Saturday, September 30, 2017

Week in Review 9.30.17


We've been having some adjustments around the house due to the new school year and entrance to kindergarten. None of it is unexpected and yet all of it is so aggravating. Scott got fed up with the girls refusing to go to bed on Sunday night and told them he was taking TV away for a month. I may have stared at him aghast before muttering, "Don't dole out a punishment, I have to enforce." I decided to go along with it and while I did give the girls time on their kindles, this has been a good thing. They have been playing together a lot more and being more kind. Bedtime, sigh, continues to be a struggle. 



I got in 3 
workouts this week - two boot camp classes and a CityCycle Spin Class. Maggie shared her cold with me this week and I started to feel bad on Wednesday morning but powered through boot camp. Then on Thursday I had already signed up for CityCycle through ClassPass and would have been charged if I didn't go so I went. I thought I might sweat the fever out. A friend of mine also went. It was her first class and she totally dug it. I decided to skip exercise on Friday and today just to rest up. I'll be back at it on Monday! 


I've been shopping a big more with Acme Food and Farms and LOVING their offerings. Instead of going out on the weekend, I've been making more food from their offerings and we're eating better and saving money. I've been getting thier locavore boxes and using adding a breakfast or lunch add-on. Sometimes I do a quick and ready. It is all so good! If you'd like to try them, here is a referral link.


I've also started making soups! I do love Fall because I like to make hearty soups and one of my favorites is Buffalo Chicken Soup


The Girls

Molly and I continue to walk to school everyday and it's been really nice. We have chats about what is coming up and what she'll do at school. Her school's curriculum night was on Thursday and it was fun to hear from the PTA and see what is going on in her classroom. She has such a loving kindergarten teacher which is just so perfect for her. 


Molly also had her first ballet drop-off experience. I had a meeting to go to and Scott wasn't home yet so I dropped her off and said that Scott would pick her up at the end. She was so nervous but excited about all of it working out when I got home from my meeting. She's growing up! 


Other Goings On

The Refined Reads book club met on Friday night and I got to meet Nancy Pearl! I was so excited and she is really a kind woman. I also quite enjoyed her new book, George & Lizzie and the discussion was great. 

Stories Published

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Week in Review 9.23.17


Scott came home from India on Monday and we were all so excited. He's been slowly getting into the new routine and getting over jet lag. I think we all need a nice quiet weekend at home. I had a lot of writing to get done which was good. It was also a bit stressful since I had a hard time getting people to respond to my requests for images and information. 



I got in 5 
workouts this week - three boot camp classes, a barre3 class with one of my favorite instructors and a really good yoga class. My leg and hip are still bothering me so I'm working on strength and trying to loosen up the muscles. The yoga class this morning was hard on my leg but afterwards felt so wonderful since we really stretched our muscles. 


I also signed up for the Fall Transformation Program with Sync and I'm so excited. I need a reboot. I have the exercise portion down but need to get back to the heavy veggie lifestyle. Sometimes a reboot is just something one needs. 



The lunch excitement continues with most of my new ideas being rejected. I did however turn Molly onto tortilla roll-ups so one more fun thing to add to the rotation. She's been really into finishing her leftover lunch when she gets home so I wonder if they say something at lunch about finishing your food at home. 


I'm also back on my meal prep plan and loving it. I plan to write about how I do it soon. Anyone have anything they want to hear about meal prep and how to do it? 


The Girls

This week was spent getting used to the routine. The excitement of getting up early for school is slowly wearing off for the kids. I like having a bit more time to get things done but do not really enjoy the 7:00 a.m. to 7:40 a.m rush. I feel a bit like a Drill Sargent. "SHOES!" COAT!" "GO! GO! GO!"



I also spent last weekend painting the girl's room. When they heard I was going to paint the kitchen, they insisted on jumping the line and having me paint their room purple. Their room hadn't been painted since before Molly was born, over 6 years ago so it was time. It turned out really cute but it was an exhausting feat!


Other Goings On

There wasn't really much in the "Other Goings On" arena this week as I had a lot of work to get done. We did however meet with our architect and start working on our new basement design. We plan to start work in January and I'm super excited! It is going to be a lot of work but it is going to be so worth it. All I'm excited that it is officially FALL!


