all the Vermeer paintings in the world.
66. I saw 8 Vermeer paintings this year.
67. I have seen 12 Vermeer paintings.
68. I have 23 more to see.
69. I’ve had a breast reduction.
70. I work at a PR agency.
71. I worked as a reporter for 2 ½ years.
72. It didn’t pay very well so I worked another job at the same time.
73. I once worked at a funeral home on Sundays.
74. I read a lot at that job.
75. I used to baby sit a lot as a teenager.
76. Now I dog sit a lot!
77. My friends and I were called the “Funky Bunch” in high school.
78. I’m a bit embarrassed to have admitted that!
79. I don’t speak French.
80. After visiting France, I really want to though.
81. I did take a French class this year.
82. I didn’t learn anything past “Aussi”.
83. I used “Aussi” in France.
84. I tried to speak French to the French people.
85. They were very kind and didn’t laugh at me (too much).
86. I prefer to drive a manual transmission.
87. I can’t be one with the car in an automatic transmission.
88. This meant I was the one to drive in France.
89. I LOVED driving in France though they drive a wee bit too fast.
90. Most of the time I like driving.
91. I really like Cheese.
92. I really love cheesecake.
93. I always request one for my birthday cake.
94. That was my hint to my Mother. (she makes great cheesecake!)
95. My Mom is exactly 20 years older than me.
96. My Dad is 25 years older than me.
97. My brother is 18 months younger than me.
98. He is married and has two cats.
99. Soon he will also have a dog, which I have nicknamed the Guinea Pig.
100. This was a fun list to make, I’m glad Kate inspired me!
Monday, December 06, 2004
The Holidays are HERE!

I went to the mall this weekend and realized the holidays are here. The dazed holiday shoppers crowded the mall aisles looking lost while busily crossing items off thier list. Luckily I got most of my shopping done on Saturday with out too much damage and now just need to re-group to figure out what else I need to do.

I also watched Bailey (Stephanie's beast) this weekend and realized I didn't have any photos of her! She's quite the lovely and let me know this weekend by talking quite a bit. I also watched Zubin and made him pose for me in front of the Seattle skyline. He tolerated me. At least this time I wasn't dressing him up in knitted garments!

Speaking of knitted garments, I'm in crunch time on my secret project. I have exactly 9 days to finish it so last night while at a church choir show, I knitted and knitted and knitted. Today I'll be knitting at Weight Watchers, attending Purlygirls so I can knit and then knitting before bed. I know I can do this. The second half is always quicker than the first. Right??!?!?!

The other reason I need to finish the secret project is that this came in the mail this weekend:

That's my Lion and Lamb yarn for my Clapotis! I can't wait to get started on it.

And I want to finish my Shedir hat which I started on the airplane ride home from Paris.

So many knitted projects and so little time!

Also it's countdown time to my 30th birthday. In 14 days (on the 19th), I will turn 30 years old. I'm busy creating my list of 30 things I want to accomplish in my 30th year and plan to post them on the 19th.

Happy Shopping to all!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Playing Catch-Up

Stephanie, me and Jen taking a self portrait outside the Lourve

Vacation is great. I love vacation. What I do not love so much is the re-entry from vacation. The catch-up, being out of the loop, getting sick after vacation. So in an attempt to pretend that I am still on vacation, I thought I'd share some vacation photos!

This is Kate and I shortly after meeting. Notice her wonderful Clapotis! That Lion and Lamb yarn is scrumptous! Feeling that yarn led me to order mine today.

I got this colorway:

This is Stephanie and Jen enjoying the treats Kate brought us. Jen -- Sorry your eyes are closed!

This is me outside a Phildar shop where I didn't buy a single thing. Actually, I'm sorry to say that I just wasn't excited by the store and I've bought Phildar before! I was a bit disappointed. I was wearing my Paris scarf though!

This is an ad in the metro talking about yarn. Sadly I did not see any yarn in this particular store.

This is the coolest window display ever! I even purchased one of these Le Monstre creatures which were created by Christian Lacroix.

OK I guess I should go back and face reality. There is lots to be done here!
Monday, November 29, 2004
Home from France

Bon Jour! I'm home after what seemed like the longest flight(s) ever! I left Nice, France at 6 a.m. (France time) and arrive in Paris at 8:20 a.m. where upon I had to pay $200 to change my flight home (to avoid spending the night in JFK). After taking almost three hours to check in my luggage and get through security, I waited a few more hours before boarding a plane to Chicago.

Once in Chicago and greeting my luggage in Customs, I found out my plane was delayed almost two hours. I purchased Middlesex (which I love by the way) to pass the time. I had read all my other books and was working on Proust. Unfortunately Proust can not be read while tired and smelly from traveling. Middlesex is much better suited for that. I eventually did board my plane to Seattle and arrive home shortly before 1 a.m. PST. I figure it took me almost 24 hours to get home from France.

