Monday, July 08, 2019

July Goals


I realized I never posted my June goals here but oh well! I'm back with my July goals and feeling ready to make some progress!


Here are my July goals: 
  1. Workout 20 times
  2. Obtain InBox Zero 
  3. Knit accessory for charity (June & July) 
  4. Complete an embroidery sampler
  5. Sew a piece of clothing for me or the girls
  6. Read up to page 400 of War & Peace 
  7. Finish Maggie’s 2 year book 
  8. Start Molly's 3 year book
  9. Knit on Nanoo
  10. Clear out garage and finish painting
  11. Work on Sweater 
  12. Knit Monster #makenine 
  13. Crush Book Bingo
  14. Do BBG
Sunday, July 07, 2019

Monthly Goal Check-In (June)


I started posting daily to-do lists on Instagram and I have to say it is so motivating for me. I love crossing things off a list and doing so in a public space really spurs me on. I also went on an amazing hike with a great friend and that spurred me to want to do more. It's amazing exercise, wonderful scenery and I got to spend a huge amount of time just chatting with a friend. I loved it! 


I tackled a bunch of goals, some of them lingering this month and it felt good to cross them off. I finally painted the bathroom. I've only been meaning to do it for about 7 years. It took about two weeks but was so worth it. I also finished the long suffering Mitered Square Blanket which was about 12 years in the making. That felt good to finish! 


2019 Goals
  1. Workout 219 times in 2019 - I got in 22 awesome workouts which brings my total to 149, which means I have 70 workouts to go!
  2. Crush 100 rides at City Cycle 
  3. Obtain and keep Inbox Zero 
  4. Do NaNoWriMo - This is a November goal so I won't be working on it until November.
  5. Knit 12 Accessories for charity - I did not finish my June accessory so I'l knit two in July!
  6. Get a new chair for the living room
  7. Complete an embroidery sampler - I'm working on it and loving it! 
  8. Organize the girl's memory boxes 
  9. Run/Walk a mile a day for a month
  10. Get window coverings for the basement windows
  11. Knit a sweater for myself - I've been knitting along but a sweater is a lot of knitting. 
  12. Complete the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge- I have read 5 of the 12 books.
  13. Finish the two quilts I have partway done - I have not started this goal.
  14. Sew a piece of clothing for either myself or the girls - I have not started this goal.
  15. Replace the upstairs light fixtures - I have not started this goal.
  16. REPEAT GOAL: Read War and Peace - I am at page 70 and finding this to be a complex meaty book!
  17. REPEAT GOAL: Read the Bible - I've been doing my daily reading.
  18. REPEAT GOAL: Finish my Miter Square Blanket - DONE!
  19. REPEAT GOAL: Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - I have done Maggie's Year One book, Molly's Year Two book and am nearing completion on Maggie's Year Two book! I have Molly's Year Three, Four, Five and Six books to do and Maggie's Year Three, Four and Five books to do. I can do this! 
  20. Bonus Goal: Paint the Upstairs Bathroom - DONE!
  21. Bonus Goal: Knit Nanoo - Knitting, Knitting, Knitting
  22. Bonus Goal: Read 50 books in 2019 - I'm currently reading book 31!
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Book Bingo! 2019!


Last week, the 2019 Book Bingo program launched and I have been flying on a high of book love! My love for Book Bingo is known far and wide as I received many text messages and emails about the board being out. It was the best news! I quickly went to the library for my official Book Bingo sheets and started planning out my summer of reading. I told the kids it was nice knowing them but that I had some reading to do and I'd see them, come September.


Every summer, the Seattle Public Library partners with the Seattle Arts & Lectures (SAL) to craft up a Summer Book Bingo card for adult readers. Every year I work to achieve a blackout bingo card, not only for the prizes but also for the high of accomplishment. This year, I'm extra excited as my word for the year is Curious and reading allows me to be curious. You can get your own Bingo Card online and I'd love to have you read along!
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Week in Review 5.11.19


We spent this week working our way back to rest and relaxation. The extended sun has caused the girls to not sleep as much and they were cranky due to too many activities. I've been trying to work on just having easy, relaxing evenings as they really help with everyone's moods. 



I scaled back my workouts some this week. I either have bad allergies or a low level cold so I decided to rest more and exercise less. I got in one BurnCycle class, three
 CityCycle rides, one boot camp and one barre3 class. 



We went to Willmott's Ghost this weekend and it was so good. The pizza was good but I'd go back just to have the radishes and whipped ricotta. The touches of salt were divine. 

I also gorged on tomatoes, cucumbers and avocados all week. Everything is so fresh in the spring and I love it. 


The Girls

Maggie's big news this week is she learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. She is now pumped about bike riding and I can see family bike rides in our future. Maybe! I'm so excited. 


Molly went away with her Girl Scout troop for the weekend and had a blast. I was so proud of her for being able to leave us for two nights. It was such a good weekend for her even though we all missed her. 


Other Goings On

I've continued working hard on my 100 Day Project and I am making good progress on the border. I'm not 100 percent on how I decided to do the border but I want this project done so I'm keeping it and liking it. 


Monday, May 06, 2019

May Goals

I had lofty April goals which I did not achieve so I'm dialing it back a bit for May (or am I?). I'm ready to tackle some goals and make some things happen this month. Here I go! 


Here is how I did on my April goals: 
  1. Workout 16 times - I got in 22 workouts! 
  2. Finish Maggie’s 1 year book - I'm about 98% done with this! 
  3. Achieve InBox Zero - Ugh! It got worse this month!
  4. Start the 100 day project - Finish the squares for my Miter Square Blanket - Done! I'm on the border!
  5. Do Molly’s Year 2 Photo Book - Nope!
  6. Read 150 pages of War & Peace (up to page 275) - Nope!
  7. Knit April Accessory - Nope! 
  8. Finish setting up office - Nope! 
  9. Knit Squad Mitts #makenine - I got one and half mitts done. 
  10. Start an embroidery sampler - Nope! 

Here are my May goals: 
  1. Workout 22 times
  2. Finish Maggie’s 1 year book 
  3. Achieve InBox Zero 
  4. Keep on with the 100 day project 
  5. Do Molly’s Year 2 Photo Book 
  6. Read 200 pages of War & Peace (up to page 300) 
  7. Knit April & May Accessory 
  8. Finish setting up office 
  9. Knit Squad Mitts #makenine 
  10. Start an embroidery sampler 
  11. Clear out garage
  12. Paint Pantry
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