Friday, December 30, 2005
Vogue Knitting

The Vogue Knitting Winter Preview is up and I'm already in love with quite a few patterns.

This is gorgeous and I could see adding it to my wardrobe!

I love the coziness of this sweater and it has CABLES! My favorite!

I keep clicking back on this shawl/wrap and I'm quickly falling under its spell.

Any wardrobe could use a great scarf like this! Fun to make and sure to bring a smile to your face every time you wear it.

This might be the perfect pattern for another Dulaan Hat. I do need to start whittling away on my 14 items! I have two done, 12 more to go.

Hmmmm, I wonder if this is already available in the stores or if I need to display some patience. I do not have patience!
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Meg and I were emailing back and forth the other day complaining about our lack of knitting ennui. Meg talked about how she was ready to get back knitting again and it made me think about how it would be nice to knit without a deadline. And while we both have the desire to knit, knit, knit, for some reason, we both seem stuck in the planning mode. The mode where you flip through pattern books, hold your yarn, read labels and dream about what the yarn could become.

I think this mood just fits nicely into the time of year. It's one of new beginnings and why shouldn't our knitting be thinking of great starts itself?

For me, there are also thoughts of organization so my craft can be better without the distraction of clutter. I want boxes, sheet protectors and more space so I can stretch with my knitting but first I need to really think about what I want because maybe I'm just cluttered in my heart which would be just fine in itself too.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I need a rest from my Christmas rest

Whew! Christmas was fun and I had a great time. Wonderful gifts were given and gotten. But I'm still tired! I need more time off!

PS Very Little Knitting actually happened since I received a new video game -- Half Life 2!

** I've uploaded my 31 in 31 list for next year! I need to get kicking on these goals!**
Friday, December 23, 2005
Merry Christmas!

Destiny and I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and more importantly, Happy Festivas!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Best Better Pal Present

Last night I returned home after an extended stint of housesitting. It felt nice to be home with my cat and all of my yarn (I miss it when I'm away). Nicely placed on my bed was a delightful looking box. I quickly ripped open the box to see...

PRESENTS from my Better Pal!

There was squealing as I ripped open each present to discover a plethora of goodness.

I was stupidly holding the knitting needles in my hand when I took this BUT you can see them above with the wrapped presents.

This is just about the coolest thing ever! There was sock yarn, chocolate, birthday candles, Nancy Bush's Vinate Sock Knitting book (I stayed up late reading this!) AND also inside, I found the most adorable miniture knitted sock!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Better Pal! I don't know what I did to deserve all this but I LOVE it! THANK YOU!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The Sky Is Falling! The Sky Is Falling!

The end is certainly near or else Motty has been taken over by aliens. I'm not sure which but last night Mot came over to visit and she brought along my Christmas present. One was not a huge surprise since we have a tradition. She always buys me a new calendar. Each year it is about a new country and this year is SPAIN! The second part of the present was a HUGE surprise! A HUGE SURPRISE!

I mean last week, Mot asks me to knit her legwarmers and then this week she gives me YARN. And not just any yarn, Baby Alpaca yarn from Peru!

I'm not sure if you can read the tag, but it says Peru right there! How freaking awesome is that?

THANK YOU MISS MOTTY! I'm quite lucky to have a best friend like you!

So last night after Mot headed home to pack and I was busy taking photos of my latest stash addition, Finnely and Swat decided to Ham it UP!

I am the best dog ever! Who is that behind me? Can I play with the kitty? Pretty please! PLEASE!

Well, Finnely was being a ham. Swat was showing off her lovely self.

Human, Realize my beauty. Bow down to me! I am the kitty god!

Last night was my last night with the animals. Tonight their Mom comes home and I finally head back to my own house. I'm ready to sleep in my own bed! I love housesitting but coming home is always the best!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Secret Sock Swapping

Earlier this month, my secretly knitted socks were mailed to me but I've been off housesitting and so I didn't pick them up from the post office until this weekend. I was in for a HUGE surprise! I've been watching these wonderful socks grow and I was also secretly coveting! Words do not describe how lucky I felt when I saw these beauties!

Melanie of Swim created the Log Cabin socks from Holiday Handknits for me. I so need this book! THANK YOU MELANIE!