I had a fantastic time and got to meet the wonderful Kate. She took time to show me bits of Paris and took my friends and I out for a great dinner at one of her favorite restaurants. Cheesy bowls are divine! I do have a photo to show we actually met but alas it is on my camera at home. I'm still a bit dis-organized though I attempted to spend most of yesterday cleaning up and getting it together. One thing I'm upset about is a missing knitting book. It's my recently acquired "Scarf Style" and I only hope I didn't dump it at the libary when I was returning books before my trip. I may have to fork over the $21.95 again because I MUST have that book. Of course, once I do that, I shall find my errant copy.

I shall re-tell the tale of my trip in the coming days but for now know that it is possible to become sick of cheese, take 500 pictures of "cute" village doors and learn to drive like the French. Yes, I drove in the South of France and now my car feels HUGE and people around here drive so carefully. All in all, a successful and wonderful trip was had by all. Jen and Stephanie -- are we going to Spain next? I need to practice my spanish!
Monday, November 15, 2004
Quick! I still have to PACK!

Tomorrow I leave for Paris! Yes! Tomorrow I will be on my way and I am super excited!

I feel like a little terrier shaking with excitement. And I'm not only excited because I'm going to Paris, I'm also excited because today marks the day I have acutally lost 5 pounds! Now I can get my manicure which I hope to get tomorrow while I enjoy one my LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG layovers in Chicago.

So with that in mind, I need to pack and run around in circles because I'm going to FRANCE!!!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2004
Kate Deliveries

It's been fun the past few days receiving packages for Kate. Last night, I popped by the house to grab another sweater and saw another box had come for Kate. I opened the box and placed it aside while looking for the perfect spot to store Kate's goodies. Destiny, quick as a whisker decided the empty box was her new home. She jumped inside and quickly fell asleep. Now a quicker blogger than I would have taken a picture but I had left my camera at Zubin's house so no picture. But I can tell you she was so cute!

I can also tell you that Kate ordered some yummy looking yarn! What temptation! I had to quickly put it inside my suitcase. In some crazy idea of being organized, I've started packing early. OK so I brought out my suitcase and put Kate's yarn in there and that's it.

After that I went home and caught a startitis bug. I started the bag from the cover of Last Minute Knits. Fabulous!

Last night, Mot and I had free passes to see Finding Neverland. While the movie theater seemed a bit un-organized, the movie was beautiful. I cried and cried throughout most of it but then again, I am the girl who teared up watching The Incredibles. James Barrie was brought to life in this film which in turn developed in me a new appreciation for the story of Peter Pan. I would highly recommend this film but I do caution others, this isn't a very good story for children (in fact the ones in the theatre looked bored) and neither is it a fast moving film.

This weekend, Bridget Jones!
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Reasons for a Good Day

Today will be a good day!

I awoke to this slobbery face:

Zubin's parents are in Australia so I'm watching the beast for them before and after my trip. Another friend will entertain him while I'm gone.

Since I was up early to drive Stephanie to the airport, I had time to get my favorite treat! (Stephanie left today for Prague, I'll join her and Jen in Paris in a week)

My belly is nice and full and happy.

And I got free passes to see this tonight with Mot.

I wish I could show you some knitting but I worked on my secret project last night. Well, I ripped part of my secret project last was highly frustrating but I had to fix a huge mistake a billion rows back. It will be better this next time around.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Paris FO

I've finished the Paris Trio Scarves! These were quick knits with fun chunky cables in three colors for the three travelers. Stephanie gets the green one to match her eyes. Jen gets the beige one to showcase her sparkle and I get the pink one since I'm obsessed with pink! You can see Destiny eyeing the scarves from the background.

Destiny also likes the pink one.

I think she may have been sleepy when I wrapped the scarf around her neck because unlike her usual behavior, she sat still and allowed me to photograph her wearing my new creation.

Destiny here! I want to let you know that I am NOT amused by this lady! She has taken to wrapping woolish things around me! I know it's winter but I already have a fur coat. Wheessh! She's crazy!
Friday, November 05, 2004
Some Actual Knitting Content

While in DC, I made a visit to Knit Happens where I aquired the goodies above. I picked up the newest Debbie Bliss Book Seven and my new favorite book,Last Minute Knitted Gifts.

The book was a big draw because I really want to knit the cute bag on the front cover.

It should be quick, right?

The yarns were purchased because I have a sock yarn obsession. Yes, I need to actually start knitting socks from the sock yarn but I'll get to that!

And lest you fear that I'm not knitting, I am happy to report that I am! I just don't have any pictures right now. With Winter in our midst, daylight is precious and night time makes pictures hard to achieve.

I'm back to working on Lara and hope to finish her soon. I'll get some photos this weekend in the daylight! I also need to finish my last Paris scarf. I have two made and now need to make one for myself. My friends and I will be Tres Chic in Paris!

