Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Camera Porn

New Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera
**Disclaimer: not my picture**

I just bid and won this camera on EBay! *Squeal!* I can't wait for it to come. I've ordered film and it should be here within 5-7 days.
Monday, January 28, 2008

Regaining my Sock Mojo

Closeup for Scoutj sock

Last week, I was at a standstill. Did I continue with my Monkey Socks or did I rip? I decided to rip. The socks, they were not singing to me of thier joy at being paired with the Monkey Pattern. They told me that they liked the pattern but not for them. So I ripped, ripped, ripped. And then I cast on again for a pair of simple, plain socks.

ScoutJ Sock

And now my socks they are singing to me. I am knitting faster and faster so I can have a nice warm pair of socks to wear which is important because today is frickin' cold and it's been sorta snowing outside. Brrrrr!
Friday, January 25, 2008

Eye Candy Friday

Lucky Laundry

Heather Champ recently gave away rolls of expired Lucky Film which is produced in China and I was lucky enough to get a roll. I ran out and snapped photos with my film camera and I learned that I need to use film more! I've lost my touch. But still this was my favorite picture from the roll.
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Deadlines, Deadlines

CWD: Audit Group - Homework

I've been working hard on my 101 in 1001 list but I noticed that in the last few months, I've been letting things slide. In order to work against this, I've decided that I will get the following items completed by March 1st.

1. Read all unread Bill Bryson books (The Palace Under the Alps and Over 200 Other Unusual, Unspoiled, and Infrequently Visited Spots in 16 European Countries, Down Under, The Mother Tongue: English and How it Got That Way, Made in America: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States, Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words)

2. Complete the Master Hand Knitting, Level 1 program (I have the swatches mostly complete and 5 out of the 17 questions on the report completed. I still need to knit the hat, write the report and triple check my swatches.)

3. Knit two socks at once on two circular needles

4. Make an emergency preparedness kit for my car (I actually have one in my car but it needs to be updated!)

5. Floss every day for a month (I started doing this on Sunday, January 20th)

6. Recycle my old cell phone

7. Replace all regular batteries in my house with rechargeable batteries

8. Document an entire day with photos

9. Do my taxes in 2008

10. Buy a surge protector for the computer that shuts off energy when the computer is asleep

11. Buy Life.doc and use it (I have this, I just need to fill it out!)

12. Knit a sweater for me! (Central Park Hoodie is in progress)

13. Do 100 crunches at once
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monkey Decisions

Monkey Sock Colors

My Monkey Socks are knitting up quickly but now I'm pondering the marriage of this yarn with this pattern. Maybe the yarn wants to be a basic sock? Maybe the pattern wants different yarn? What do you think?

I'm going sleep on it and look at them in the morning in a new light. I just love this yarn and this pattern so much but maybe they aren't meant to be together.
Monday, January 21, 2008

Socks for The Mother

Mom Socks

Over the weekend, I finished up the second sock of my Mom's simple socks and they are lovely!

From high above

Socks for the mother

I washed them in SOAK last night and they are now drying for gifting tonight.

Monkey Casting

And of course, I quickly cast on for another pair of socks, Monkeys!
Friday, January 18, 2008

Favorite Self Portrait of the Week

Day 29 (29/366): Snow White and Her Apple

I've become obsessed with my self portraits which isn't a surprise since I have to take a new one every day for 2008. This is my favorite one of the week though. I have decided that I'll share my favorite over here once a week. Click on the photo for more!

Eye Candy Friday

Attack of the Robot

Bender, the robot from Futurama lives just around the corner from my work! I heart Bender!
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Knitting as an Artform

There has been a shift in the knitting world and lately knitting has become more than something people do to make themselves clothing or other accessories. Now people are knitting actual art and I couldn't be more jealous.

Boing Boing featured this super cool and awesome knitted dissected frog and then today Jessica featured is at her Thurday Feature and while she may not love it, I do!(CORRECTION: It's not that Jessica doesn't like the frog, it is that it reminds her of the traumatic nature of high school which I totally identify with. High School is that place were you have some of your best memories and some of your worst!)