Stories Published

Seattle Refined: A comprehensive guide to all things fall in Seattle 

Seattle Refined: Goodbye summer, hello fall foliage road trips (!!)
Seattle's Child: Get your fitness on with these parent friendly workout classes
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Fall Bucket List 2017


We may not have accomplished everything on our Summer Bucket List but hey #goals. Fall is my favorite season and I decided it would be fun to make a Fall Bucket List. We may not finish this list either but it is fun creating it and dreaming about all the fun adventures we might have. 

  1. Go apple picking
  2. Carve/ Decorate pumpkins
  3. Visit Swanson's Harvest Festival 
  4. Splash in the Rain
  5. Do the Pumpkin Bash at the Woodland Park Zoo
  6. Start a knitting project
  7. Create a cold weather reading nook
  8. Buy some new candles
  9. Watch a fall movie
  10. Go on a hike
  11. Go on a leaf hunt with the kids and do art
  12. Fly a kite
  13. Paint gourds
  14. Go to the Farmer’s Market
  15. Watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade (on tv)
  16. Take a Ferry trip
  17. Go to Olympia and visit the Children's Museum
  18. Head to Suncadia for the weekend
  19. Make soup
  20. Get a new plant
Saturday, September 16, 2017

Week in Review 9.16.17


Molly started Kindergarten on Monday and then that afternoon, Scott left for India. It was a busy and emotional week but we powered through and did quite well. I am really enjoying the walk to and from Molly's school. I have a feeling I am going to really like it when I can leave Maggie at home in the morning with Scott and walk Molly alone. 



I got in 4 
workouts this week - two boot camp classes, a barre3 class at the new West Seattle location, and a barre/cycle class at Community Fitness. My hip was really hurting me on Tuesday so I've been trying to take it gentle this week. I told the instructor at the barre/cycle class about my leg and hip area hurting and she suggested that ride slower at a higher gear. It felt pretty good.  I also took a few epsom salt baths to loosen up the muscles. My gym also had a surprise flood but the pro trainers were able to adjust the workouts and keep everything running smoothly as the owner worked to get everything back in place. I also started walking Molly to school everyday. It's about a block and a half away so I've added 6 blocks to my walking everyday which is bumping up to my 12,000 steps goal. I've really enjoyed it. 



Food this week has been all about school lunches. I honestly LOVE making lunch and putting it in a cute box. I have been keeping them fairly simple so Molly can just dive in and eat. She has already complained about not having enough time to eat. She also said the chocolate pieces I've put in her lunch are her favorite part. Ha! The lunches are coming back mostly eaten so I feel good about what I'm packing. All veggies continue to be rejected. I'll keep packing them. 



The Girls

Molly started her first day of Kindergarten and has already been enforcing the classroom rules at home. She got nervous on her second day heading into class so I followed her in and then gently shoved her into the room. The rest of the week went just fine. Maggie and I surprised her at lunch on Friday which was great. We had a really rough Friday morning and she looked so sad when we first saw her and brightened right up when she spotted us. 



I re-started the Peaceful Preschool with Maggie. It gives us a good activity between preschool pick-up and elementary school pick-up where I can focus Maggie and help her learn. Otherwise, she just watches tv or trashes the house. Neither of which excite me. Also Maggie loves glitter glue and even though she isn't quite using it in the way I imagined, it is making her very happy. 


The girls also started ballet again. Maggie is doing pre-ballet/tap again this year and Molly has moved up to Ballet 1. They are with their favorite teacher, Ms. Holly and I have high expectations for this year. 


Other Goings On

Last Saturday, Maggie's preschool class (the Kangaroo class) headed up to the Outback Kangaroo farm to check out the kangaroos and other animals. It was so much fun even with LuLu, the angry kangaroo attacking kids. 


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

August Book Report


I worked hard to get through the 2017 Summer Book Bingo but missed it by a few books. OK I missed it by 6 books but I'm still planning to read them. I had a month of books that I didn't really love except the first one I read. However, I've already turned that around in September which thrills me to no end. 


I read "1984" by George Orwell for the "Published the year one of your parents was born" category in the 2017 Summer Book Bingo. 1984 is an amazing book. This book was simply amazing even though it took me longer to finish than it should have. One line hit too close to current events and summed up the book so well - "Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship." I know why 1984 is a classic. 