Here are the socks softly cradling my feet:

And in housesitting news, I'm back watching Finnely, Kenai and Swat. Kenai loves to cuddle and showed it by taking over Mot. Finnely had to fight for his part of Mot and finally settled around her legs. Ahhh the animal love!

I'm not sure where Swat was during this. Probably planning her sneak nighttime attack!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Happy Birthday to ME!

You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too--yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to ME!

Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party.

I would like you to dance--Birthday
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance-Birthday
I would like you to dance--Birthday

You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too--yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to ME!

OH I just love birthdays! Today is my one year anniversary of turning 30! Look for a 31 in 31 to come along shortly!

Tonight will be spent celebrating at Kingfish with some delightful soul food, wine and family!

PS Better Pal -- No package yet but I know it will be here soon!

PSSST -- I updated my photo blog. Check out the cutest Finnely EVER!
Friday, December 16, 2005
The List, Which Is A Miracle

Last night I attacked my list with a vengence and I succeeded! I accomplished ALOT!


1. Purchased Yarn for Grandpa's Christmas Scarf (AND it was on SALE - 15% off at Weaving Works!)
2. Finished one Christmas Present and have about 15% to go on the other.
3. Mailed Christmas Cards
4. Mailed Better Pal Present
5. Purchased Mot's Christmas Present
6. Dinner with Julie and Eric (It was so very good!)

1. Bake pumpkin bread for Grandpa's birthday
2. Bake Doggie presents!
3. Purchase Parent's Presents
4. Finish Christmas Present #2
5. Visit Sephora for Make-up
6. Purchase present for Kim (Have NO idea what to get)


1. Visit the Post Office to get my mail!
2. Visit Library to get Pride and Predujuice videos
3. Distribute Doggie Biscuits to Dog Friends
4. See Mamma Mia
5. Have Birthday Dinner with Friends
6. Have Grandpa Birthday Dinner with Family
7. Relax and enjoy the completion of LIST!

So Do-Able!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Breathe IN Breathe OUT

This morning on the way to work, I had another Christmas panic attack about how much I think needs to be done. So when I arrived, I made a list.

1. Pick up books at Library (Tonight)
2. Yarn for Grandpa Christmas Gift (Tonight)
3. Finish two other Christmas gifts (One was done but developed a hole last night and I had to rip down halfway and well let's not speak of the past)(BY SUNDAY!)
4. Bake pumpkin bread for Grandpa's birthday (Friday)
5. Bake Doggie presents! (Friday)
6. Send out Christmas Cards (By Saturday!)
7. Mail out Better Pal Present (will do tomorrow as left present at home today)

Whooooo! Time to breath....this is all so do-able....really it is!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The Christmas Panic Has Begun

Do you people realize that we only have 12 FREAKING days before Christmas? And that means only 6 more days until my birthday day (gifts are gladly accepted!)! But anyways back to the 12 days before Christmas...So PANICKED Christmas knitting has begun. I have 1 1/2 presents done and today my Mom suggested that I make another for my Grandfather. She even *gasp* suggested that I use acrylic. I had to let her know that I have standards and acrylic was not going to work for me. Instead I'll be using cotton since I know my Grandfather is sensitive and Cashmere is totally out of the question.

But now I really do need to go and panic a bit because there are ONLY 12 DAYS until CHRISTMAS and lots of shopping to get done in between the knitting!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Knitting in the movies

Yesterday I met up with my Mother and we saw The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It was a delightful movie which almost became a disaster! Last week, I pre-purchased the tickets and emailed my Mom the information. Unfortunately there was some mis-communication and she thought we were seeing the movie at one theatre while I had actually purchased tickets for another theatre. In the end, she was able to get to the right cinaplex with 10 minutes to spare!

We settled in and I took up my knitting which was quite nice to do while watching the film. I was able to get about 75% of the project done which is good since I feel myself beginning to slide into the knitting which calls itself Christmas Knitting and I can feel fear baying at the door.
Friday, December 09, 2005

So I was cruising the blog-sphere today when I happened upon Fig and Plum where she linked to some interesting photos she found on Flicker.

This one struck me was especially interesting. It is an entire tree covered in a knitted sweater. How cool is that? I love it for the artistic look of it all.

