I got in 5 workouts this week! I did three boot camp classes and two barre3 classes. I was totally beat by Friday. I always debate working out 5 straight days in a row or working out two days, taking a break and then working out 3 more. I love the working out but the early morning wake-ups are the hard part right now. You'd think I'd be used to them by now!
I was lucky enough to get a pint of Imperfect Produce's collaboration with Frankie and Jo's on their Rhubarb Yuzu Yogurt. The flavor is available via scoops or pints at Frankie and Jo's locations until April 3rd and uses Imperfect Produce excess rhubarb. Maggie and I loved the yogurt though Maggie insisted she was having Strawberry ice cream.

I had a meeting at The Dane and was able to have one of their delicious sandwiches which was more arugula than bread and so delicious!
The Girls
Molly has developed a bad habit of coming to our bed in the middle of the night and for awhile we just let it go because well, tired. Not this week. We decided it had to end. Turns out our child is quite stubborn and soon there was a stand-off at 2:30 a.m. in my bedroom. She didn't count on her more stubborn parents who refused to budge. We have coffee on our side and was liberally applied the next day but so far, she's staying in her bed and we're all sleeping better. She also seems to have gotten over the hump of school anxiety and seems happier there. She told me she loves learning the most about going to school so either she's telling tales or feeling better.
Maggie has been a spitfire this week. She's been yelling at the construction workers and telling them to use quieter saws. This cracked all of us up because the saw noise is what it is and while we'd all like construction to be quieter, it isn't. Maggie has also decided to only wear dresses and sequined ones at that. I'm convinced she is freezing but she said she wants to look fabulous!
I'm also still going strong on the Minimalist Game and am quite pleased with my progress. I figured out that I've gotten rid of 300 items so far already! By the end of the month, it will be 496 items or more!
Seattle Refined: The absolute worst part about decluttering your home just became really, really easy