I read "You are a Badass" by Jen Sinciero for the "You've been meaning to read" category. I was so excited to read this book. It honestly it was a slog to get through. I've been reading it since the beginning of July and just did not connect with her message. All of it sounded like something I've heard before and things I actually say. I could see where this could be a message for others but for me, there wasn't a connection. 


I read "Goodbye Vitamin" by Rachel Khong for the "Finish in a day" category. Another book I just felt meh about. I enjoyed the writing and the subject matter was interesting but somewhere along the way I didn't love it but I still finished it in a day! It was a Seattle Refined book club pick and the discussion about it was amazing! I love our book club. You can watch our discussion on

I read "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield for the "About art or an artist" category. Another book I just felt meh about. It felt a bit too preach to me but I'm still glad I read it since it has been in my list for ages. I think I had too many "self-help" books this month and I was not in a "self-help" mood. 

Yearly Book Total: 31/52

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links which means if you buy something from a link, I receive a very small percentage back. 
Monday, September 11, 2017

Dear Molly on Your First Day of Kindergarten


Dear Molly,

This morning you headed off to your first day of kindergarten. It feels like just yesterday, you were a tiny baby wrapped up in my arms. This morning, you confidently marched to school, commanding us to follow. There was hesitation in your body, at the last minute where you told me, you did not want to go but with a gentle push, you were on your way.


I'm so excited for you to start this journey. You had an amazing time at Small Faces but this is the school you will remember. These are the teachers who will shape you. Your preschool teachers gave you a great start and for that we can always be grateful.


This year I hope you learn to love school. I hope you learn to count to 500. I hope you keep calling numbers letters and letters numbers. I can't wait to watch you really learn how to read. It's going to be an amazing year of growth.


In a few short hours, I'll head back to the school to pick you up. I can't wait to hear about your day. I'm sure you'll just tell me it was good but I'm going to try to gently prod some information out of you. I also can't wait to see how little of your lunch you ate. The lunch I lovingly packed last night.


I love you, Molly Pop! We are all so proud of you and can't wait to hear how your first day of Kindergarten went!


Mom and Dad (and Maggie too)



Sunday, September 10, 2017

Week in Review 9.10.17



Maggie started back at preschool this week while Molly had to wait for Kindergarten to start. Molly and I spent the week having fun with hair cuts, pedicures and a playdate to the Zoo. We are so ready for school to start tomorrow. 



I got in 5 workouts this week - three boot camp classes, a barre3 class, and a CorePower Yoga Sculpt class. I really enjoyed my barre3 class and the CorePower was so sweaty! My rear-end has been sore all weekend from boot camp. Seriously sore! 



Our CSA had huckleberries this week which I greatly enjoyed with my homemade yogurt and some honey. DELICIOUS! 


I received a Brandless delivery this week. Everything was $3 and it was ok. I'm not sure I'd go through the effort again to get a delivery though things tasted good.  


The Girls

Maggie had her first day of school back at preschool. She went there all summer and is in the same classroom so there was little adjustment. She loves the room and her teachers but is adjusting to not having Molly in the same school. They really love hanging out together and played together on the playground a lot.  


Emotions were high this week. We had a horrible trip to Costco where Molly just lost it. Afterwards (always afterwards), I figured out that she is nervous about Kindergarten and I kept asking her what foods she wanted in her lunch and for classroom snack. Yeah, not helpful, Mom! 


Maggie keeps torturing Lewis. Lewis keeps liking it. Mel-b and Lewis are slowly working to make this arrangement work. It's slow days. 


Other Goings On

There weren't much other goings on this week. We had a holiday weekend and got a bunch of outside stuff taken care of. I still need to pressure wash the patio but the pressure washer is being a pill. I did however get the banisters stained and sealed. Repainted the threshold. Cleaned up the yard and garden. Bought paint for the inside painting I'll be doing this fall, etc. I also bought a new plant and have been fighting Lewis on not attacking my beautiful plants. I'm going to win this one! 

Photo Credit: Jonathan Rosenberry/November Project Facebook Page)

Stories Published

Seattle Refined: 
Free workouts? You just have to be OK with hugs & strict start times
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