Thursday, June 29, 2017

5 Rockstar Workouts for Summer Travel


This year, I'm working toward 217 workouts in 2017 and I am not about to let travel get in the way of my goal.  As we prepare to head out on our two week road trip, I'm making plans for my workouts. I've put together a set of workouts that don't require any special equipment and can be done in 30-40 minutes. I also plan to hike some and walk a lot.

ABC Workout

Workout #1  - The ABC Workout

I found this one in one of my workout groups and shared it with another. This led one of the Sync Fitness trainers to have us do this workout at Sync Fitness Boot Camp and I loved it! The concept is simple. Do a quick 5-min warm-up and then start spelling (i.e. your name, your school's mascot, etc) and do the corresponding exercise. One of my friends just did the entire alphabet which I like too. Set the timer for 25-30 minutes and get going! You'll be amazed at how quickly you run out of things to spell. Make sure to stretch at the end.

Image Credit: PopSugar

Workout #2 - PopStar Tabata

This workout comes from Pop Sugar and is a great 40 minute burner. Bonus: No equipment is needed! Find out more information at Pop Sugar: Do This Superset Tabata Workout Anywhere

Image Credit: Barre3

Workout #3 - Barre3 Online

Barre3 offers an awesome subscription service but a little known fact, some of their workouts are free! I love this one because it is a quick 30 minute blast of intensity. This video does suggest the use of a barre3 ball and weights but you can leave those out if you don't have them with you.

Check out the barre3 workout here!


Workout #4 - ClassPass

I use ClassPass at home but love it when I travel. It gives me the opportunity to try new studios in different cities. If the city you are visiting does not have ClassPass, I recently discovered that ClassPass has workout videos!

Interested in trying out ClassPass, use my referral link for $40 off your first month. Videos do not count toward your monthly class total!


Workout #5 - Boot Camp Card Play

One of my favorite Sync Fitness Boot Camp workouts is when the trainer pulls out a deck of cards. As with the ABC workout, each exercise is determined by each card. Start with a proper warm-up then draw cards for 20 minutes and finish with a good stretch for a great workout.

Hearts = Pushups
Diamonds = Squats
Clubs =  Overhead Press
Spades = Frog Jumps
Jokers = Run in Place or Around the Block + 10 Burpees
Face Cards = Cardio for 20 seconds

Cardio Ideas: 180 degree Squat Jumps, Jacks, Skaters or Squat Hops

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