Of Rachael and LalaSaturday morning arose rainy and deary but then I remembered! Saturday was the day I was to meet
Rachael and
La! So I packed up myself and made sure to get to the ferry with plenty of time since missing the ferry would be just too much.
I arrived a bit early and knit along on my Debbie Bliss sock. As I neared the toe shaping of the sock, the ferry began to load. Once my car was settled, I leaped from the car, ready to run to the front of the boat where we had all planned to meet. I noticed
Ryan, TMK, Rachael and Lala pulling up in Ryan's shiny car. I lingered in the walkway and the excitement began to build. I was about to meet Rachael! Rachael who also ran a marathon around the same time as me, Rachael who is quite possibly the nicest and cooolest knit blogger around, Rachael who, OMG, would she be as cool in person as she is on the internets?

The group arrived in the walkway and hugs were all around. AND GUESS WHAT? Rachael is as cool in person as she is on the internets! AND Lala is damn cool (really, you need the damn to really understand her cool-ness) AND La went to school in Moscow, Idaho which is about 5 miles from where I went to school in Pullman and the place where I worked at my very first newspaper.
TMK decided that even though it was rainy, we would head out to the ferry deck even though the wind was threatening to lift all of us off the deck and sweep us away!

After near liftoff, we huddled back inside the warm boat and soon we were on our way to
Churchmouse Yarns and Teas.
Ann of
Much Ado About Knitting also came along for the blogger's fieldtrip! She rode with me from the ferry to the yarn shop and noticed a unique van which turned out to be neighbors from her very small town (she drove from over 2 hours away to come and meet up with all of us in Seattle).

I think Ann was trying to convice Ryan that she needed to buy all the yarn in Churchmouse (or was that me?).

La is a focused shopper and quickly snatched up a few books before retiring to the "husband" chairs for some baby sweater knitting.

While fuzzy, here is the gang (sans Ryan since she was buying yarn) at Churchmouse. So much fun!
After all that yarn shopping and a forced trip to Bad Blanche where Ryan announced I was torturing her, we went back to TMK's house for a BBQ. TMK tried to convince all of us that we needed to eat outside since it was a BBQ but no amount of good food was going to convince me to eat in the rain.

Once at TMK's, Rachael broke out her lovely wedding photos. They were fantastic and so beautiful!
We also had some party crashers at TMK's --
Janine, Janine's sister, Gingko,
Elaine and BLING. All were fantastic party crashers! There was knitting, laughter and great conversation to fill the room.

I made sure to pose with Rachael and Lala to prove that I was in the same room as them!

Frankie was even wearing her party necklace for the Honeymooners.
And all the time, Rachael was knitting a baby hat from "One Skein" which inspired me to cast on for the same hat the next day while visiting Gabby at the hospital. It is such a quick knit that I was able to cast on for the hat and before my visit was over, Gabby was wearing the hat!

I think Gabby liked it!