Molly started pre-ballet lessons at the beginning of the month. They were a gift from my Mom along with a dance outfit and ballet shoes. She has been infatuated with being a ballerina, just like Angelina the Ballerina for months. She goes to class once a week and plies around the house every chance she gets. Parents are not allowed in the room during lessons but there is a small video monitor where we can see our tiny dancers. I don't usually get to watch Molly much at all as her sister is usually busy running down the hallway, away from the waiting area. So I was super excited for this week's class which was an in-studio dance recital! We were encouraged to invite guests so I brought my Mom and asked Scott to duck out of work early for the show.
My tiny dancer & famous non-napper fell asleep on the way to pick up my Mom. Molly was so asleep and wasn't roused by my jiggling of her leg. Traffic ended up being a bit more than I anticipated so we were cutting it close. I dropped my Mom off in front of the studio and then circled to find a parking space. Once parked, I leapt from the car, grabbed Maggie and woke Molly up while yelling, HURRY! HURRY! IT'S TIME TO DANCE! (note: Molly has a hard time being woken up and then having to do something right away. She always ends up crying and wanting to just sit in my lap.)

We scooted inside and I walked Molly down to the rehearsal room. I helped her get her ballet shoes on and right as I was about to hand her over to her teacher, she broke down in tears. I spent some time trying to console her, tried bribing her and even tried being extra firm. None of these worked! Scott arrived and consoled her. Molly began to perk up and I threw in one more last ditch effort, I noticed the girls had crowns and wands! I said, You can have a wand and a crown! She perked up and headed into the studio. Success!

Scott and I headed back to the recital space and found my Mom. We settled in and prepared to watch the show. Five minutes later, Molly came running in, sobbing. She couldn't do it. She was so upset. I was honestly a bit frustrated with her. I was so excited to see her dance and she wouldn't do it. She wouldn't dance with her class! This is where I have a hard time as a parent. I'm excited about something happening with my child and then she refuses to do it. Logically I know I should be the adult and guide her through her emotional times but emotionally I end up so disappointed that I start using poor tactics to deal with the situation. I bribe, I push, I threaten. And none of this works.

And so next time I hope that I'm able to be the adult in these situations and take a deep breathe, push down my disappointment and console my child. Because there are going to be so many more of these situations as the years go on and my role is to provide my children with guidance through emotional turmoil, rough situations and happy adventures. I can only hope that Molly dances at her next recital because it is going to be a big one with a costume and a rented fall. And if she doesn't, I'm ready to smile, hug her tight and quiet my disappointment.