Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Self Portrait Tuesday - Food

October 29, 2007 (Self Portrait - Food)

This is the last entry for the Self Portrait Tuesday on Food. November brings with it a new theme. For some reason, I found food hard to shoot which is strange considering that food is something I think about quite a bit.

Alt Self Portrait Food

This is my alternative selection for Self Portrait Tuesday. I just can't decide which one I like better.
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday Scribblings - Hospital

I walk slowly down the sterile walls turning and twisting with each step I take. The entrance now seems so far away as I edge closer and closer to your room. I pass one nurse's station and then another. I turn the corner and I can hear the doctors in your room along with the beeps and other sounds from all the machines keeping you company.

They called me earlier today. They said you were not going to get better even if we did place a feeding tube down your throat. I remembered what Mom told me, that you did not want a feeding tube if it was not going to help you. You did not want to be kept alive that way. As I spoke slowly and carefully to the doctor, I was glad to have this knowledge though it did not lessen the pain in any way. I had to tell them that we were going to let you slip away and request that they make it as pain-free as possible. Those words were barely able to slip past my tongue. I felt my throat tighten as I said them.

The next phone call I had to make was to Mom, your daughter. I had to tell her that you would be passing soon but that she had time to make it home. That part broke my heart more than having to say goodbye to you. For I know that you have lived a very long life and I am so happy that we have spent the last few years getting to know each other better. Our Sunday ritual of having breakfast is now done. I will never again spend three hours eating omelets with you. This part I can accept.

So I called Mom and I told her the news. She was calm and yet so upset. She said she would be home shortly. She said to tell you that she loved you and so here I am tonight telling you how much we all love you and that soon you will be with your wife, my Grandmother.

I sit here quietly in your dark room with the nurse's aid. I'm stroking your hand and you grasp my finger so tightly. You tell me that you want to escape. I know. Soon you will be able to escape to the next level, the next place. I can only wish that you find peace there.

You look so small as you lie on the bed. Fragility comes with death. One who was once tall and strong can be defeated by it. I know that but it is hard to see it in someone you love.

We sit quietly for a few hours before I must sadly go. I kiss you goodbye on the forehead and remind you that we all love you so much. I also remind you that Mom will be home soon and that you must wait for her. You promise me that you will.

I walk back down those twisty hallways toward the hospital exit. My heart is heavy and I feel tears slipping down my face. I do not move to wipe them away. Instead I silently offer up a prayer for your peace and then I head home to wait for Mom.
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Swapping for Fall

Fall Swap Editted

A few weeks ago, I signed up for Chara Michele's Fall Swap. Last night I buckled down and began knitting on my swap items. Now I'm not knitting everything for my swap buddy but one of the "rules" with the swap is that at least one thing needs to be hand-made and at the end of the day, I'm a knitter so I'm knitting.

Fall Swap Preview

I finished two items last night and hope to finish the last one by this weekend. Then it's off to shop for fun Seattle crafty items that say, FALL!

Acres of Orange
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Knitting the UFOs and Creepy Dolls

Cable Sock

I've been diligently working on my "Walking Away" Cabled Socks. Over the years, I have made this pattern two or three times but I've always given the socks away. This time though, these socks are for me. I am in love with the yarn and the pattern. I know that once I finish these socks, I'm wearing them everywhere. I suspect that I'll finish the first sock tonight and I will immediately cast on for the second sock to avoid SSS (Second Sock Syndrome).

October 22, 2007

I've also been working on baby doll sweaters. Somehow my Mother conned me into knitting sweaters for these creepy baby dolls. They will be given to children living in a local homeless shelter so I know that the knitting is for a good thing but I just can't get past that these dolls are so freaky.

One of the Purly Girls actually asked me to put the doll away as it was scaring her! I hope these don't scare the children.

I also hope I can get these darn sweaters to fit right! I've been using a pattern and adjusting it as I go along. So far I've made two sweaters and neither has fit perfectly. They work but they aren't perfect. I have four dolls to make sweaters for and I figure by the time I finish the fourth, that one will be just right.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Interweave Knits Winter Preview

The Interweave Knits Winter Preview is up!

Check it out here.

PS No Self Portrait Tuesday this week. I wasn't feeling up to it last night but I hope to execute my idea this weekend!