I've been seeing some great views of where people knit and I too want to show people where I knit but then I got to thinking and I realized that while I have a few secret places where I hide yarn, I don't really have a Knitting Space. I knit everywhere from my desk at work, to the coffeshop, to the couch to my bed (though I'd say that I'm more likely to be found knitting from my bed). So all those words to say that I don't have a photo to show where I knit because that would take too many photos!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The Finish Line is in View

I can almost see the finish line for my current secret swap project. The last rows are clearly marked on my post-it note and I can quickly see that one or two more nights of serious knitting will produce an FO for me. Then I can worry about packaging these babies up and getting them in the mail.

I even provide a bit of proof below (cleverly disguised in black and white with a wreath to confuse you a bit):

And in Christmas Knitting news, I need to get myself cracking. I have the yarn for the two projects and will be working on these as soon as the secret swap project is off the needles. Now if only I can keep myself from the distraction of other pretty yarns.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Of Knitting and Exchanges

I've been busy participating in Exchanges and many deadlines are looming closer and closer. The first Winter Better Pal package is due shortly, the secret project needs to be mailed in order to arrive on time (speaking of which the knitting needs to be finished first!) and I need to get started on my International Scarf Exchange.

Some people though are speedy and have already knitted and gifted their scarves. One of which would be my International Scarf Buddy. On Saturday I received a very lovely pink fluffy scarf in the mail from Lain of Knit and Purl Grrl.

She even did a cute little collage of my name on the outside of the package!

And here is the scarf in its full fluffy pink glory!

I tried to get the dog I'm watching to pose with the scarf but he's so little and so easily distracted.

What's that noise? Is that a cat? Where's the cat? Let me get them!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Thanksgiving Babies

Over Thanksgiving, we visited my cousin Ethan. The cousin, I knit the Trellis Sweater for. The sweater that almost killed me. But, you know, it was worth it because Ethan likes the sweater and he looks quite dashing in it.


He liked it so much, he agreed to show off the back too.

That's my hand, I was worried he'd fall over because even though he is excellent at sitting up, I'm still a nervous nelly!

Ethan is getting huge! He's a cute little guy and so very mellow. I likes the mellow babies. OK so I like ALL babies but mellow little cousins are great fun.

PS Ethan's Mother tried to convince me he needed a matching hat. She got a snarled lip in response. A matching hat in this pattern would surely kill me. He might get a hat down the road but cuteness will only get you so far.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

First of all, I want to give a HUGE Congrats to Cari of Dogs Steal Yarn on her big news. I sense there will be baby knitting in her future.

And I wanted to point out that I'm adding a new blog to the side bar. My friend Meg who is well on her way to being a knitting goddess and cracks me up with her rambling voice mails (she's about the only person I know who leaves crazy messages like I do, I LOVE it!) She's recently started up her blog and it can be found here. Go on and give her encouragement to keep up the blogging!
Monday, November 28, 2005
(Half) Marathoning

Yesterday I ran my second Seattle Half Marathon and it was lovely!

It did not rain, it did not snow, it did not hurt (too much) and best of all, it was SUPER FUN! OK well there was that point where Julie told me that she had done some calculations and that if I ran faster we could finish by 10:30 a.m. I grunted at her and gave her a look and we finished just after 10:30 a.m.

Julie and I ran the entire race together and we made sure to wave our arms in the air many times to help return the circulation. We looked like we were ready to "Praise the Lord" and shouted that a few times which caused much snickering.

As we ran, we passed beneath the squished Monorail, through the International District, down the I-90 to Lake Washington Blvd. where I saw friends, Jason and Megan. Then we headed up the HILL at Madison and through the Arborteum. Gummy Bears were consumed at this point. Eating the heads off bears releases much aggression! We weaved through Interlaken and down towards Mercer. Mile 12 provided some musical inspiration. They were playing Michael Jackson's Billy Jean which is my power running song. There were shouts of joy from Julie and I at that point. We chugged up the hill and sprinted into the stadium where I pretended to beat her.

It was fun and Julie's boyfriend, Eric was there to greet us and tell us how great we were. What was super great was the Guiness we consumed along with hamburgers! YUM!

I spent the rest of the day doing nothing but really enjoying it. I lounged. I ate the last piece of pumpkin pie and rejoiced in my accomplishment. And today, well today I'm doing well. I'm only a bit sore in the legs and that is a good thing!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Just a quick post to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving!

