Saturday, June 10, 2017

Week in Review 6.10.17


We had some ups and downs this week, mainly related to the girl's sleep. They both magically went to bed on their own on Tuesday night at a very reasonable time. After re-charging, they were back to their late ways the next night. Something has got to give! 



I had another week of 5 workouts and it was great! I went to 2 boot camps, walked Greenlake, took a barre3 class and saw my TWO favorite instructors and took a SHIFT class with a friend. I had some great workouts this week even though the week started out iffy. I woke up on Monday and felt horrible. I decided to skip boot camp and headed back to bed for a few hours of zzzz's. Turns out all I needed was some sleep and then I was back at it!



Over the weekend, I cooked up a storm and prepped a ton of our meals. Sunday night's meal was from Amy Pennington's Salad Days book and it was delicious! I made miso glazed salmon with soba noodles. I even made some zucchini bread from Andrea Bemis's Dishing up the Dirt cookbook. I admit to being a bit hesitant about it since it only had 1/2 cup of honey and no other sugars added. It was amazingly good! It did not need any sugars other than honey. YUM!


Prepping for our meals ahead of time meant that I was able to make a bit more complicated dinners this week. We had Half Baked Harvest's Korean Chicken Tacos which I usually save for weekend cooking due to all the sauces. I made the sauces on the weekend and then was able to pull dinner together in a short timeframe.



The Girls

The girls are growing like weeds and keep us on our toes. They are so full of energy and strong spirits which will serve them well but right now is just so much energy. I recently read an article from Motherly on The strong-willed child: How to turn power struggles into cooperation. It had Scott and I nodding our heads in agreement. For instance, Maggie decided she didn't like swimming lessons and was not going to go into the pool. I spent an hour talking to her about her options and finding out what she didn't like. Turns out she didn't know the name of her teacher and was worried about falling off the swim platform. I found out her teacher's name and then asked her to place Maggie on the inside corner of the platform so she'd have two pool walls around her. She then happily did her lessons. But it took so much work and time to get there.


Wednesdays are dessert day for the girls. We get dessert after school so they can get the sugar out of their system. I also enjoy the time we spend talking about their days. Maggie told me that she had painted her face and arms at school so she could be a zombie. She then walked around the room with her arms raised while saying,  I'm a Zombie. I have no idea where she gets this stuff but it is pretty hilarious.


I had my car detailed on Friday as it was super gross. The place needed it most of the day and a friend suggested that we take the bus somewhere. We turned that into Adventure Day! We took the bus to Pike Place Market, walked to the Olympic Sculpture Park, went to Scott's work for lunch and then ended the day at the Zoo. I walked over 17,000 steps and we took 7 buses. It was an epically fun day and I can't wait to one again! We are at a sweet point where the girls can go places, carry their own things and have a great time. We are not bogged down with diapers or naps. I LOVE it! 


Other Goings On

I deep cleaned the garage this last weekend and took a huge load of crap to the dump. I was thrilled that most of the items I wanted to get rid of were happily taken by my Buy Nothing Group. I was able to offload a bike, excess fencing wood, millwork and some Ikea bed slats. I'm preparing for our basement remodel early next year by purging the basement and garage. I'll have less to pack up and less crap in our house. I'm taking my time but it feels really good to get rid of stuff.

I've also been revamping our June Menu as Scott will be traveling extensively *surprise!* the last half of the month. I love cooking but I am not motivated to cook gourmet meals for kids who really only want Mac and Cheese. I'm going to be making my life easier, not harder when he is gone.

Stories Published 

Seattle Refined: Cold Brew: May you have it, love it, and drink it (ALL)

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