This past week, Scott and I went on what we have now termed, "The Epic Road Trip 2008". We had the most amazing time visiting old friends, family and seeing America's natural beauty.

We started the trip by heading down to Lake Tahoe for my friend's wedding. Ali and I became friends in Junior High when she told me that we were going to be friends and that I had to come to her house after school. I was totally intiminated by her and went to her house where we became friends. We hung out together through junior high and high school while having so much fun. After college, Ali moved to California so we just didn't see each other as much but once you have such a good friend, you never let them go in your heart. So when Ali married her true love, I was honored to be there watching them exchange their vows.

Watching an amazing wedding was a great way to start an Epic Road Trip! After Lake Tahoe, Scott and I headed to Yosemite before traveling through Death Valley to Las Vegas. Vegas was exhausting but fun. Death Valley was HOT but beautiful in a strange way.

From Vegas, we headed to the Grand Canyon. The sunset was amazing and we took so many photos before having to hike back in the pitch dark! That freaked me out as well you know wild animals LIVE IN THE PARK and they WANT TO EAT HUMANS!
After making it through without being eaten, we headed to Page, AZ which seriously was dull and strange! We planned to go to Antelope Canyon but I felt the $70 for both of us to see the canyon was completely OUTRAGEOUS and I don't like being robbed. So there.

The next day was beautiful though as we traveled into Zion National Park where we stayed with Scott's cousin. She has a lovely house just outside the park and her husband made us the most delicious meal. They were so gracious.
Scott fell in love with Zion and wanted to stay forever but our next stop was to visit his Uncle in Salt Lake City. It was a bit of a boring drive from Zion to Salt Lake City but we were rewarded with a great time. Scott's Uncle's family was so much fun! They have a 2-month-old and a 2-year-old and a yellow lab. It was like all my favorite things in one. I loved Scott's Aunt and we had a great time together. I would so hang out with her if we lived closer.
After a fun eleven days, we headed home and I'm busy adding photos to my Flickr site. Check back in a few days to see updates to the
Epic Road Trip Set.