P.S. Jody -- I'm attempting to make the Branching Out Scarf from Scarf Style with the yarn. I'm loving it so far!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Things I am thankful for this week:

1. The Three Day Work Week
2. Turkeys
3. Starting new knitting projects even though you have 4 billion already started just because you received lovely new yarn.

4. This is the week of my Half Marathon and then I won't have to run for awhile! Can you tell I've gotten a bit burned out on the whole running thing?
5. Pumpkin Pie
6. Yams
7. Books from the libary
8. Yoga
9. My family
10. Wednesday Trivia Night!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
My Better Pal is Better Than Yours

Last night after a long day at work and then dinner with friends, I headed home and discovered a large package on the doorstep. I knew it was from my Better Pal and that within it was the revelation of who my Better Pal was. I scanned the label for clues and ripped open the package to find this:

Weeeeeee! Look at the GORGOUS Yarn! It's from Malabrigo Yarn and is made in Uruguay, much the same way as Manos but is soooooo very soft that I just wanted to rub it on my face for hours. Also inside the package was Hot Cocoa, Tea, a yummy smelling candle and delicious chocolate -- all the things I need for the perfect day of knitting!

Here's a more spreadout picture of my goodies. Please excuse the poor shot but Seattle has NO sunshine this time of year!

And once I read the card, I discovered that my Better Pal was Jody of Savannahchik Knits. I really feel that I got the best pal in the bunch and I enjoyed this swap so very much.

Jody! Thank you for spoiling me!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
All the Cool Kids Are Doing It!

And if all the Cool Kids jumped off a bridge, I might be persuaded to do so too! (But only if there were a bungie rope and I was really drunk, because otherwise it doesn't seem like a good idea, you know?)

So since everyone else has one of these, I wanted my very own! So get over there! Place a pin in my Supergirl Knits Geography Map! Other knitters have maps too--make sure to stick a pin on their maps too!

As for knitting, last night I completed the first part of the secret sock project. Yep, one down, one to go!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Knitting the Knitster

Last night I finally made it to PurlyGirls for some time with the ladies. I had a great time. I saw Jessica's newest creation (and proudly took the photo for her blog), I shared dating horror stories, heard dating horror stories, laughed like there was no tomorrow and hey actually did some knitting! I even had an epipany!

After complaining for years about my left shoulder pain, I finally figured out the cause of it. I don't have the cure but I can share an important lesson. Should you ever shower with a member of the opposite sex and should that person slip in the shower, don't attempt to catch them with one arm. Your shoulder will be screwed up FOREVER! Just a lesson I finally learned after way too many years (which does lead to the question as to why I took over 7 years to figure out the cause of my shoulder pain!).

Yep, I've learned my lesson though I wonder if the statue of limitations is expired on that one?

Oh and PS I learned from Jessica that some men do have an expiration date. DING!
Monday, November 14, 2005
Without much to say, Supergirl turns to a QUIZ!

Your Birthdate: December 19

You are resilient, and no doubt your resilience has already been tested.
You've had some difficult experiences in your life, but you are wise from them.
Having had to grow up quickly, you tend to discount the advice of others.
You tend to be a loner, having learned that the only person you can depend on is yourself.

Your strength: Well developed stability and confidence

Your weakness: Suspicion of others

Your power color: Eggplant

Your power symbol: Spade

Your power month: October

Hmmmmm interesting!
Friday, November 11, 2005
A Special Kind of Run

Last night, Mot and I went for a long-ish run. I needed to cover 5 miles but settled for 4.5 miles. We headed up to Queen Anne so we could run one of my favorite loops which offers spectacular views. We started down the dark road and quickly fell into a rhythm. As our feet pounded along the pavement, I felt my heart soaring. I've been battling the winter doldrums and running is my medicine. We looped around past the large homes and across the bridge that transverses a large ravine. We sprinted across Queen Anne Avenue and up McGraw Avenue where we broke off and headed toward the cemetery. All this time, Mot and I were cracking jokes and I made sure that Thriller was playing on my MP3 player as we went past the cemetery. I also made sure to sing PYT to Mot while doing a dance. I know she loved seeing my moves!

Before we knew it, we had headed into the final leg of our run. The one that reminds me of the Royal Promenade in Bath, England. The path that overlooks Elliot Bay and offers up the most spectacular view of Seattle. As we ran down the road, past Kerry Park, I was astounded to find out that we had been running for almost an hour. I could have sworn we had only been out there for 20 minutes. Now those are the days I love to run!