I used to love to dissect things for High School Biology. I would come in early to dissect cool things like Sharks, a Pigeon, etc. I think my teacher was so excited that someone else was excited about this stuff that she would really encourage me to do more dissections. I really loved the prep work where you had to learn all the animal's parts and other important features. In fact, I still love prep work. I love all that pre-work one does before they start an actual project.

Now if only I could figure out how to knit my own dissected frog, now that would be too cool for school!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008



I saw a sneak preview of Cloverfield last night and I have to say that while it has a Blair Witchy feel to it, I liked it. I think they really accomplished what they set out to do and they did it well. I'd recommend this film to anyone but I will warn everyone that the handheld camera can make you feel a bit seasick once in awhile.
Monday, January 14, 2008

Sock Knitting for The Mum

Mum Sock

I've been cranking on this sock all weekend and it is almost complete! I always amaze myself when I knuckle down and focus. I'm at the toe which means that I need to put the sock into a slight holding pattern until I can get my Mum to try the sock on. I want to make sure that it isn't too long or two short.

The Potato and The Sock

I knit most of the sock yesterday. I made Scott go on a run/walk with me and while he told his cat that he thought he was going to die, he didn't and it was fun to be out on the Burke Gilman on a beautiful day.

I start my Half Marathon training next week so the run was an attempt to get ready for it. It's like cleaning the house before the housekeeper comes!
Friday, January 11, 2008

Eye Candy Friday

Day 23 (23/366) Bettie Lou Breaks Out

Bettie Lou busted out of prison today and quickly made her way to the bathroom where I found her shaving her beard and shaping up her "Weasel" mustache. I think she might have a crush on Scott. I'll be watching her.
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Knitting For My Mom

Sock Yarn for My Mom

After work, I blew off working out and shot over to Weaving Works where I grabbed some Colinette Jitterbug Sock Yarn for my Mom's socks. Oh and some yarn for socks for me!

Start of Mom Sock

Then I headed over to Scott's where I cast on for my Mom's socks.

Kato Guards the Sock

Kato carefully guarded the socks when I headed to the kitchen for some liquid refreshment. I think he likes these socks. I hope my Mom likes them just as much!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Knitting for my Mum

Self Portrait Tuesday - What I wear Knee Socks
Picture has nothing to do with the post, I just wanted some color and a pretty picture!

Last night I noticed that my Mom's socks were looking a bit rough around the edges. Seriously the heels were about to blow out and the toes have holes. These are socks that I got in the long ago Sock Wars that did not fit my feet correctly BUT they fit my Mom so she won them.

After teasing her about her socks, she mentioned that she didn't get any socks for Christmas (she did get a scarf) and that she really wanted some socks. So today I've spent some time thinking of a sock pattern and sock yarn for the socks I'm going to make for my Mom-a-sun!

Hey I'm easy, if you beg me to knit something for you and you are my Mom, you are probably going to get what you want. Anyhow, she's a nice lady and she deserves to have socks that are not holey and sad-looking on her feet.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Central Park Hoodie Progress

Back of Central Park Hoodie

Last night at Purly Girls, I finished up the back for the Central Park Hoodie and quickly cast on for the left front of the cardigan. I'm using Araucania Nature Wool in Colorway 09 and LOVING this sweater. It's a fairly quick knit so far (you know if someone doesn't get all distracted and knit up yarn wigs, then that someone would be further along). Yummy!

Central Park Hoodie Back
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

It May Be Time For An Intervention

Day 15 Outtake #1

Ummm I don't know how to say this but I just knit myself a wig out of yarn so I could get a funny 365 Self Portrait and ummmm, I think it is pretty darn funny.

I've been searching for a reason to knit the Hallowig for years and with the 365 project, I found my excuse!

Day 15 (15/366): Don't You Turn My Brown Hair Blue!

And my bonus reason for knitting this is that Not Martha designed it and tomorrow I'll tell you a funny little six degrees about Not Martha.

Day 15 Outtake #2

Come On! You guys love it when I get all crazy with the yarn and make crazy wigs for myself. Mwahhhh!
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