Sunday, February 10, 2008

Mid-Month Deadline Check-In

2007 Taxes

Back in January, I set some goals for myself on this here blog and I think it is time for a check-in.

I've been diligently working on my 101 in 1001 list and it's time for a quick check-in on my progress.

1. Read all unread Bill Bryson books (The Palace Under the Alps and Over 200 Other Unusual, Unspoiled, and Infrequently Visited Spots in 16 European Countries, Down Under, The Mother Tongue: English and How it Got That Way, Made in America: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States, Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words) -- I am waiting for most of these books from the library so I will probably miss the March 1st deadline on this one.

2. Complete the Master Hand Knitting, Level 1 program -- I have been slaving away at the questions and started the hat yesterday. I really want to make the March 1st deadline on this one!

TKGA Master Knitting I Hat

3. Knit two socks at once on two circular needles -- I am going to push this one to a later due date.

4. Make an emergency preparedness kit for my car -- I think next weekend will be my weekend to update the kit.

5. Floss every day for a month -- I started doing this on January 20th and I haven't missed a single day! Only 10 more days until I've accomplished this.

**edited** 2/12/08 6. Recycle my old cell phone -- I have this ready to go but I need to charge the cell phone up so I can delete numbers. Unfortunately I've lost the charger so I need to get it charged at the store or something. I found my old cell phone chargers and deleted the private information. Today I packaged them up and mailed them off for recycling!

40. Recycle my old cell phone - The Phones

40. Recycle my old cell phone Mailing Label

7. Replace all regular batteries in my house with rechargeable batteries -- I need to take inventory and figure out what I need to replace with rechargeable batteries versus regular ones.

8. Document an entire day with photos -- I'm trying to decide if I should document a regular workday or a weekend. I'm thinking weekend.

9. Do my taxes in 2008 DONE! and I'm getting a refund!

10. Buy a surge protector for the computer that shuts off energy when the computer is asleep. -- I just need to purchase and get it done.

11. Buy Life.doc and use it -- I have this, I just need to fill it out!

12. Knit a sweater for me! -- Central Park Hoodie is in progress and I have completed the back and the left front. I just need to get the right front and sleeves done.

13. Do 100 crunches at once -- I think I'm going to go do these RIGHT NOW!

**edited** AND DONE!

100 Crunches

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