Tuesday, March 26, 2013

16 Months with Molly Pop

16 months

On Sunday you turned 16 months and you celebrated with a three hour nap! I think you needed it after staying up until 10 p.m. the night before and waking up throughout the night.

You grew a bunch this last week. One day your pants fit and the next day they were all too short. Not to worry, you won't have to look like a castaway from Gillian's Island much longer. I have an order placed for new clothing. I was just taken back by how fast you grew! We weren't ready!

run free

Your language is exploding. You've started saying, "Danger" to us in a mocking tone. We thought we were so smart saying "Danger" to you instead of "No" and now we have a mocking toddler telling us "Danger" and "NOOOOO!" all the time.

Temper Tantrum

Speaking of Noooo, temper tantrums are really happening. You get so upset if I won't let you do something dangerous like run into the road or handle a knife. I am the meanest Mommy! You throw yourself on the ground and wail. I'm sorry but it is funny. I try my hardest not to laugh because that will not help the situation but you are funny.

Molly and the Big Cat!

We've done a lot of fun things this month. Lots of visits to the Zoo, a visit to the Wing Luke Museum, a trip to Portland and so many afternoons spent out in the yard. I am so looking forward to this summer with you. Last summer was so much fun but this one is going to be even more fun! We have swimming lessons planned at the outdoor pool again. We'll go to the park and explore! But first we need to get through Spring. I've signed you up for a gymnastics class that starts in April and I can't wait. 

Cat Torturer

You have become VERY independent this month which is a double-edged sword. I love that you do so many things on your own but really wish you'd hold my hand when we are crossing the street! It's all for your safety and I know you are busy testing your boundaries which is why I am providing consistent and constant boundaries. 

Molly and I tried out a new place for lunch today. I wanted it to be a veggie nirvana but instead it was a plethora of faux veggie protein. Ugh! :( Molly LOVED it though so that was good.

On the food front, you are still such a great eater! I am working this month to give you more fruit at snack time vs crackers. I know you love them but I feel that they might be a bit too much junk food so I'm subbing in fruit more of the time. Luckily you also love fruit so you are happy with this. 

Enjoying Supper! Rice, peas, broccoli, egg and oatmeal (in the pouch).

I love making food for you and exposing you to new flavors. You have begun really using sign language this month. I was just about to give up with you started using "more" and "all done". I'm now working on "diaper", "sleep" and "hungry". We are all happiest when we can understand each other. 

Somebody has joined me for naptime.

Your sleep has been hit or miss this month. Some days are great! Some days are not! You've been sleeping with us a bit more than we like. Our bed is not big enough for a wiggly little girl, her two parents and the cats. It gets very crowded which is why we feel that you sleep better in your crib where you can wiggle all about. You are still on two naps most days but sometimes only take one. I think the long transition to one nap is happening. 

We love you so much, Molly Pop and are so lucky to have you in our life. You bring us so much joy. Pop Pop and I sometimes just sit and watch you. You get so much enjoyment out of little things and it reminds us to enjoy the small stuff, especially you! 


  1. The hair sprouts are so dang cute! I love that you guys subed in Danger for No and also that it sort of backfired. What a great story to tell Molly later. You should tack on "Will Robinson" so you have a little one running around "Danger, Will Robinson!" :D

  2. Laura - Ha! I do this and then I act like a robot. She thinks I'm silly.


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