Friday, December 28, 2007

Eye Candy Friday

Day 8 (8/366): I Can Haz Holga!

For the last Eye Candy Friday of 2007, I present my new camera, a Holga. I must have been a very good girl this year because Santa (ok Scott's Dad) brought me a Holga Starter Kit with a four color flash, film and a great Holga book.

A Holga is an inexpensive, medium format 120 film toy camera. Some wonderful Holga pictures can be found in the Holga Flickr Group.
Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Photo a Day in 2007

The Year of 2007: A Mosaic

In 2006* and in 2007, I took a photo a day to document my life. It's one way for me to look back and remember all that happened in that one year and 2007 is quite a year to remember.

In 2007, I took a photo a day (OK, I did miss one day). It was a year of endings and beginnings. It was the year I lost my cat, Destiny but also the year I found my Scott. It was also the year that I really grew in my photography which is why 2008 will be all about self photography or ME!

*Most of my 2006 Photo a Days were posted at my former photoblog, pre-Flickr.

1. August 31, 2007, 2. March 1, 2007, 3. March 18, 2007, 4. July 3, 2007, 5. April 13, 2007, 6. July 23, 2007, 7. Abierto - May 2, 2007, 8. Cheeky (June 16, 2007), 9. April 24, 2007, 10. July 28, 2007, 11. October 13, 2007, 12. Day 4 (4/366): Hot Pink, 13. June 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Day 7 (7/366): Merry Sno-mas!

One wishes for a White Christmas but only rarely is that wish granted in the Northwest. Today my wish for a White Christmas was granted and I reveled in the snow for as long as possible!

December 24, 2007

I also started knitting on the Central Park Hoodie this past weekend using Araucania Nature Wool in Colorway 09. It's a pretty quick knit and I'm already halfway through the back.
Friday, December 21, 2007

Eye Candy Friday

TP Dispensers

Last night at The Garage, I found myself taking photos of the TP dispensers. For some reason, I find it funny that instead of a big dispenser, The Garage has 4 smaller dispensers in their bathroom stalls.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Day 1 (1/366): Happy Birthday!

It's my birthday today and I'm still like a little kid when my birthday comes around. I start announcing about a week in advance how many days I have until my birthday. Then on my birthday I wake up early because I'm so EXCITED!

Today I was even more excited because today is the day that I'm starting the 365 days project. I was so excited to get started that I woke up early to shoot the photo above. I set up the shot last night and purchased the cupcake from a local grocery store on my way home but I knew I couldn't start the documentation of my 33rd year until it was actually my birthday. So today on my birthday, I begin 365 Days of Me! I can't wait to see where this journey goes.

You'll be able to follow my progress on Flickr by following this link.


IF DECEMBER 19 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: The year ahead is all about learning to meet people halfway. You should obtain plenty of trustworthy aid from others in the form of advice or financial assistance, especially during May and October -- but you must be willing to repay these favors if you wish to climb any higher career-wise. Your love life will roll along serenely if you are already teamed up with a life partner, but singles could mistake a quick fling for a committed relationship in the spring.

and one more!

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Dec. 19). It's a year of expressing your individuality. Over the next seven weeks, it's remarkably easy for you to make progress toward one of your more unique goals. Studies, classes and travel perk up your personal life through the spring. An investment opportunity in June is not to be missed! You hit it off beautifully with Scorpio and Pisces. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 41, 39, 10 and 33.
Monday, December 17, 2007

Snowshoeing at Gasworks

CWD: Audit Group - Winter Activity

Scott and I were supposed to go snowshoeing with my friend, Julie on Sunday but after a few weather advisories and exhausted bodies from moving a friend on Saturday, we decided to stay home.

However I still needed to take a photo representing "Winter Activity" so we packed up the snowshoes and went to Gasworks where I took some hysterical shots. Scott and I were just laughing!
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wax On, Wax Off

December 14, 2007

I went to the Wax Bar in Ballard last night for a bikini wax and took the bus from Fremont since I didn't want to lose my primo parking space. It was a nice crisp winter evening so the walk from the bus stop to the shop was nice. Once there I had a beer (yes! They serve beer!) and waited a bit for Melissa (I had quite early and got some knitting done which was good). The bikini wax wasn't half bad and she did a great job. I have Wax Bar coupons for first timers! So if you live in Seattle and want some, just shot me an email at reebecki (at) gmail (dot) com. You'll save $10 and I earn my own rewards.
Friday, December 14, 2007

Eye Candy Friday

December 10, 2007

I love visiting Pike Place Market when it's not full of tourists and other Pike Place Market Lovers. When my office lost power on Monday, I was able to nip over to the market for a few minutes. Beautiful.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Distracting You with Shiny Things


1. December 8, 2007, 2. December 11, 2007

The Sunrises and Sunsets have been beautiful in this neck of the woods lately. They've been especially beautiful after the previous week's downpouring of rain. I've been busy knitting but unfortunately it's on a project that I can not discuss. Once it is gifted, I'll be talking because I am loving it!

I can however show off the cute little hat that I've knitted for Ryan's Baby Harris Project. Kato (Scott's cat) was kind enough to model it for me.

You will pay!!

Kato Wears A Hat
Friday, December 07, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Super Fantastically Cool


I was cruising along on Apartment Therapy's site when I found this post on Tanya Aguinigas and her fantastically cool felted chairs!

I'm so inspired by all of her stuff. Now I must go, I have more exploring to do!

*Photos from Tanya Aguinigas
Monday, December 03, 2007

Pink Elephant Parade


The Pink Elephant is complete! Seattle was hit with some snow, rain and then more rain this weekend leaving me with plenty of time to hunker down and finish this little guy.

Finished Pinky

Once finished, he began posing around the condo, just like a pink elephant in need of a parade.

Pink Elephant Loves Storm Trooper

Pink Elephant Rests
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