Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Finished Bodacious Sweater

Bunny Pocket

Last night while watching "The Oprhanage", I seamed up the Bodacious Baby Sweater from The Natural Knitter. I'm almost sad to be giving this sweater away since it came out so cute! I re-did part of the bunny face to make it look less psycho.

Bodacious Sweater

Bunny now less psycho

The Full bunny
Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I've been busy knitting the Bodacious Bunny Sweater from The Natural Knitter and I love this pattern. I however am not sure that I love the bunny I knit!

Psycho Bunny on Herman

Jessica took one look at my bunny and asked if she could teach me how to do the duplicate stitch. Scott took a look and said he liked psycho looking toys. Meg just laughed.

Sweater Pieces

I don't know. I like how crazy it looks but maybe that isn't something you give to a new baby. New babies should be welcomed into the world with softness and love. Maybe this bunny doesn't do that. *sigh* I may re-knit this in the same colors as the sweater. Decisions, decisions, decisions!
Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

Day 127 (127/366): Hello Cupcake!

I took the bus to work today. Once I figured out that I can take a later bus, it didn't seem like an issue. I did overdress by wearing two coats but it was cold when I stepped out. Not so cold once I had walked the .8 miles to the bus stop. The ride was quick and along the way I saw angels on slits. Some sort of promotion.

I like the bus. It's an interesting feeling I get when I take the bus. I feel more free because I don't have to be near where my car is but then I also feel less free because I don't have a car to go when I want, where I want. But I say the more free wins overall.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Expired Polaroid Self Portrait

Over the years, I've been working to reduce my carbon footprint. While I'm in no way there yet, I do feel pretty good about my successes but I know I can do more.

Here are some things I've decided to start doing:

1) I already compost my food waste at home but now I'm going to take my food waste home from work and compost it there rather than throwing it in the garbage.

2) Take the bus to work at least two times a week.

3) Start using bio-degradable garbage bags.

4) Ride my bike or walk to errands whenever possible.

5) Become paperless in 2008 but reducing paper clutter, printing less and recycling more.

Day 116 (116/366): Spring has Sprung!
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Not Knitting

Day 119 (119/366): Out

It seems like the past month has included a lot of time of NOT KNITTING and I have to say I'm against that trend.

I've been busy moving, cleaning, tidying up and sorting but as of this coming weekend, that will be done. The move will be complete. I'm renting a small storage unit for those only occasionally used items (like Christmas trees and camping gear) and will be moving the rubbermaid bins into it this weekend.

Day 117 (117/366): Out of Juice

I also hit a snag in the knitting last weekend when I discovered an error in my Clapotis. I've corrected it but it took a lot of my brain power to figure out what I had done wrong.

So this weekend, I plan to get back to knitting which makes me want to dance.

Day 115 (115/366): One Year!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Knitalong Meetup!

Larissa Signing My Knitalong Book

Last night Larissa Brown came to Third Place Books to talk about her book, Knitalong (cleverly written with her husband, Martin John Brown).

I convinced Meg to come along and I think she had fun too! We got free bags which we love since we BYOB to the grocery store.

This book is pretty awesome! I already have so many patterns I want to make from this book and I can't wait to read all the chapters but the coolest thing about this book is that my name is in the liner notes as a contributor!

Day 118 (118/366): Knitalong Contributor
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Knitalong with Larissa


Join the Knitalong at Third Place Books on Monday. THIS MONDAY! I'll be there and I hope you will be too! It will be cool to have Larissa a bit further up north for awhile.

Details (if you need them)

When: Monday, April 14th
Time: 7 p.m.
Where: Third Place Books (Lake Forest Park)
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Knitting with the Harlot

Clapping with the Harlot

After what feels like weeks of moving, culling and donating, I finally made some time to knit this weekend. Of course there is more putting away to do but it felt so good to get back to the knitting. And of course the knitting was all the more sweeter with a bit of the Yarn Harlot's newest book in my lap.
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Eye Candy Friday

Yashica Mat-124

I won this camera off Ebay and then anxiously waited for it.I spend some time checking out all the buttons and loaded my 120 film. Now I just want to go out and take some pictures but this moving is taking all my time!
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