I don't know what it was but after running last night and drinking some beer to celebrate Mot's Paper, my winter doldrums have vanished! I must say though that there was no knitting to speak of last night, I was simply too tired and went to bed early. A girl needs her beauty sleep!
Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Latest and Greatest is up!

And Kate Gilbert has another design in it! Gesh and I haven't even begin her other Interweave Design.

I'm totally digging these socks:

Embossed Leaves Socks Mona Schmidt

and this top, but I'm thinking I'll need to add straps:

Cabled Bandeau Véronik Avery

So much to knit, so LITTLE time!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

This weekend was spent finishing up some projects and making HUGE progress on others. I also spent some time watching the Yip-Yips and getting them to bark at the television.

The Trellis Baby Sweater is seamed up and ready to go. Le Monstre offered to model it after Jack (one of the Yip-Yips) refused.

Here is Jack growling at me for torturing him. I'm funny.

I also finished up some Calmer Socks for myself because, really I prefer knitting for myself. I'm selfish that way.

And because the Yip-Yips are so very cute and make me giggle, here are some pictures of them relaxing at home.

And when I returned home from my short jaunt with the dogs, I had a prize waiting for me.

YARN for SOCKS THAT ROCK! Whooot! I won this in a drawing and what a fantastic prize it is!

I also took time this weekend to work on my secret project and to cover some ground on the baby blanket. I'm almost through the first of three very long repeats but this blanket is perfect knitting during movies, television marathons and ultra marathon reading sessions.
Thursday, November 03, 2005

Lately I've been thinking and thinking and then for good measure thinking some more. The silly part of all this thinking for me is that I don't really have anything to be thinking so deeply about. Work is good. Knitting is good. Love life is going well. Friends are good. But still I seem to be craving some time to sit and think and yet while I'm sitting still and thinking, I still want to be doing something. I want to be moving. I have ideas of what I want to be doing but then I feel like I want to think about them some more.

So I found it interesting that while I was reading my November Horoscope that it would mention this time of contemplation. It makes me wonder if I'm using this time to prepare for an incoming, unpredicted storm that only the dark depths of my psyche knows is coming.

I wonder...
Softy Sock Knitting

Last night I did not do anything I had planned.

I did not attend Spanish Class.

I did not seam up Ethan's Sweater.

I did not finish "A Million Little Pieces"

I did however do some other fun stuff.

I did go for a run with Mot.

I did eat at Taco Del Mar (FAVORITE!).

I did work on my Rowan Calmer Socks(they will be faternal twins, on purpose).

I did work on the special baby blanket.

I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the great seaming tips. Diana -- I am so following your tip of using the clips. I think that will help me get this done sooner. My OFFICAL goal will be to have this completed by this weekend. Then if I am very good, I can get it in the mail on Monday and Ethan can be wearing it by Tuesday (depending on the mail service).
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Just The Seaming To Go

After months and months of working on Trellis, I am nearing completion. All that is left is the dreaded seaming. The Dreaded Seaming! I'm not a fan of seaming up sweaters since it really isn't my strength and plus it seems to take so very long. Last night I sat down to do the sleeves and only got two stitches in before boredom over took me and I decided to knit on something else. Of course yesterday after work, I ran 6.5 miles and was a bit tuckered out so I'm using that as my excuse for the lack of seaming. Tonight though I had planned on working on the seaming during LOST but it appears that LOST is another re-run. BLAH! I'll just have to come up with another plan.

I'm at the point in many of my projects (the 400 or so I have going) where they seem to be coming to an end which is rewarding but then stirs the desire to start MORE projects when actually I just need to get some of these projects done. So I'll keep the finishing focus and hopefully will have many more finished projects to show over the next few weeks.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
One Year Ago Yesterday

This is where we both stunk so bad we didn't want to be near each other but also had no energy and thought the other might catch us if we fell.

One year ago yesterday I ran my very first marathon with a friend who only ran because I wanted to do a marathon. There are parts of that day that I do not remember but I do remember how Stephanie told me to buck up when I was tired, pushed me with I wanted to stop and made me giggle when we were talking about our medals. I remember thinking after the run that I just had to keep moving and that when we got home, Stephanie had arranged for nice cold Stella to be waiting in the fridge for me.

