Madrona Fiber Arts Festival (Or Meg and I's Road Trip to Tacoma for YARN!)This morning I met up with Meg at a very early hour of 9 a.m. for a trip down to T-town.
We drove down to Tacoma, stopping at Starbucks for a quick Chai stop and quickly found cheap parking downtown. We ran into the Sheraton with yarn on our minds. I ran over to the sign-up table for time with the Yarn Harlot. Unfortunately all the slots were filled but I wisely put Meg and I's names down as "extras" on the non-existent waiting list.

In the meantime, J
essica had spotted us and was calling our names. She was knitting on her olympic knitting along with
Lorette. I was so EXCITED since I often read Lorette's blog but had never actually talked with her in person.

Lorette is knitting the coolest sock and has inspired me to knit something similar. The thoughts are churning!
Sadly it was about this time that tragedy struck. Meg was asking Jessica some questions about her Rosy sweater when she mentioned that it seemed so very large. After careful consideration, it was decided that Rosy needed to be RIPPED since Meg's gauge was off.

All of Meg's hard work, ripped and re-wound. Meg is still mourning her Rosy but a new sweater will be created soon and it will be good!
I was also lucky enough to meet
Kris who recently moved her from Florida. In a moment of synchronicity, I was reading her blog yesterday about her search for cheesy grits for her daughter and today I met her! I love synchronicity.
After the Rosy incident, Meg and I did a quick turn around the yarn expo before heading out to a Mexican lunch with Margaritas. Yum!
After the liquid encouragement, it was time the work our way into the Yarn Harlot class. We headed up and after observing for some time, Meg asked the coordinator about getting into the class. She said that if two people didn't show up, we were in. There was a 15 minute wait after the class started and we WERE IN! We learned how to fix mistakes,
Stephanie's opinion on Metric Measurement vs the US System of Measurement and how duplicate stitch can be the most awesome way to fool the eye.

All in all a wonderful day except that
Ryan was unable to attend since she was in the hospital and not feeling up to par. Go and wish Ryan good health!