Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pinterest Thursday - Play Tea Bags

For Christmas, Molly got a talking tea set and while it annoys the crap out of me (THANKS MOM & DAD!), she LOOOOOVES it. She will pretend to pour tea into cups and even into your mouth while giggling at the funny sounds. And that makes it worth having around.

I was browsing Pinterest (as I often do) and I found the sweetest pin showing homemade tea bags for a kid's tea set. I decided to try out the pin right then and there!

Unfortunately the site is in french, a language I do not speak but between Google translate and the beautiful photos, I was able to cobble together some ideas for the tea bag creation.

The first thing I did was take an actual tea bag and cut it up as a template. Then I sewed my fabric with right side to right side into a long strip. 

Next I folded down the top of the tea bags into points and sewed in the tea bag string (I used kitchen twine). I then added a tea bag 'label' onto the other end of the string before stuffing the tea bag with a bit of fluff and sewing the bottom closed. 


All in all, this was a fun and quick project. Molly loves pretending to brew tea with her tea bags and while I know these won't last long before being destroyed, they are cute for now. 




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