I've not done a race since last year though I've attempted to train for quite a few. I do however have one over Thanksgiving Weekend and while I don't have the passion for my training that I've had in the past, I know it will be a good race. Julie will be running with me and we'll be in Rainy Seattle where we can make people cheer for us.

It's amazing to look back over a year and see what you've accomplished. There are many times when I think that I've done nothing to write home about and then I remember that everyday is an opportunity to make a mark in my own life or most importantly in the life of another. It was one year ago yesterday that Stephanie made a mark in my life by running a marathon with me and celebrating that accomplishment.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Happy Halloween

With Halloween falling on a Monday, we decided that true celebrations would happen on Saturday. With parties to attend, we met up at a local bar to get our Halloween spirit together. Shortly thereafter, we headed out to the party. One of my co-workers throws the BEST parties, really the very BEST. The party was packed with fantastic costumes and unique expressions. Though I did hear the Zombie Juice turned one into a ZOMBIE!

Mot dressed up as Frida and I went as a spider. Let me tell you, those eyebrows are sure to get the opposite sex's attention! Others in our group went as a Hurricane Television Reporter, a Half Patient/ Half Doctor, the Lone Ranger, a Kitty and The Bearded Lady.

Not all this weekend was spent Halloweening, I finished another Dulaan Hat and Ethan's baby sweater is currently blocking in preparation for the collar addition and final sewing up.

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Hat Knitting

A few nights ago, I cast on for another Dulaan hat using some of Linda K's donated Lorna's Laces Worsted Weight yarn. This one is knit using two different yarns in order to create a double-thick warm and cozy hat.

After a few nights of knitting, including one while at dinner with my Grandfather (Yes, I often knit when I go out to eat with my Grandfather. He eats at a much slower pace than me and the knitting keeps me from rushing him while allowing us to enjoy our time together), I've started the lining. I forsee a FO on this shortly, maybe even this weekend depending on how much Halloween fun I have.

I love the pointy-ness of this hat along with the wonderful lace pattern, which is hard to see right now but will pop once the yellow is beneath it. Lovely!

In other un-related news, I finished reading Marcell Proust's "Swann's Way" last night. So lovely! I'll be putting a review up in Reading shortly.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Wishing I had something to say...

Life has been pretty routine this week with the usual deviations. There was Spanish on Monday which was good and last night, running with Mot and Zubin. Then I had dinner with my Grandfather. I made the poor man eat at 8 p.m. at night but he wanted to visit with me and that is when I usually eat dinner. It was a nice evening but I didn't get home until 9:30 p.m. which meant that I didn't end up going to sleep until Midnight which is way too late for me. I did however finish up the first half of my second Dulaan hat. I don't have a picture though because that would have required fore-sight.

Tonight will feature eye brow waxing (it is TOO exciting!) and a sneak preview of "Prime" at the downtown theatre. I know, life just gets sooooo exciting at times!

And so here's to an blah update! May your days be less blah!
Monday, October 24, 2005
Dulaan Knitting

Saturday arose bright and sunny, reminding us Seattlites of our brief Summers and plunging some of us (me!) into a wee depression about the coming months of rain, fog and darkness. There was something to save the day though and that was the Dulaan Knit-In at Mary's house.

I arrived a tiny bit late (because arriving on time is so not my thing) and quickly cast on for a cabled hat. I was using yarn that I won at the Seattle Stitch and Pitch back in July. I figured one good turn deserved another.

Linda was also thinking the same thing and brought bags and bags of beautiful yarn to Mary's for Dulaan knitting. I was so excited by all the beautiful yarn, I neglected to take photos but I can tell you that there are kids in Mongolia that will be warmer due to Linda's generosity. I took some Lorna's Laces for socks, hats and a possible scarf (still in the decision period). This will be a great boost toward my 14 items goal.

I then returned to the knitting and after snacking on treats and discussing yarn with others, I finished up the hat.

I made Ryan pose in the hat but somehow in my excitement, I shook the camera and got a fuzzy photo. (Sorry, Ryan!)

And of course, I had to model my own creation before it was placed in the knitting pile for another who can really use the warmth.

Dulaan Knitting -- 1 Down! 13 to go!
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