Ginger and I are both working on our TKGA Masters Knitting Program I. We've been meeting up a lot on Saturdays to work on our swatches at Village Yarn & Tea. Ginger usually encourages me to buy yarn, I encourage her to buy yarn and we are both happy. We also discuss our gardenly pursuits.
Last week Ginger emailed to let me know she was thinning out her strawberries and she wanted to know if I wanted any of her plants. She kindly gave me six of them and I scurried home with them.
The next day, my friend Andi asked if I wanted some pots she used last summer to grow tomatoes but no longer had any use for. I knew it was fate! My new strawberry plants needed some pots (to keep them away from bugs, etc). It was perfect timing!
Tonight, I put my new strawberry plants into my new pots and now I'm anxiously awaiting the fruits of my knitting community labors.
Once my strawberries were in their new home, I visited my vegetable garden. It looks like some slugs had nibbled on a few of the beans so it was time for more Slug & Snail DEATH! Death be to those who try to eats my lettuces. It's not organic but it works and it's not affected by rain, very important around here.