Speaking of Paris, I leave in just a short 10 days. Wheeeee! I'm hoping to meet up with Kate so I can bring her some American goodies. It is important to spread good cheer around the world.

As for running, I have an itch to go again but I need to treat my toe with a bit of respect. I do confess that it has been nice relaxing this week but one can't rest on their laurels forever!

Enjoy your weekend and remember there are only 50 more knitting days until Christmas.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Running a Marathon

So I did it! I ran a marathon and I didn't die.

Norma, my toenails survived though I did gain a horrible blister between two of my toes. Ouch!

The morning of the race was a bit muggy and warm. We lined up on a highway outside of Crystal City (by the Iwo Jima monument) for the race. After waiting in line for the final bathroom break, we lined up behind many Teams in Training and Aids Teams In Training. They were very organized and happy. Some of the groups had whistles and would blow them when it came time for them to walk. Stephanie and I made an effort to escape "Team Mickey" on the downward section of the run.

Along the way we ran with Frankinbride, Backwards guy, an Army Ranger guy with a huge heavy flag and saw Kermit the frog. The Rockcreek parkway was beautiful and Stephanie really enjoyed the "snowing" leaves. Once we entered the Mall around mile 11-12, I began to have problems with the heat. It was at least 75 degrees and I had become used to running in 55 degree weather. So I was struggling along, making noises and throwing water on myself when Stephanie told me that I had run in the heat before and that I could do it again. So I did.

Around mile 14, we saw my friend Liz and her husband, Scott with their two children,
Isaac and Chloe along with her brother Ryan. Isaac ran along side Stephanie
and I and told us about how fast he could run. They lifted our spirits and
got us chugging along the next six miles.

Throughout the entire run we knew we had 5 hours to get to the 20 mile mark and neither of us were going to let some time limit stop us. Miles 18 - 20 were lonely and tough since we were feeling the pressure of making the bridge in time. Stephanie also said she didn't think she could do this again so she was making sure I got to the 20 mile mark. We got there around 4:20.

Shortly after that was when we slowed down. We walked across the bridge and around mile 22 started running again. I had to take a few more breaks than in the previous miles but I knew I was going to finish with Stephanie at my side.

At mile 25.5, some one told us we had less than a mile to go. I wanted to
sprint in that last mile and then I felt something go wrong with my toe. I
yelled and told Stephanie that I thought I had lost a toenail and that it
hurt. She said we could walk. She also suggested I take off my shoe so I walked for a bit without it. We then saw Liz and her family again. She took pictures of us pretending to run and sprinted to the finish line to get some more pictures. I ran the last .2 miles in, finishing in 6:22 and some seconds.

After we finished the Marines hung our medals around our necks and shook our hands. They thanked us for the support and I thanked them for their great support. They were so effective at every water stop and I must say this was one of the most regimented races I've ever run. While they weren't perfect, it was very organized and well-put on.

Stephanie and I then got our picture in front of Iwo Jima (and I may buy
that one) and quickly went to get cold water. That was our only desire. We
really wanted cold water. and I had a bagel.

The Metro ride home was crowded but we were back at Liz's in a short while
where Stephanie had arranged for cold Stella beers to be waiting for me. I
so enjoyed that brew! Caroline -- I had three beers that night! I knew I was a lightweight but I had to have them just to prove I could.

Tomorrow, my adventures around DC and a tale about Knit Happens.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I DID it (with a little help from a friend)!

Yep, I did it. I ran the Marine Corp Marathon on Sunday in 6 hours and 22 minutes. It was fantastic! Stephanie really pulled me through a tough, tough spot around mile 12. I'll have a full race report later tonight but for now, here are some highlights.

My medal!

Inspirational Stones from Stephanie for finishing the race

Goodies from Knit Happens

I also finished a scarf for my friend Liz who kindly put Stephanie and I up at her house. After much convincing, I got her daughter to pose for me. She then quickly ran up to give it to her Mom.

Also when I got home last night, I had a package from my Now Norma Knits. I was so excited that my Secret Pal was Norma from Now Norma Knits. I've been reading her blog for a short while and LOVE it!

And I loved having her as a secret pal. How can one not when they get this in the mail?

I got two beautifully soft skiens of Classic Elite Inca Alpaca yarn. I think a lacy scarf would be perfect for this. In fact, I think I might have the perfect pattern from a book I purchased at Knit Happens. And Norma also sent me the best treat! Chocolate covered pretzels, the perfect mix of salty and sweet for those times you can't decide if you want a sweet treat or a salty treat! I do love these! And she included a chocolate frog. I may have to share the frog. My Mom collects frogs and loves them so if she sees this, it may be stolen!


OK now I must get back to digging through my work emails and getting caught up! Marathon stories tomorrow!
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