Crazy Aunt Purl Visits Seattle

Crazy Aunt Purl Book Signing

Last week, Crazy Aunt Purl came to Seattle to talk a bit about her book and entertain us with herself. Laurie is one of those people that you just want to have as a friend. Her voice was wonderfully Southern and she's so pretty in person, add that to being incredibly funny and you are practically begging her to hang out with you.

Meg and Crazy Aunt Purl Sign

I made Meg pose by the podium before Laurie came. It's so she can imagine being an author on tour one day.

Blurry Crazy Aunt Purl

Laurie is a bit blurry in this photo because I didn't want to use my flash and therefore made her blurry instead. Not sure if it was a good trade-off.

Knitting at Crazy Aunt Purl

All the Purly Girls came out for the night. We do travel in packs. Funny, laughing, knitting packs.

Jessica at Crazy Aunt Purl

And of course I had to show Jessica blogging me blogging her!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Now I've Gone And Done It!


I had a blast last year and thought it would be fun to do again!

All I have to do is post EVERY DAY in November. I need to plan ahead!

Self Portrait Tuesday - Coffee

Self Portrait Tuesday - Coffee

This month's theme at Self Portrait Tuesday is the "Food & Me". I live for coffee. If I could have Starbucks every single day, I would. I also love coffee at home and in those wonderful independent coffee shops. I love coffee in every which way.
Monday, October 15, 2007


I'm pretty proud of myself right now, I'm 28.7% done with my 101 in 1001 list and I'm only about 285 days into it.


Knitting on the Car Trip

Knitting in the Car

This weekend, Scott, Danny and I headed up to Vancouver for a wedding. I was extra excited because this meant that I had six hours of potential knitting (three up and three back). I decided that it was time to tackle my Project Spectrum sock.

Car Knitting

I made it to the heel and I'm crusing along. Of course I haven't hit that magic sock point where you knit and knit and knit and make NO progress. Right now I'm making progress and loving it.
Friday, October 12, 2007

Eye Candy Friday

Motel Art

As I pulled off 99, I glanced at the motel covered in art. I noticed that two new pieces had been added. I love the guy with feathers and the birds. Very unique.

Frothy FO


Last night was Scott and I's six month anniversary and after a very nice dinner, I was able to finish my Rowan Froth Scarf which made for a fantastic evening. It doesn't get much better than time with Scott, good food and finished knitting!

Scarf On

I apologize for the colors being off in these photos but it was still dark this morning when I left for work. Heck, I think it might be dark all day around here.

Froth Scarf

UFO Status Update

I have seven items to complete.

1. Touring Wrap
2. Harry Potter Scarf
3. Chevron Scarf
4. Alterknits Scarf/Shawl
5. Scoutj Knee High Socks
6. Project Spectrum Cabled Socks
7. Assemble Clothspin Bag

And three items to deal with later.

1. TKGA Master Knitter I
2. Mitered Square Blanket
3. Mariah Sweater
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

FO Soon!

I'm slowly finishing up the Froth Scarf but the last bit of ruffle is taking FOREVER! Until then, enjoy this picture I took in Fremont.

Mr. Alien

I love Mr. Alien!

Self Portrait Tuesday -- Food and Me

Self Portrait Tuesday -- I like to cook

I like to cook alot. I work for a cooking company and think about cooking all the time. Over the weekend, I took advantage of the cool weather and made Tomato Bread Soup in my new Le Creuset pot (working for that cooking company has some advantages). And so when I think of food, I think of cooking it. Luckily for me, when Scott thinks of food, he thinks of eating it. It's great to have a receptive audience for one's cooking.

Self Portrait Tuesday -- Cooking is what I do
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Time to Swap!

Fall Swap

I've signed up for Chara Michele's Fall Swap and I'm feeling so excited! I can't wait to create a great swap package for some unknown swap partner.

Go! Sign up! Join Us!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Self Portrait Tuesday -- Food and Me

October 2, 2007 -- Self Portrait Tuesday (Food & Me)

This month at Self Portrait Tuesday, the theme is "Food & Me". I love my creamer in my morning coffee. I love it so much that when Scott made me my first cup of coffee and put my favorite creamer in it, I was hooked, completely hooked.
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