Sunday, March 23, 2014

Thirteen Weeks with Chicken Nugget


We are really getting into our groove. This week, we walked Greenlake and played at the park, just like old times. Maggie watched from her seat in the stroller for most of the walk and then fell asleep as soon as we hit the fun part, the park! 


It was a beautiful week so there were lots of neighborhood walks and trips to the beach. We went to Golden Gardens on both Friday and Saturday. On Saturday, Maggie got to meet her cousins (along with her Uncle and Aunt) who came up from Portland for a quick visit. 


There was lots of tummy time and so much upset-ness over not being able to sit up on one's own. Maggie just wants to sit up and she is working her core so she can. Until then we accommodate her desires by helping her to sit. 


Maggie also had her very first playdate with a cutie named Mazzie. It reminded me of playdates when Molly was wee where the babies sit in their Mommy's laps while the Moms talk. The only difference this time was that Toddler Molly entertained by coloring on the walls and floor while throwing all her toys around. She may have scared Mazzie's Mom. 

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