I had a pretty good workout week. I got in three boot camps and three City Cycle classes. I accidentally missed my last assessment for my Transformation program but while I miss knowing how I did, I am glad I didn't have to run up the hill three times again.
I met with my doctor on Monday and she suggested I try intermittent fasting for a month. I started on Monday since I met with her before I had breakfast and so far, so good. I am struggling with what to eat when because I have a strong need to name my meals.
I kept up my meal prep and plan to talk about how I do it soon. I also joined Sprouted Kitchen's Cooking Club and I am so excited about the meals she's been sharing.

The Girls
The girls had a good week of the usual to-do. Maggie almost made a few goals at soccer practice which was awesome. Her team is really starting to improve. She LOVES playing soccer which is pretty much all I wanted from her time in this sport.
I was able to observe Molly in dance class and it was fun to see her doing something different. She's trying out Jazz/Hip Hop this year. Maggie also switched from ballet to Hip Hop. It's fun to have them try out different dance styles.
I tried to hang the wallpaper this week and I think I need a new plan. I didn't realize how tall the ceilings were. Oops! I'm also working hard on my TKGA Master Knitting but having to really push myself to do it. This is the last year I'll be trying to do it so I need to just do it.