Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pinterest Thursday - Pumpkin Garland


With Halloween just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to a do more holiday related pin this week.  I saw this adorable pumpkin garland pin on the site and had to make some pumpkins of my very own. Another bonus was that it was a project involving yarn and yarn is something I have plenty of in my house. 

This is a seriously easy pin. I think it took me all of three minutes to complete while also texting with my two favorite text buddies. 

I grabbed some orange yarn and decided to use green yarn for the stem instead of a pipe cleaner because I didn't want to go to the store. I wrapped the yarn around my hand and then tied off the "pom-pom" when I had a big enough poof (I didn't count like the pin suggested because I was distracted with texting). Then I tied on the green yarn for a stem and ta-da! I had a pumpkin! If my cats and kid weren't so interested in yarn, I'd make the whole garland and hang it up by my fireplace but that path only leads to disaster. Instead my pumpkin shall keep me company by my computer (far out of reach of the cats and child).

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